802 research outputs found


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi program kegiatan. Program kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu berupa workshop penyusunan dan pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas, serta pembuatan artikel penelitian hasil penelitian tindakan kelas dan cara publikasinya kepada guru SD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan evaluasi ketercapaian program yang dilakukan. Program yang dilakukan menggunakan skema workshop, dimana tim memberikan pemaparan materi yang sangat aplikatif kepada peserta untuk membekali pengetahuan (knowing), kemudian meminta peserta untuk langsung mempraktikan (doing), dan selanjutnya pada tahap akhir peserta melakukan diseminasi dalam bentuk seminar hasil (presenting). Partisipan yang terlibat dalam kegiatan penelitian evaluasi ini terdiri dari 35 guru SD di Kota Magelang. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan melihat efektifitas kegiatan yang dilakukan selama partisipan mengikuti tahapan knowing, doing, dan presenting. Selain itu juga digunakan kuesionair untuk mendapatkan data terkait respon peserta terhadap program yang dilakukan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan workshop yang dilakukan berjalan lancar, efektif, dan efisien. Seluruh peserta memiliki antusias yang tinggi, sehingga produk berupa PTK, artikel ilmiah, dan publikasi artikel ilmiah dapat dibuat oleh peserta, dengan jumlah di atas 85%.AbstractThis research is an evaluation research for evaluating program. The program of activities carried out is in the form of workshops on the preparation and implementation of classroom action research, as well as making research articles on the results of classroom action research and how to publish them to elementary school teachers. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the achievement of the program carried out. The program is carried out using a workshop scheme, where the team provides very applicable material presentations to participants to provide knowledge (knowing), then asks participants to directly practice (doing), and then in the final stage participants disseminate in the form of seminar results (presenting). Participants involved in this evaluation research activity consisted of 35 elementary school teachers in Magelang City. Evaluation is done by looking at the effectiveness of the activities carried out as long as the participants follow the stages of knowing, doing, and presenting. In addition, questionnaires were also used to obtain data related to participants' responses to the program carried out. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results of the evaluation showed that the workshop activities were running smoothly, effectively, and efficiently. All participants have high enthusiasm, so that products in the form of CAR, scientific articles, and publications of scientific articles can be made by participants, with a total of more than 85%

    Machine-learning the phase diagram of a strongly-interacting Fermi gas

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    We determine the phase diagram of strongly correlated fermions in the crossover from Bose-Einstein condensates of molecules (BEC) to Cooper pairs of fermions (BCS) utilizing an artificial neural network. By applying advanced image recognition techniques to the momentum distribution of the fermions, a quantity which has been widely considered as featureless for providing information about the condensed state, we measure the critical temperature and show that it exhibits a maximum on the bosonic side of the crossover. Additionally, we back-analyze the trained neural network and demonstrate that it interprets physically relevant quantities

    Karakteristik Mineralogi Tanah Pesisir Pantai Aceh Utara Yang Terpengaruh Tsunami

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari sifat mineralogi tanah pesisir pantai Aceh Utara yang terpengaruh Tsunami. Sembilan belas contoh tanah horison permukaan dan horison bawah dari delapan profil tanah telah diambil guna dianalisis sifat mineral fraksi pasir dan mineral fraksi liat. Penentuanposisi profil tanah dibuat berdasarkan ada tidaknya pengaruh Tsunami dan jarak dari pinggir pantai. Profil tanah dipengaruhi Tsunami terdiri dari jarak <500 meter dari pinggir pantai dan jarak 1000-2500 meter dari pinggir pantai. Profil tanah tidak dipengaruhi Tsunami berjarak 3000-5000 meter dari pinggirpantai. Hasil analisis mineral fraksi pasir menunjukkan bahwa tanah yang diteliti didominasi oleh mineral sukar lapuk (MSL). Selain mineral sukar lapuk juga dijumpai mineral mudah lapuk (MML) dan mineral hasil lapukan (MHL). Tanah-tanah terpengaruh Tsunami memiliki MML lebih tinggi dibanding tanah tidak terpengaruh Tsunami. Hasil analisis diferensial termal (DTA) dan difraksi sinar-X (XRD) memperlihatkan tanah yang diteliti didominasi oleh bahan amorf dan kaolinit. Bahan amorf pada tanah terpengaruh Tsunami lebih tinggi daripada tanah tidak terpengaruh Tsunami. Hasil analisis DTA bahan amorf dicirikan oleh reaksi endotermik suhu 84oC sampai 175oC, dan kaolinit oleh reaksi endotermik 576-578oC. Hasil analisis XRD bahan amorf dicirikan oleh reaksi cembung tidak berpola dan kaolinit muncul melalui reaksi pertama berukuran 7.17-7.19Å dan kedua berukuran 3.56 Å. Pada tanah terpengaruh Tsunami ditemukan adanya mineral goetit, sebaliknya pada tanah tidak terpengaruh Tsunami tidak ditemukan mineral ini. Lumpur Tsunami menyebabkan berbedanya pola puncak (peak) kurva mineral fraksi liat. Pada tanah terpengaruh Tsunami, pola puncak kurva mineral liat tidak tegasdan tidak menonjol, sedangkan pada tanah tidak terpengaruh Tsunami lebih tegas dan lebih menonjol

