65 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kerja Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Dengan Pemerintah Kelurahan Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kota Pekanbaru

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    Community Institution is one of the civil organization under the authority of village level governance, also acknowledged and under supervision of government. Indonesian legislation has given chance to society to form community institution. Act number 23/2014 on Local Government and Act number 6/2014 on Village laid foundation for society to form village level community institution based on their need. In reality, those community institution like Rukun Tetangga (RT), Rukun Warga (RW), Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan (LPMK), Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK), Karang Taruna, etc., have been an integral part in helping government’s task, especially the task of head of urban village related to services on governance, development, and civil matters. Civil institution in urban village has shown its benefit and function in government, especially city government. Act number 5/1974 doesn’t mention about RT and RK/RW, but that does not means those institutions don’t have their reason for existence (raison dieter). RT and RK/RK can be formed based on Mayor’s Order as implementation of mayor’s function on Community Administrator. As Community Administrator Mayor can form act on forming and regulating community institution in its area which in turn can help city government fulfill its community’s participation, thus community’s aspiration can be included in government’s action and further enlarge social participation. Even though it is known that some city is regulates and empowers its community institutions, it is advised that other city has to start, so it won’t be too far behind, because community institution’s benefit and function have been proven. Working relation between community institution and urban village is deep

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    HAKEKAT ORGANISASI PERANGKAT DAERAH (Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis dan Yuridis)

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    Existence Governance of visible Area see section 18 sentence of UUD RI of Year 1945 expressing that governance of authoritative area to arrange and manage  xself Business of Governance [of] according to Autonomous Ground and the Aid Duty. Along the happening of growth [in] area of governance specially the area governance, governmental of Number 23 Year 2014 about Governance of Area in the place of of Number 32 Year 2004. In assisting to run business of konkuren and business of the governance, hence Regional Leader of Kabupaten/Kota assisted by area peripheral. Peripheral of Area [of] pursuant to UU of Number 23 Year 2014 consisted of; Area secretariat, Secretariat DPRD, Inspectorate, On duty Area and Area Body, and also for kabupaten/Kota of peripheral of area added with subdistrict. In compiling organization of peripheral of area have to pay attention to kewenangan of area in system of governance of area as follow-up from business of governance divided clearly in UU of Number 23 Year 2014. nomenclature And basaran on duty have to relate [at] business of governance delivered to area and overflowed [by] kewenangannya to Governor and Bupati/Walikota. In realisasinya of name on duty which there (be) still unlike name of business which carrying out of. And there [is] on duty carrying out business which is non becoming business of konkuren with sub of kewenangan of area which berasngkutan. Therefore, pengelompokkan of governmental institution with the title on duty, body and office own separate concept in study of governance science. [Is] so that needed [by] existence of sighting return to mention on duty, body, and office [of] exist in area which is generally have meng-implementasikan of by law [of] about Organization of Peripheral of Area start january 201

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    In the effort applying of autonomous concept of countryside, is hence needed by a existence strive reinforcement to countryside governance, strength of it governance of countryside relied on by a serious consideration to two element which substansial, namely; ( 1) countryside as a(n) subsistem governance; and ( 2) countryside as social subsistem". Therefore, question of course; whether/what local government of regency able to and also local government of provinsi to can place its[his] best people to be assigned to assist in a[n process of management of governance in countryside storey;level, as well as have nothing like the doubt to give or overflow various form of kewenangan to element of countryside governance, this matter perhaps on condition that as long as can be followed with existence of clearer administrative technical guide, like who'll do what, and in his/its execution of bertanggungjawab whom. management of Governance of countryside in Indonesia pursuant to to state s philosophy of Five Principles and Constitution of Republic Of Indonesia of Year 1945, is such as those which arranged in section 2 Code/Law of Number 6 Year 2014 About Countryside, expressing that; " Management of Countryside Governance, Execution of Countryside Development, construction of Countryside social, and enableness of an society of countryside of pursuant to Five Principles, UUD of State of Republic Of Indonesia of Year 1945, Totalitarian State Republic Of Indonesia, and values of Bhineka Tunggal Ika". With dynamics needed by existence of Settlement of Countryside in the form of forming, affiliation and abolition of countryside to strengthen institute of countryside governanc


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    In the long journey of development of a government increasingly multiply and enrich the understanding of the government itself, so that the concepts of government can be viewed from various angles and aspects that can further clarify the notion of the concept of government itself, one of which is the concept of the principle of governance. The existence of a Local Government in the system of government is an integral part of a system of state government or national government, even the concept and theoretical existence of local government is much earlier than the existence of elements of central government or state government. The principle of "Medebewin" as a relic of the Indies government system, at the beginning of the revolution, precisely in 1948, was called "uncompleted surrender", to overcome the principle of full-fledged decentralization. The difference with the principle of decentralization is that the "medebewind" governmental affairs are only handed over the task of execution alone, excluding the authority that determines the policies, the financing, and the execution workers. One of the principles of local governance that has been applied in Indonesia in the history of local governance is the Assistance Task Principle, apart from the principles of decentralization and deconcentration. The principle of the implementation of regional government consists of the principle of decentralization, the principle of deconcentration and the principle of co-administration. In Dutch legislation, between co-administration and medebewin are divided into two, namely mechanical medebewind or more detailed andfacultative medebewind or which provide wider freedom to determine the wisdom of the medebewind ". Definition of assistance task is; assignment with an obligation to account for its execution to the assignee. In its implementation the task of assistance has its own development and dynamics in accordance with the Law on Regional Government which regulates it

