86 research outputs found

    Hepatitis Associated Aplastic Anemia: A review

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    Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia (HAAA) is an uncommon but distinct variant of aplastic anemia in which pancytopenia appears two to three months after an acute attack of hepatitis. HAAA occurs most frequently in young male children and is lethal if leave untreated. The etiology of this syndrome is proposed to be attributed to various hepatitis and non hepatitis viruses. Several hepatitis viruses such as HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV and HGV have been associated with this set of symptoms. Viruses other than the hepatitis viruses such as parvovirus B19, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein bar virus, Transfusion Transmitted virus (TTV) and non-A-E hepatitis virus (unknown viruses) has also been documented to develop the syndrome. Considerable evidences including the clinical features, severe imbalance of the T cell immune system and effective response to immunosuppressive therapy strongly present HAAA as an immune mediated mechanism. However, no association of HAAA has been found with blood transfusions, drugs and toxins. Besides hepatitis and non hepatitis viruses and immunopathogenesis phenomenon as causative agents of the disorder, telomerase mutation, a genetic factor has also been predisposed for the development of aplastic anemia. Diagnosis includes clinical manifestations, blood profiling, viral serological markers testing, immune functioning and bone marrow hypocellularity examination. Patients presenting the features of HAAA have been mostly treated with bone marrow or hematopoietic cell transplantation from HLA matched donor, and if not available then by immunosuppressive therapy. New therapeutic approaches involve the administration of steroids especially the glucocorticoids to augment the immunosuppressive therapy response. Pancytopenia following an episode of acute hepatitis response better to hematopoietic cell transplantation than immunosuppressive therapy

    Ventricular-vascular coupling is predictive of adverse clinical outcome in paediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    AIMS: Ventricular-vascular coupling, the ratio between the right ventricle's contractile state (Ees) and its afterload (Ea), may be a useful metric in the management of paediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). In this study we assess the prognostic capacity of the ventricular-vascular coupling ratio (Ees/Ea) derived using right ventricular (RV) pressure alone in children with PAH. METHODS: One hundred and thirty paediatric patients who were diagnosed with PAH via right heart catheterisation were retrospectively reviewed over a 10-year period. Maximum RV isovolumic pressure and end-systolic pressure were estimated using two single-beat methods from Takeuchi et al (Ees/Ea_(Takeuchi)) and from Kind et al (Ees/Ea_(Kind)) and used with an estimate of end-systolic pressure to compute ventricular-vascular coupling from pressure alone. Patients were identified as either idiopathic/hereditary PAH or associated PAH (IPAH/HPAH and APAH, respectively). Haemodynamic data, clinical functional class and clinical worsening outcomes-separated into soft (mild) and hard (severe) event categories-were assessed. Adverse soft events included functional class worsening, syncopal event, hospitalisation due to a proportional hazard-related event and haemoptysis. Hard events included death, transplantation, initiation of prostanoid therapy and hospitalisation for atrial septostomy and Pott's shunt. Cox proportional hazard modelling was used to assess whether Ees/Ea was predictive of time-to-event. RESULTS: In patients with IPAH/HPAH, Ees/Ea_(Kind) and Ees/Ea_(Takeuchi) were both independently associated with time to hard event (p=0.003 and p=0.001, respectively) and when adjusted for indexed pulmonary vascular resistance (p=0.032 and p=0.013, respectively). Neither Ees/Ea_(Kind) nor Ees/Ea_(Takeuchi) were associated with time to soft event. In patients with APAH, neither Ees/Ea_(Kind) nor Ees/Ea_(Takeuchi) were associated with time to hard event or soft event. CONCLUSIONS: Ees/Ea derived from pressure alone is a strong independent predictor of adverse outcome and could be a potential powerful prognostic tool for paediatric PAH

    Insatisfação corporal em gestantes: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Resumo A imagem corporal de gestantes deve ser alvo de atenção por parte dos profissionais, tendo em vista a promoção da saúde materna infantil. O objetivo da presente revisão integrativa foi analisar a literatura sobre imagem e insatisfação corporal em gestantes. Foram buscados artigos nas bases de dados Scopus, PubMed, BVS e PsycINFO utilizando o cruzamento de “pregnancy” com as palavras-chave: “body image” e “body dissatisfaction”. Após a adoção dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram analisados 40 estudos. Estes apontam dados inconclusivos quanto à insatisfação corporal durante a gestação. Presença de sintomas depressivos, baixa autoestima, atitude alimentar inadequada e ganho de peso fora dos limites recomendados têm sido associados a uma imagem corporal negativa. Contradições nos achados podem estar relacionados às diferenças nos instrumentos utilizados para mensurar a imagem corporal. Pelo possível impacto de uma imagem corporal negativa durante a gestação na saúde materna e infantil, são recomendadas novas investigações, em especial o desenvolvimento de um instrumento avaliativo de imagem corporal específico para gestantes

    Alternatives to female sterilization

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    International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics15188-92IJGO

    Precession-based control methodology for haematopoietic stem cells harvesting

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    10.1109/ICCA.2013.6565204IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA147-15

    Abortion deaths in Singapore (1968-1976)

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    Singapore Medical Journal203391-394SIMJ

    Serum fructosamine concentrations in Singapore pregnant women.

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    Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore194477-47

    Prenatal detection of isochromosome 21 by QF-PCR: A comparison between FISH and traditional karyotyping

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    10.1159/000132406Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy24147-5

    Uterine activity in myotonia dystrophica. Case report

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    British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology936634-636BJOG

    Serratia septicaemia in pregnancy: Further evidence of altered immune response to severe bacterial infection in pregnancy

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    10.1016/j.jinf.2011.08.012Journal of Infection636480-481JINF