    Pengembangan Produk Olahan Berbasis Belimbing Manis (Averhoa Carambola L.) di Agrowisata Kebun Belimbing Ngringinrejo Kecamatan Kalitidu Bojonegoro

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    Daerah agrowisata kebun belimbing Ngringinrejo kecamatan Kalitidu Bojonegoro merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang ada di kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kebun agrowisata ini memiliki luas ± 20,4 hektar, yang dikelola oleh 80 petani, dan sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan. Kegiatan pendampingan yang dilakukan meliputi pengembangan aneka produk olahan dari belimbing manis (Averhoa carambola L.). Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah pengembangan potensi buah segar belimbing dan produk olahannya menjadi produk-produk yang bermanfaat dan bernilai ekonomis, yang dapat dipromosikan sebagai produk unggulan dan menjadi oleh-oleh khas agrowisata belimbing dari kabupaten Bojonegoro. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan yang telah dilakukan, dihasilkan produk olahan berupa sari buah, sirup/ madu sari buah dan egg roll dari buah belimbing yang masing-masing telah dikemas dalam tampilan kemasan yang menarik untuk dapat dipasarkan secara luas. Perbaikan proses produksi, peningkatan nilai tambah dan perbaikan tampilan kemasan dari pengembangan produk olahan dari belimbing ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan multifier effect tumbuhnya unit-unit bisnis baru, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan memperkuat keunggulan produk lokal khas dari kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kata kunci: Agrowisata belimbing, Ngringinrejo, produk olahan dari belimbing manis, produk khas Bojonegoro. 1. PENDAHULUAN KabupatenBojonegoromemilikiluas wilayahyaitu mencapai230.706Ha dansecaraadministratif memilikibataswilayahyaitu sebagaiberikut: Sebelah Utara : Kabupaten Tuban Sebelah Timur : Kabupaten Lamongan Sebelah Selatan : Kabupaten Madiun, Nganjuk dan Jombang Sebelah Barat : Kabupaten Ngawi dan Blora (Jawa Tengah). Sebelumtahun2011wilayahKabupatenBojonegoroterdiridari 27 kecamatan, kemudian pada tahun 2011 terjadi pemekaran 1 kecamatan baru diKabupatenBojonegoroyaituKecamatanGayamyangterdiri dari 12 desayangsebelumnyamerupakanbagian dari2 kecamatanyaituKecamatan KalitidudanNgasem. Pemekarantersebut ditetapkanberdasarkan Peraturan DaerahNo. 22Tahun2011TentangPembentukanKecamatanGayamdi KabupatenBojonegoro. Sehingga secaraadministrasiKabupatenBojonegoro saatiniterbagimenjadi28kecamatandengan419desadan11kelurahan. Produk DomestikRegionalBruto (PDRB)KabupatenBojonegoroselama kurunwaktu2008s/d2012menurut harga berlakumengalami peningkatandaritahun ketahun.Padatahun2008PDRBDenganMigas atasdasarhargaberlakusebesarRp. 13.708.107,95jutasedangkandi tahun2012meningkatmenjadiRp. 30.043.184,71juta. Tigasektoryangmenjadi penyumbang utamaPDRBKabupaten Bojonegoro tahun2012adalah sektor pertambangan danpenggalian (42,02%) disusulsektor Pertanian (19,55%) dansektorPerdagangan, HoteldanRestoran(13,62%). Sektor pertanian di kabupaten Bojonegoro memiliki potensi yang sangat besar, dan telah menjadikan Bojonegoro sebagai salah satu kabupaten Lumbung Pangan Nasional di Indonesia. Produksi padi di Bojonegoro mencapai 856 ribu ton, melebihi (surplus) dari kebut padi/tahunnya. Kabupaten Bojonegoro juga memiliki produk-produk unggulan yang khas seperti ledre pisang, rengginang singkong, belimbing manis dan salak Wedi. Pengembangan produk-produk unggulan berbasis produk/hasil pertanian lokal, seperti belimbing manis sangat menarik da

    Correlation of Streamflow and Sediment Concentration at Upstream and Downstream Padang Watershed

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    Sediment concentration affected b streamflow at river body. This research was conducted to study correlation between streamflow and sediment concentration at upstream and downstream Padang watershed on July until December 2013. The research was conducted by using survey method at two outlet of Padang watershed were Padang sub watershed and Padang Hilir sub watershed. Sampling of water at two (2) outlets were conducted at stream surface by using depth intergrating suspended sediment sampler technique at three (3) points of river body. Sampling waters conducted at two times that were after rainand no rain. Sediment concentration (Cs) calculated by Cs = (G2 – G1) / V equation. Streamflow (Q) calculated by multiplying velocity and wide of river by Q = A x V equation. The results showed that no correlation between streamflow and sediment concentration at upstream when no rain (Cs = 0,0007 +0,0412 Q; R2 = 0,43) and at downstream when no rain (Cs = 0,0002 Q + 0,07157; R2 = 0,057). There were correlation between streamflow and sediment concentration at upstream after rain (Cs = 0,00041 Q +0,0611; R2 = 0,88) and at downstream after rain (Cs = 0,00015 Q + 0,03293; R2 = 0,9)