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    Various notions of the village has been widely presented by experts from variousdisciplines, and each understanding about the village appeared to have their variousdifferences separate depending on what point of view or which approach is used byexperts in view, describe and judge about the village, such as in terms of sociology,administration, politics, policy standpoint and in terms of economics. The Reforms inIndonesia In 1998 has brought many changes in Indonesian villages, one with thepresence of village-owned enterprises (BUMDES) on Law Number 22 Year 1999 onRegional Government. The village has a variety of potential that can be developed forthe welfare of the local villagers. Therefore, the village is also expressed as groupsorganized nature that have objects of material and immaterial (geordnede groupen van  eigen blijvend meth character bewind en eigen marericel vermogen). The village hasthe potential and richness which is set in accordance with the institutional systemdeveloped and maintained by the local villagers. So that a higher village relies on thestrength of the potential and the resources owned by the village itself through variousforms of participation of the village community itself, so without too attached anddependent on help from the elements such as local government agencies or other parties( companies) which have more give more assistance to the villagers themselves bothpersonally and institutionally from the village. In connection with the application of theconcept of autonomy of the village, it is necessary to strengthen efforts towards thevillage administration. Therefore, the village-owned enterprises need to be managedand developed properly by the village government, so BUMDES can be used as one ofthe potential that can be used as an indicator of economic improvement of thegovernment and villagers

    Pembaruan organisasi dan manajemen pemerintahan desa (menuju pemerintahan yang kuat dan bersih)

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    Pemerintahan Desa merupakan tingkatan pemerintahan yang terendah dalam sistem pemerintahan Indonesia, setelah Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota, dan Pemerintah Kecamatan. Sebagai tingkatan pemerintahan yang terendah, pemerintahan desa memiliki banyak persoalan yang cukup mendasar seperti; besarnya jumlah pendudukan yang berdomisili di desa dan pada umumnya berada pada garis kemiskinan, tingkat pendidikan yang rendah, dan permasalahan-permasalahan lainnya. Landasan hukum dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa pada saat ini diantaranya adalah Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945(khususnya pasal 18), Undang-Undang Nomor 32 tahun 2004 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 72 tahun 2005 tentang Desa, dan beberapa peraturan daerah yang terkait tentang desa. Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, menggunakan prinsip-prinsip penyelenggaraan Keanekaragaman, Partisipasi,Otonomi Asli, Demokratisasi, dan Pemberdayaan masyarakat Terjadinya Globalisasi, Reformasi, krisis ekonomi, dan krisis kepercayaan mengharuskan pemerintahan desa dari sisi organisasi dan manajemen pemerintahannya melakukan perubahan dalam bentuk pembaruan. Pembaruan Organisasi dan Manajemen pemerintahan desa yang dilakukan adalah dalam bentuk pembaruan manajemen perencanaan pembangunan, pembaruan sistem pemerintahan desa, pembaruan sistem pelayanan masyarakat, dan pembaruan lainnya. Pembaruan organisasi dan manajemen pemerintahan desa dilakukan untuk menciptakan suatu pemerintahan desa yang kuat dan bersih, karena pemerintahan yang kuat saja belum akan mampu untuk menciptakan suatu pemerintahan desa yang baik (Good Government) tanpa diikuti dengan adanya suatu pemerintahan desa yang bersih


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    The issuance of Law No. 6 of 2014 About Village, for the third time village governed by a separate law, after the first time regulated by Law No. 19 of 1965 On Rural Township and second regulated by Law No. 5 of 1979 About the Village Government. This condition shows the village of serious attention of society, so that people feel the need to make updates. Because during this time the village setting incorporated into the Regional Government Law is considered still many weaknesses in governing the country and have not been able to accelerate the development of the village. Explanation of Law No. 6 of 2014, stated; "Village or called by any other name existed before the Homeland existing or formed. As evidence of the existence of the village, seen from the explanation of Article 18 UUD 1945, there are approximately 250 "Zelfbesturende landschappen", such as the Village in Java and Bali, Nagari in Minangkabau, and so forth ". The diversity of characteristics and the type of village, not a barrier for our founding fathers to make informed choices in a unitary state. Although we recognize the need there is homogeneity of the unitary state, but Homeland still provide recognition, protection and guarantee of the existence of a unit of community and unity of indigenous communities and their traditional rights are to grow and develop. The existence of Law No. 6 of 2014 set and answer the problems of the village administration that are expected to accelerate the development of the village, the village government through institutional arrangement
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