72 research outputs found

    Impact of b-value on estimates of apparent fibre density

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    Recent advances in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) analysis techniques have improved our understanding of fibre-specific variations in white matter microstructure. Increasingly, studies are adopting multi-shell dMRI acquisitions to improve the robustness of dMRI-based inferences. However, the impact of b-value choice on the estimation of dMRI measures such as apparent fibre density (AFD) derived from spherical deconvolution is not known. Here, we investigate the impact of b-value sampling scheme on estimates of AFD. First, we performed simulations to assess the correspondence between AFD and simulated intra-axonal signal fraction across multiple b-value sampling schemes. We then studied the impact of sampling scheme on the relationship between AFD and age in a developmental population (n=78) aged 8-18 (mean=12.4, SD=2.9 years) using hierarchical clustering and whole brain fixel-based analyses. Multi-shell dMRI data were collected at 3.0T using ultra-strong gradients (300 mT/m), using 6 diffusion-weighted shells ranging from 0 – 6000 s/mm2. Simulations revealed that the correspondence between estimated AFD and simulated intra-axonal signal fraction was improved with high b-value shells due to increased suppression of the extra-axonal signal. These results were supported by in vivo data, as sensitivity to developmental age-relationships was improved with increasing b-value (b=6000 s/mm2, median R2 = .34; b=4000 s/mm2, median R2 = .29; b=2400 s/mm2, median R2 = .21; b=1200 s/mm2, median R2 = .17) in a tract-specific fashion. Overall, estimates of AFD and age-related microstructural development were better characterised at high diffusion-weightings due to improved correspondence with intra-axonal properties

    Novel insights into axon diameter and myelin content in late childhood and adolescence

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    White matter microstructural development in late childhood and adolescence is driven predominantly by increasing axon density and myelin thickness. Ex vivo studies suggest that the increase in axon diameter drives developmental increases in axon density observed with pubertal onset. In this cross-sectional study, 50 typically developing participants aged 8–18 years were scanned using an ultra-strong gradient magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Microstructural properties, including apparent axon diameter (da) ⁠, myelin content, and g-ratio, were estimated in regions of the corpus callosum. We observed age-related differences in da ⁠, myelin content, and g-ratio. In early puberty, males had larger da in the splenium and lower myelin content in the genu and body of the corpus callosum, compared with females. Overall, this work provides novel insights into developmental, pubertal, and cognitive correlates of individual differences in apparent axon diameter and myelin content in the developing human brain

    Developmental differences in canonical cortical networks: insights from microstructure-informed tractography

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    In response to a growing interest in refining brain connectivity assessments, this study focuses on integrating white matter fibre-specific microstructural properties into structural connectomes. Spanning ages 8-19 years in a developmental sample, it explores age-related patterns of microstructure-informed network properties at both local and global scales. First the diffusion-weighted signal fraction associated with each tractography-reconstructed streamline was constructed. Subsequently, the Convex Optimization Modelling for Microstructure-Informed Tractography (COMMIT) approach was employed to generate microstructure-informed connectomes from diffusion MRI data. To complete the investigation, network characteristics within eight functionally defined networks (visual, somatomotor, dorsal attention, ventral attention, limbic, frontoparietal, default mode, and subcortical networks) were evaluated. The findings underscore a consistent increase in global efficiency across child and adolescent development within the visual, somatomotor, and default mode networks (p<.005). Additionally, mean strength exhibits an upward trend in the somatomotor and visual networks (p<.001). Notably, nodes within the dorsal and ventral visual pathways manifest substantial age-dependent changes in local efficiency, aligning with existing evidence of extended maturation in these pathways. The outcomes strongly support the notion of a prolonged developmental trajectory for visual association cortices. This study contributes valuable insights into the nuanced dynamics of microstructure-informed brain connectivity throughout different developmental stages

    Dimensionality reduction of diffusion MRI measures for improved tractometry of the human brain

