521 research outputs found

    Does training-induced orthostatic hypotension result from reduced carotid baroreflex responsiveness?

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    As manned space travel has steadily increased in duration and sophistication, the answer to a simple, relevant question remains elusive. Does endurance exercise training - high intensity rhythmic activity, performed regularly for extended periods of time - alter the disposition to, or severity of, postflight orthostatic hypotension? Research results continue to provide different views; however, data are difficult to compare because of the following factors that vary between investigations: the type of orthostatic stress imposed (+Gz, lower body negative pressure (LBNP), head-up tilt); pretest perturbations used (exercise, heat exposure, head-down tilting, bed rest, water immersion, hypohydration, pharmacologically-induced diuresis); the length of the training program used in longitudinal investigations (days versus weeks versus months); the criteria used to define fitness; and the criteria used to define orthostatic tolerance. Generally, research results indicate that individuals engaged in aerobic exercise activities for a period of years have been reported to have reduced orthostatic tolerance compared to untrained control subjects, while the results of shorter term longitudinal studies remain equivocal. Such conclusions suggest that chronic athletic training programs reduce orthostatic tolerance, whereas relatively brief (days to weeks) training programs do not affect orthostatic tolerance to any significant degree (increase or decrease). A primary objective was established to identify the alterations in blood pressure control that contribute to training-induced orthostatic hypotension (TIOH). Although any aspect of blood pressure regulation is suspect, current research has been focused on the baroreceptor system. Reductions in carotid baroreflex responsiveness have been documented in exercise-trained rabbits, reportedly due to an inhibitory influence from cardiac afferent, presumably vagal, nerve fibers that is abolished with intrapericardiac denervation. The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to determine if similar relationships existed in men with varied levels of fitness, using maximal aerobic power, VO2 max, as the marker of fitness

    Sleep deprivation-induced impairment of memory consolidation is not mediated by glucocorticoid stress hormones

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    The general consensus is that sleep promotes neuronal recovery and plasticity, whereas sleep deprivation (SD) impairs brain function, including cognitive processes. Indeed, a wealth of data has shown a negative impact of SD on learning and memory processes, particularly those that involve the hippocampus. The mechanisms underlying these negative effects of sleep loss are only partly understood, but a reoccurring question is whether they are in part caused by stress hormones that may be released during SD. The purpose of the present study is therefore to examine the role of glucocorticoid stress hormones in SD-induced memory impairment. Male C57BL/6J mice were trained in an object-location memory paradigm, followed by 6 hr of SD by mild stimulation. At the beginning of the SD mice were injected with the corticosterone synthesis inhibitor metyrapone. Memory was tested 24 hr after training. Blood samples taken in a separate group of mice showed that SD resulted in a mild but significant increase in plasma corticosterone levels, which was prevented by metyrapone. However, the SD-induced impairment in object-location memory was not prevented by metyrapone treatment. This indicates that glucocorticoids play no role in causing the memory impairments seen after a short period of SD

    Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics during Concentric and Eccentric Phases of Heavy Resistance Exercise

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    Rapid and drastic fluctuations in arterial blood pressures, such as those occurring during heavy resistance exercise pose a unique challenge to the maintenance of cerebral perfusion. During high-intensity leg cycling, regulation of cerebral perfusion is reduced by rapid decreases in beat-to-beat fluctuations in blood pressure (diastolic phase) rather than rapid increases (systolic phase). The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that rhythmic heavy resistance exercise will similarly impair the regulation of cerebral blood flow during the diastolic phase of beat-to-beat fluctuations in pressure. We studied seven healthy male subjects. Beat-to-beat finger arterial pressures, and middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCAv) were measured during 10 repetitions (REP) of rhythmic high intensity leg press exercise. Velocities and arterial pressures were evaluated during both the isotonic concentric and eccentric phases of each REP. The Gosling pulsatility index (PI) of MCAv of each REP was calculated as MCAv systolic-MCAv diastolic/MCAv mean. During the concentric phase, systolic arterial pressures progressively increased from REP 1 through REP 10 (P \u3c 0.001), while systolic MCAv was not different across all REPs (P \u3e0.2). Diastolic arterial pressures during the eccentric phase also increased from REP 1 through REP 10 (P = 0.03) however diastolic MCAv decreased during REPs 7-10 compared with REP 2 (P ≀ 0.02). MCAv PI also increased during REP 7-10 compared to REP 2 (P ≀ 0.02). Similar to high-intensity leg cycling, our data suggest that during rhythmic high-intensity leg press exercise, cerebral perfusion is well controlled during periods of rapid increases in blood pressure, but regulation of cerebral perfusion is impaired during the diastolic phase of beat-to-beat fluctuations in pressure

