6,949 research outputs found

    Temperature and Kinematics of CIV Absorption Systems

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    We use Keck HIRES spectra of three intermediate redshift QSOs to study the physical state and kinematics of the individual components of CIV selected heavy element absorption systems. Fewer than 8 % of all CIV lines with column densities greater than 10^{12.5} cm^{-2} have Doppler parameters b < 6 km/s. A formal decomposition into thermal and non-thermal motion using the simultaneous presence of SiIV gives a mean thermal Doppler parameter b_{therm}(CIV) = 7.2 km/s, corresponding to a temperature of 38,000 K although temperatures possibly in excess of 300,000 K occur occasionally. We also find tentative evidence for a mild increase of temperature with HI column density. Non-thermal motions within components are typically small (< 10 km/s) for most systems, indicative of a quiescent environment. The two-point correlation function (TPCF) of CIV systems on scales up to 500 km/s suggests that there is more than one source of velocity dispersion. The shape of the TPCF can be understood if the CIV systems are caused by ensembles of objects with the kinematics of dwarf galaxies on a small scale, while following the Hubble flow on a larger scale. Individual high redshift CIV components may be the building blocks of future normal galaxies in a hierarchical structure formation scenario.Comment: submitted to the ApJ Letters, March 16, 1996 (in press); (13 Latex pages, 4 Postscript figures, and psfig.sty included

    Flux calibration of medium-resolution spectra from 300 nm to 2500 nm: Model reference spectra and telluric correction

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    While the near-infrared wavelength regime is becoming more and more important for astrophysics there is a marked lack of spectrophotometric standard star data that would allow the flux calibration of such data. Furthermore, flux calibrating medium- to high-resolution \'echelle spectroscopy data is challenging even in the optical wavelength range, because the available flux standard data are often too coarsely sampled. We will provide standard star reference data that allow users to derive response curves from 300nm to 2500nm for spectroscopic data of medium to high resolution, including those taken with \'echelle spectrographs. In addition we describe a method to correct for moderate telluric absorption without the need of observing telluric standard stars. As reference data for the flux standard stars we use theoretical spectra derived from stellar model atmospheres. We verify that they provide an appropriate description of the observed standard star spectra by checking for residuals in line cores and line overlap regions in the ratios of observed (X-shooter) spectra to model spectra. The finally selected model spectra are then corrected for remaining mismatches and photometrically calibrated using independent observations. The correction of telluric absorption is performed with the help of telluric model spectra.We provide new, finely sampled reference spectra without telluric absorption for six southern flux standard stars that allow the users to flux calibrate their data from 300 nm to 2500 nm, and a method to correct for telluric absorption using atmospheric models.Comment: Reference spectra available at CDS. Published in A&A 568, A9, 201

    The virtual observatory service TheoSSA: Establishing a database of synthetic stellar flux standards. II. NLTE spectral analysis of the OB-type subdwarf Feige 110

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    In the framework of the Virtual Observatory (VO), the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) developed the registered service TheoSSA (Theoretical Stellar Spectra Access). It provides easy access to stellar spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and is intended to ingest SEDs calculated by any model-atmosphere code, generally for all effective temperature, surface gravities, and elemental compositions. We will establish a database of SEDs of flux standards that are easily accessible via TheoSSA's web interface. The OB-type subdwarf Feige 110 is a standard star for flux calibration. State-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) stellar-atmosphere models that consider opacities of species up to trans-iron elements will be used to provide a reliable synthetic spectrum to compare with observations. In case of Feige 110, we demonstrate that the model reproduces not only its overall continuum shape from the far-ultraviolet (FUV) to the optical wavelength range but also the numerous metal lines exhibited in its FUV spectrum. We present a state-of-the-art spectral analysis of Feige 110. We determined Teff=47250±2000KT_\mathrm{eff} = 47\,250 \pm 2000\,\mathrm{K}, logg=6.00±0.20\log g = 6.00 \pm 0.20 and the abundances of He, N, P, S, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, and Ge. Ti, V, Mn, Co, Zn, and Ge were identified for the first time in this star. Upper abundance limits were derived for C, O, Si, Ca, and Sc. The TheoSSA database of theoretical SEDs of stellar flux standards guarantees that the flux calibration of astronomical data and cross-calibration between different instruments can be based on models and SEDs calculated with state-of-the-art model-atmosphere codes.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Discovery of excess O I absorption towards the z = 6.42 QSO SDSS J1148+5251