    Koszul binomial edge ideals

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    It is shown that if the binomial edge ideal of a graph GG defines a Koszul algebra, then GG must be chordal and claw free. A converse of this statement is proved for a class of chordal and claw free graphs

    Three-dimensional fluid simulation of a plasma display panel cell

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    In order to understand the discharge characteristics in an alternating current plasma display panel (ac PDP) and optimize it further, a three-dimensional fluid code (FL3P) has been developed. Using this simulator, various three-dimensional features of discharges are investigated in the sustain mode of PDP. First, the striations of wall charge are observed at both the anode and cathode side. Second, the local efficiency is obtained as a function of position. It is mainly divided into the anode region and the cathode region and highest near the anode center. Finally, the effects of various three-dimensional parameters are studied. As one of the examples showing the effect of electrode shaping, the discharge characteristics of a T-shaped electrode cell are compared with those of a conventional cell. The phosphor on barrier ribs contributes to over 44% of the total luminance, but barrier ribs themselves do not play an important role in the overall discharge efficiency. Address electrode width is not always proportional to the size of the discharge because of the wall loss of the particles to barrier ribs.open435

    Simulations of electromagnetic effects in high frequency capacitively coupled discharges using the Darwin approximation

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    The Darwin approximation is investigated for its possible use in simulation of electromagnetic effects in large size, high frequency capacitively coupled discharges. The approximation is utilized within the framework of two different fluid models which are applied to typical cases showing pronounced standing wave and skin effects. With the first model it is demonstrated that Darwin approximation is valid for treatment of such effects in the range of parameters under consideration. The second approach, a reduced nonlinear Darwin approximation-based model, shows that the electromagnetic phenomena persist in a more realistic setting. The Darwin approximation offers a simple and efficient way of carrying out electromagnetic simulations as it removes the Courant condition plaguing explicit electromagnetic algorithms and can be implemented as a straightforward modification of electrostatic algorithms. The algorithm described here avoids iterative schemes needed for the divergence cleaning and represents a fast and efficient solver, which can be used in fluid and kinetic models for self-consistent description of technical plasmas exhibiting certain electromagnetic activity

    Evidence for phase formation in potassium intercalated 1,2;8,9-dibenzopentacene

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    We have prepared potassium intercalated 1,2;8,9-dibenzopentacene films under vacuum conditions. The evolution of the electronic excitation spectra upon potassium addition as measured using electron energy-loss spectroscopy clearly indicate the formation of particular doped phases with compositions Kx_xdibenzopentacene (xx = 1,2,3). Moreover, the stability of these phases as a function of temperature has been explored. Finally, the electronic excitation spectra also give insight into the electronic ground state of the potassium doped 1,2;8,9-dibenzopentacene films.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1201.200

    Ceftriaxone-resistant Salmonella Typhi Outbreak in Hyderabad City of Sindh, Pakistan: High Time for the Introduction of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine

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    Background. The Aga Khan University clinical microbiology laboratory identified an outbreak of ceftriaxone-resistant Salmonella Typhi in Hyderabad, Pakistan, through antimicrobial resistance surveillance. An outbreak investigation was carried out to identify the risk factors and institute control measures. Here we report the preliminary findings of this outbreak investigation, using data collected from 30 November 2016 to 28 March 2017. Methods. The design for the investigation was a case-control study that included identification of culture-proven ceftriaxoneresistant S. Typhi cases, suspected cases from the households or neighborhood of the confirmed cases, and enrollment of controls matched by age to identify the risk factors. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire. Blood cultures were obtained from all suspected cases. Drinking water samples from each household of cases and controls were obtained for microbiological testing. Geographic Information System coordinates were obtained for all cases and controls. Results. Only 2 subdistricts of Hyderabad (Latifabad and Qasimabad) were affected. A total of 101 confirmed cases of ceftriaxone- resistant S. Typhi had been reported in 4 months with the first case reported on 30 November 2016. Median age was 48 (interquartile range, 29-84) months. The majority (60% [61/101]) of the cases were 6-60 months old. More than half (56% [57/101]) of the cases were male. About 60% of the cases were admitted to hospital and treated as inpatient. More than half (57/101) of the patients developed complications related to typhoid. Conclusions. Community awareness was raised regarding chlorination of drinking water and sanitation measures in Hyderabad. These efforts were coordinated with the municipal water and sewage authority established to improve chlorination at processing plants and operationalize fecal sludge treatment plants. Outbreak investigation and control efforts have continued. Immunization of children with typhoid conjugate vaccine within Hyderabad city is planned