1,901 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of 3-{(E)-[(3, 4-dichloro-phenyl)imino]methyl}benzene-1, 2-diol

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    The authors acknowledge the provision of funds for the purchase of diffractometer and encouragement by Dr.Muhammad Akram Chaudhary, Vice Chancellor, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Knowledge of and misconceptions about the spread and prevention of HIV infection among older urban women attending the Tshwane District Hospital, South Africa

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    Background: Statistics around the world show a rapid increase in HIV infection in the older population. Many older women remain sexually active and are therefore exposed to heterosexual transmission of HIV infection. Older women are most likely considered respected opinion leaders within the families and communities and are likely to influence others’ attitudes and behaviours. An increase in knowledge through information plays a fundamental role and is a prerequisite for behavioural change that may prevent new HIV infections. The purpose of the current study was to assess the knowledge and misconceptions regarding the spread and prevention of HIV in older women attending the Tshwane District Hospital (TDH) in South Africa.Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of 100 women, aged 50 to 80 years, attending the TDH out-patient section during November and December 2006 was done. The levels of knowledge were determined by using a directed questionnaire.Results: Eight per cent of the participants answered all the questions correctly, showing knowledge gaps in the remaining 92% (95% confidence interval: 86.7%–97.3%). Many participants were unaware of the protective effects of condom use, especially female condoms, and of HIV spread by anal transmission, the sharing of needles and blood transfusion. Three or more misconceptions were present in 48% of the participants, such as HIV spread by casual contact, the sharing of personal items, air-borne infection, mosquito bites, HIV testing and AIDS prevention or cure by traditional medicines or alternatives. Sixty-two per cent of the older women were found to have adequate knowledge (95% confidence interval: 52%–71.5%), knowing the basic concepts regarding HIV transmission.Conclusion: There is a significant need for HIV-related preventive health education in older women, not only to decrease potential high-risk behaviours, but also to reduce unnecessary feelings of anxiety and misconceptions. Family physicians, due to their unique role, might be able to use the present study in their practices in order to optimise the planning and structuring of awar eness interventions and prevention programmes.Keywords: knowledge; HIV; misconceptions; beliefs; older women; transmission; preventio

    Hakikattanggung Jawab Sosial Bumn terhadap Stakeholder

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    Tanggungjawab sosial dan lingkungan bagi Perusahaan penting untuk menjaga kelangsungan produksi sampai pada tujuan membangun legitimasi sosial.Namun masih terdapat pertentangan pendapat, terutama yang berkaitan dengan hakikat serta perlunya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan diatur secara formal dalam Perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakikat tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada Perusahaan BUMN di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan mengkaji teori-teori hukum dihubungkan dengan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Sedangkan untuk kajian normatifnya dilakukan dengan menganalisis ketentuan Perundang–undangan (in abstracto) yang relevan dan melihat penerapannya (In concreto). Populasi penelitian meliputi seluruh BUMN yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas di Sulawesi Selatan. Kemudian ditetapkan secara sengaja 5 (lima) BUMN sebagai sampel (purposive sampling).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada hakikatnya ada karena adanya kepentingan-kepentingan yang melekat di dalamnya. Motivasi utama yang mendorong dilaksanakannya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bukan karena faktor kedermawanan sosial semata, melainkan karena adanya faktor kepentingan didalamnya.Sehingga pelaksanaannya merupakan wujud upaya pemenuhan terhadap kepentingan tersebut secara seimbang dan adil, baik bagi Perusahaan maupun terhadap stakeholder pada umumnya. Pertentangan seringkali timbul karena aspek keadilan dan keseimbangan kentingan ini tidak terpenuhi dengan baik. Keseimbangan kepentingan hanya dapat dicapai melalui suatu mekanisme pengaturan berdasarkan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dan pelaksanaannya bersifat mandatory.Alasan utama sehingga pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perlu diwajibkan yaitu pandangan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan adalah bentuk kedermawanan sosial yang sifatnya sukarela, tidak sejalan dengan akibat yang ditimbulkannya. Selain itu membiarkan pihak lain menderita gangguan ataupun kerugian tanpa dasar yang cukup untuk dapat melakukan tuntutan menurut hukum merupakan suatu bentuk ketidakadilan. Disimpulkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada Perusahaan bukanlah kedermawanan sosial semata, melainkan karena ada kepentingan didalamnya. Kepentingan ini harus dipenuhi secara seimbang dan adil bagi semua pihak, untuk itu diperlukan pengaturan menurut ketentuan hukum yang berlaku

    Penerapan Teori Akad pada Perbankan Syariah

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    This article discuss about theory concept of transactions in Islamic banking products. In collecting and distributing funds, Islamic banking used variety of transactions, such as deposit transactions (wadÎ'ah yad amânah, wadÎ'ah yad dhamânah), transactions for results (mudhârabah, musyârakah), buying and selling (murâbahah, salâm, istishnâ'), lease transactions (ijârah, ijârah wa iqtinâ', atau ijârah muntahiyah bi al-tamlÎk), loan transactions (qardh), and transactions with other patterns (wakâlah, kafâlah, hiwâlah, rahn). Murâbahah and salâm transactions are used for collecting the funds and mudhârabah muthlaqah and wadÎ'ah are used for funding. Meanwhile, ijârah and wakâlah are used in loan transactions that implemented in a bank guarantee.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v4i1.253

