251 research outputs found

    Offender rehabilitation and reintegration through european normative lenses

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    Rehabilitation and reintegration are underlying challenges for all European prison systems. For this reason, the supranational legislation concerning the promotion and implementation of these principles is composed of numerous ad hoc instruments, closely related to human rights legislation. This contribution, with the aim of answering an essential question such as: “why some offender stops?” takes into consideration the main factors that, at a global level, are recognized as obstacles to the achievement of the pursued objective as well as the elements that, instead, can act as a positive push factors. A summary of the most widespread positions in the academic and practical field on the mentioned concepts is also offered, in order to facilitate the understanding of the state of the art at European level

    Multishot Adversarial Network Decoding

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    We investigate adversarial network coding and decoding focusing on the multishot regime. Errors can occur on a proper subset of the network edges and are modeled via an adversarial channel. The paper contains both bounds and capacity-achieving schemes for the Diamond Network and the Mirrored Diamond Network. We also initiate the study of the generalizations of these networks

    Pandemic in prison

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    The coronavirus emergency led to a particularly serious situation, increasing the precarious conditions in which the external company found itself.The responses of the penitentiary world have produced heterogeneous consequences, in some cases resulting in violent acts, in others based on internal mediation strategies that allowed collaboration between prisoners and staff.The implementation of new measures such as calls on a daily basis and video calls, certainly contributed to alleviating internal tensions and marked an innovative turning point for the national penitentiary system.The main problem, however, remains as always the overcrowding: in Italy but also in Europe has understandably increased the management problems of the pandemic

    Pandemic and right to university study in prison

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    The article n°34 of the Italian Constitution establishes that the school is open to all, without any reference to the personal conditions of the student that can be deprived of his freedom.This right to education is inviolable.The education is an es- sential element to reach the re-educational function of the sentence.The article n°17 of the Norms for the Penitentiary Sy- stem establishes the important role of the in the external community and of private and public subjects to help in re-educating and re-socializing prisoners. In normal conditions there are often contradictions between the principle and the reality of prison condition so in a condition of crisis such as the covid-19 pandemic there is a high risk to break important achievements in this part. Our article starts from thoughts on the right to study in prison and on the history of Criminology’s attention to the treatment of the offender and from studies on the sector of sentence execution.Then our article presents the results of surveys carried out by the National Conference of Delegates of Rectors for the Prison University Centers at the prison facilities where they are established, during the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Dinâmica de carbono em um solo cultivado com capim-Bermuda Tifton 85 e irrigado com esgoto tratado.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as variações no estoque e composição isotópica do C (?13C) no solo em uma pastagem de capim-Bermuda Tifton 85 (Lins/SP) irrigada com água e efluente secundário de esgoto tratado. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com seis tratamentos: SI (controle, sem irrigação e sem fertilização), A100 (água potável + 520 kg de N ha-1 ano-1); E0, E33, E66 e E100 (irrigação com esgoto tratado + 0, 33, 66 e 100% de 520 kg de N ha-1 ano-1). Amostras de efluente/água e solo foram coletadas no período de janeiro de 2004 a outubro de 2007. Os tratamentos receberam entre 420 a 1500 mm de esgoto tratado e água por ano, correspondendo a uma entrada pelo esgoto tratado de 640 a 2300 kg ha-1 ano-1 de C total (29% de C particulado total, 55% de C inorgânico dissolvido, 14% de C orgânico dissolvido). Utilizando como referência o estoque de C de SI, o menor decréscimo ocorreu em E33 (-1,2 Mg ha-1) e o maior em A100 (-7,9 Mg ha-1). As entradas de C orgânico pelo esgoto tratado não afetaram a composição isotópica do C do solo, sendo que o empobrecimento isotópico, de 0,7 a 1,2 ?, observado no solo dos tratamentos irrigados foi provavelmente resultante da desproteção física e mineralização de carbono orgânico, de plantas C3, remanescente no solo

    Double penalty and double right? Prison at the time of the Covid-19

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    The spreading of the new coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in Italy caused inevitable consequences also on our penitentiary system and on all the people that live and work there.Thoughts, experiences and strategies for coping with the emergency are reported through three testimonies of three Directors of Italian Penitentiary Institutes. In some cases, the crisis was managed using creativity, imagination and motivation.This attitude lead to valid treatments profiles and to functional communication systems between the prison and the outside world.The mediation of conflicts and the inevitable tensions caused by the pandemic emergency were well handled and the results are visible and concrete