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    Various diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures have been proposed for characterising tissue microstructure over the last 15 years. Despite the growing number of experiments using different dMRI measures in assessments of white matter, there has been limited work on: 1) examining their covariance along specific pathways; and on 2) combining these different measures to study tissue microstructure. Indeed, it quickly becomes intractable for existing analysis pipelines to process multiple measurements at each voxel and at each vertex forming a streamline, highlighting the need for new ways to visualise or analyse such high-dimensional data. In a sample of 36 typically developing children aged 8–18 years, we profiled various commonly used dMRI measures across 22 brain pathways. Using a data-reduction approach, we identified two biologically-interpretable components that capture 80% of the variance in these dMRI measures. The first derived component captures properties related to hindrance and restriction in tissue microstructure, while the second component reflects characteristics related to tissue complexity and orientational dispersion. We then demonstrate that the components generated by this approach preserve the biological relevance of the original measurements by showing age-related effects across developmentally sensitive pathways. In summary, our findings demonstrate that dMRI analyses can benefit from dimensionality reduction techniques, to help disentangling the neurobiological underpinnings of white matter organisation

    Dimensionality reduction of diffusion MRI measures for improved tractometry of the human brain

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    Various diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures have been proposed for characterising tissue microstructure over the last 15 years. Despite the growing number of experiments using different dMRI measures in assessments of white matter, there has been limited work on: 1) examining their covariance along specific pathways; and on 2) combining these different measures to study tissue microstructure. Indeed, it quickly becomes intractable for existing analysis pipelines to process multiple measurements at each voxel and at each vertex forming a streamline, highlighting the need for new ways to visualise or analyse such high-dimensional data. In a sample of 36 typically developing children aged 8–18 years, we profiled various commonly used dMRI measures across 22 brain pathways. Using a data-reduction approach, we identified two biologically-interpretable components that capture 80% of the variance in these dMRI measures. The first derived component captures properties related to hindrance and restriction in tissue microstructure, while the second component reflects characteristics related to tissue complexity and orientational dispersion. We then demonstrate that the components generated by this approach preserve the biological relevance of the original measurements by showing age-related effects across developmentally sensitive pathways. In summary, our findings demonstrate that dMRI analyses can benefit from dimensionality reduction techniques, to help disentangling the neurobiological underpinnings of white matter organisation

    Excessive early-life dietary exposure: a potential source of elevated brain iron and a risk factor for Parkinson\u27s disease

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    Iron accumulates gradually in the ageing brain. In Parkinson’s disease, iron deposition within the substantia nigra is further increased, contributing to a heightened pro-oxidant environment in dopaminergic neurons. We hypothesise that individuals in high-income countries, where cereals and infant formulae have historically been fortified with iron, experience increased early-life iron exposure that predisposes them to age-related iron accumulation in the brain. Combined with genetic factors that limit iron regulatory capacity and/or dopamine metabolism, this may increase the risk of Parkinson’s diseases. We propose to (a) validate a retrospective biomarker of iron exposure in children; (b) translate this biomarker to adults; (c) integrate it with in vivo brain iron in Parkinson’s disease; and (d) longitudinally examine the relationships between early-life iron exposure and metabolism, brain iron deposition and Parkinson’s disease risk. This approach will provide empirical evidence to support therapeutically addressing brain iron deposition in Parkinson’s diseases and produce a potential biomarker of Parkinson’s disease risk in preclinical individuals

    Detecting microstructural deviations in individuals with deep diffusion MRI tractometry

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    Most diffusion magnetic resonance imaging studies of disease rely on statistical comparisons between large groups of patients and healthy participants to infer altered tissue states in the brain; however, clinical heterogeneity can greatly challenge their discriminative power. There is currently an unmet need to move away from the current approach of group-wise comparisons to methods with the sensitivity to detect altered tissue states at the individual level. This would ultimately enable the early detection and interpretation of microstructural abnormalities in individual patients, an important step towards personalized medicine in translational imaging. To this end, Detect was developed to advance diffusion magnetic resonance imaging tractometry towards single-patient analysis. By operating on the manifold of white-matter pathways and learning normative microstructural features, our framework captures idiosyncrasies in patterns along white-matter pathways. Our approach paves the way from traditional group-based comparisons to true personalized radiology, taking microstructural imaging from the bench to the bedside