    Phosphodiesterase inhibitors roflumilast and vardenafil prevent sleep deprivation-induced deficits in spatial pattern separation

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    Sleep deprivation (SD) is known to impair hippocampus-dependent memory processes, in part by stimulating the phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity. In the present study, we assessed in mice whether SD also affects spatial pattern separation, a cognitive process that specifically requires the dentate gyrus (DG) subregion of the hippocampus. Adult male mice were trained in an object pattern separation (OPS) task in the middle of the light phase and then tested 24 hr thereafter. In total, we conducted three studies using the OPS task. In the first study, we validated the occurrence of pattern separation and tested the effects of SD. We found that 6 hr of SD during the first half of the light phase directly preceding the test trial impaired the spatial pattern separation performance. As a next step, we assessed in two consecutive studies whether the observed SD-induced performance deficits could be prevented by the systemic application of two different PDE inhibitors that are approved for human use. Both the PDE4 inhibitor roflumilast and PDE5 inhibitor vardenafil successfully prevented SD-induced deficits in spatial pattern separation. As a result, these PDE inhibitors have clinical potential for the prevention of memory deficits associated with loss of sleep

    Elucidating the role of protein synthesis in hippocampus-dependent memory consolidation across the day and night

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    It is widely acknowledged that de novo protein synthesis is crucial for the formation and consolidation of long‐term memories. While the basal activity of many signaling cascades that modulate protein synthesis fluctuates in a circadian fashion, it is unclear whether the temporal dynamics of protein synthesis‐dependent memory consolidation vary depending on the time of day. More specifically, it is unclear whether protein synthesis inhibition affects hippocampus‐dependent memory consolidation in rodents differentially across the day (i.e., the inactive phase with an abundance of sleep) and night (i.e., the active phase with little sleep). To address this question, male and female C57Bl6/J mice were trained in a contextual fear conditioning task at the beginning or the end of the light phase. Animals received a single systemic injection with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin or vehicle directly, 4, 8 hr, or 11.5 hr following training, and memory was assessed after 24 hr. Here, we show that protein synthesis inhibition impaired the consolidation of context–fear memories selectively when the protein synthesis inhibitor was administered at the first three time points, irrespective of timing of training. Even though the basal activity of signaling pathways regulating de novo protein synthesis may fluctuate across the 24‐hr cycle, these results suggest that the temporal dynamics of protein synthesis‐dependent memory consolidation are similar for day‐time and night‐time learning

    Cofilin overactivation improves hippocampus-dependent short-term memory

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    Many living organisms of the animal kingdom have the fundamental ability to form and retrieve memories. Most information is initially stored as short-term memory, which is then converted to a more stable long-term memory through a process called memory consolidation. At the neuronal level, synaptic plasticity is crucial for memory storage. It includes the formation of new spines, as well as the modification of existing spines, thereby tuning and shaping synaptic efficacy. Cofilin critically contributes to memory processes as upon activation, it regulates the shape of dendritic spines by targeting actin filaments. We previously found that prolonged activation of cofilin in hippocampal neurons attenuated the formation of long-term object-location memories. Because the modification of spine shape and structure is also essential for short-term memory formation, we determined whether overactivation of hippocampal cofilin also influences the formation of short-term memories. To this end, mice were either injected with an adeno-associated virus expressing catalytically active cofilin, or an eGFP control, in the hippocampus. We show for the first time that cofilin overactivation improves short-term memory formation in the object-location memory task, without affecting anxiety-like behavior. Surprisingly, we found no effect of cofilin overactivation on AMPA receptor expression levels. Altogether, while cofilin overactivation might negatively impact the formation of long-lasting memories, it may benefit short-term plasticity.</p