    Dampak Kebakaran Lahan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Lahan Gambut Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya Terhadap Sifat Tanah Gambut

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    Penelitian untuk mengevaluasi dampak kebakaran lahan gambut yang digunakan untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit telah dilakukan di lahan HGU PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari di Desa Ie Mirah Kecamatan Babahrot Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya Provinsi Aceh, pada Maret hingga Mei 2016. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel tanah secara sengaja (porposive sampling) dilakukan pada perkebunan kelapa sawit di lahan gambut yang terbakar pada bulan Maret dan Juni 2012 dan sebagai pembanding (kontrol), dilakukan pula pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel tanah pada lahan kelapa sawit yang tidak terbakar dengan tahun tanam kelapa sawit yang sama dan pada lahan gambut yang masih bervegetasi hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebakaran lahan gambut di HGU PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari setelah 4 tahun (sejak kejadian kebakaran) kualitas tanah gambutnya dapat pulih kembali, ditandai dengan sifat tanah (fisika, kimia dan biologi) pada lahan gambut terbakar yang umumnya menjadi lebih baik dari sifat tanah gambut yang tidak terbakar, bahkan meski dibandingkan dengan tanah lahan gambut yang masih bervegetasi hutan

    Aktivitas Nitrogenase Bintil Akar Dan Kadar Klorofil Daun Kacang Hijau {Phaseolus Radiatus L.) Pada Berbagai Jenis Dan Kadar as Am Fenol at [Nitrogenases Activities in Nodules and Cholorophyll Content of Mungbean {Phaseolus Radiatus L.) on Various Phenolic Acids Concentration]

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    Phenolic acids are one of the many secondary metabolites causing toxic upon the growth and development of plant. Phenolic acids are produced by plant and subsequently released into soil, and appears to be involved in biochemical interaction between plants and other living organisms in soil. The research was conducted to study the effect of various kinds and doses of phenolic acids on nitrogenases activities and cholorophyll content of mungbean. Research was done in the glass house of Soil Science Departemen, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University (GMU) from April to June 2004. The experiment was arranged by randomized block design in three replications. The treatment consist of four kinds phenolic acid i.e. vanilic, p-coumaric, ferulic and p-1hydroxybenzoic with concentration at 250, 500, 1000 and 1500 mg kg-Â respectively. One treatment was without phenolic acids as control. Result indicated that phenolic acids could reduce nitrogenases activities and chlorophyll content up to 53.35% and 29.98% respectively. The toxicity of p-hydroxybenzoic against both nitrogenases activities and chlorophyll content was higher than other phenolic acids

    Pengaruh Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, Kinerja Individu, dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Relevansi Laporan Keuangan Instansi Pemerintah (Studi pada Pemerintah Kota YOGYAKARTA)

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    This research purpose is for testing effects from quality of human resources,, individual performance, and utillization technology of information  in simultaneous nor partial toward relevance government financial report to Yogyakarta government. Population from this research is employee/staff that do fungtion of accountancy at Yogyakarta mayor office.sample of this research determined with using purposive sampling technique with criteria that we have, with the result 50 questionnaire which is fulfill the condition as a sample.             Kind of data that we use is primary data. From the questionnaire that spread 8 (eight) SKPD are social agency, coperation agency, midle micro labor,employeed teritory agency, BAPPEDA, cultural agency, tourism agency, and secretariat DPRD central, and all of them fill with complete. Analysis technique data that used is using regression double linier method.             Result regression test, indicatin if the quality of human resource, individual performance, and utillization technology of information in simultaneous has influential significantly positive into the relevance government financial report. In partial, the quality of human resource, and individual performance, not influential significantly toward relevance of government financial report and utillization technology of information influent signifanctly positive toward relevance financial report. the influence of independent variable looked by coefficient determination value (R2) is 0,384, that had meaning the quality of human resource individual performance, and utillization technology of information, give positive effect toward relevance of government financial report as much 38,5% while the 61,6% influence by another variable beside this research. Keyword : Quality Of Human Resource, Individual Performance, Utillization Technology Of Information And Relevance Government Financial Report

    Education and Technical Efficiency in Pakistan’s Agriculture

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    It is now well recognized that education expedites the process of growth in an economy. In agriculture, leaving aside the external effects, it affects productivity in two quite distinct ways known as the allocative effect and the worker effect (Welch, 1970). The former centres on beller allocation decisions including adoption and diffusion of new technology whereas the latter relates to a more efficient use of given inputs, i.e. the technical efficiency aspect of production. While the allocative effect is inherently predicated on disequilibrium (created, for example, by a change in technology) (Nelson and Phelps 1966), there is some evidence to suggest that even the worker effect of education is more likely to arise in disequilibrium resulting from technical change (Maack 1981). This is because technical change renders the cultural practices learnt over generations obsolete or inadequate and calls for an adjustment. A more educated farmer is supposed to make the required adjustment more quickly. In this paper I have attempted to test this hypothesis for Pakistan during the green revolution period when the introduction of new crop varieties disturbed the prevailing equilibrium. For this purpose I have used production function analysis and have conducted the analysis for not only the new but also the traditional crops. The results lend support to the hypothesis by showing that the worker effect is more pronounced in the case of new crop varieties as compared to the traditional ones. The paper is divided into three sections. In Section II, I have presented the hypothesis and discussed the methodology used for the analysis. Section III concludes the paper with a discussion of the results

    Rich and the poor a comparative study in international business

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