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    We present a search for O I in the spectra of nine 4.9 < z_qso < 6.4 QSOs taken with Keck/HIRES. We detect six systems with N(O I) > 10^13.7 cm^{-2} in the redshift intervals where O I 1302 falls redward of the Ly-alpha forest. Four of these lie towards SDSS J1148+5251 (z_qso = 6.42). This imbalance is unlikely to arise from variations in sensitivity among our data or from a statistical fluctuation. The excess O I occurs over a redshift interval that also contains transmission in Ly-alpha and Ly-beta. Therefore, if these O I systems represent pockets of neutral gas, then they must occur within or near regions of the IGM that are highly ionized. In contrast, no O I is detected towards SDSS J1030+0524 (z_qso = 6.30), whose spectrum shows complete absorption in Ly-alpha and Ly-beta over \Delta z ~ 0.2. Assuming no ionization corrections, we measure mean abundance ratios = -0.04 +/- 0.06, = -0.31 +/- 0.09, and = -0.34 +/- 0.07 (2 sigma), which are consistent with enrichment dominated by Type II supernovae. The O/Si ratio limits the fraction of silicon in these systems contributed by metal-free very massive stars to < 30%, a result which is insensitive to ionization corrections. The ionic comoving mass densities along the z_qso > 6.2 sightlines, including only the detected systems, are \Omega(O I) = (7.0 +/- 0.6) * 10^{-8}, \Omega(Si II) = (9.6 +/- 0.9) * 10^{-9}, and \Omega(C II) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) * 10^{-8}.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, with changes to reflect referee's comment

    The Distribution of Metallicity in the IGM at z~2.5: OVI and CIV Absorption in the Spectra of 7 QSOs

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    We present a direct measurement of the metallicity distribution function for the high redshift intergalactic medium. We determine the shape of this function using survival statistics, which account for both detections and non-detections of OVI and CIV associated with HI absorption in quasar spectra. Our OVI sample probes the metal content of ~50% of all baryons at z~2.5. We find a median intergalactic abundance of [O,C/H]=-2.82; the differential abundance distribution is approximately lognormal with mean ~-2.85 and \sigma=0.75 dex. Some 60-70% the Lya forest lines are enriched to observable levels ([O,C/H]>-3.5) while the remaining ~30% of the lines have even lower abundances. Thus we have not detected a universal metallicity floor as has been suggested for some Population III enrichment scenaria. In fact, we argue that the bulk of the intergalactic metals formed later than the first stars that are thought to have triggered reionization. We do not observe a significant trend of decreasing metallicity toward the lower density IGM, at least within regions that would be characterized as filaments in numerical simulations. However, an [O/H] enhancement may be present at somewhat high densities. We estimate that roughly half of all baryons at these redshifts have been enriched to [O/H]>=-3.5. We develop a simple model for the metallicity evolution of the IGM, to estimate the chemical yield of galaxies formed prior to z~2.5. We find that the typical galaxy recycled 0.1-0.4% of its mass back into the IGM as heavy elements in the first 3 Gyr after the Big Bang.Comment: 23 pages in emulateapj, 19 figures. Accepted to ApJ, pending review of new changes. Revised comparison between our results and Schaye et al (2003

    The rapid evolution of the exciting star of the Stingray Nebula

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    SAO244567, the exciting star of the Stingray nebula, is rapidly evolving. Previous analyses suggested that it has heated up from an effective temperature of about 21kK in 1971 to over 50kK in the 1990s. Canonical post-asymptotic giant branch evolution suggests a relatively high mass while previous analyses indicate a low-mass star. Fitting line profiles from static and expanding non-LTE model atmospheres to the observed UV and optical spectra, taken during 1988-2013, allowed us to study the temporal change of effective temperature, surface gravity, mass-loss rate, and terminal wind velocity. In addition, we determined the chemical composition of the atmosphere. We find that the central star has steadily increased its effective temperature from 38kK in 1988 to a peak value of 60kK in 2002. During the same time, the star was contracting, as concluded from an increase in surface gravity from log g = 4.8 to 6.0 and a drop in luminosity. Simultaneously, the mass-loss rate declined from log (dM/dt/Msun/yr)=-9.0 to -11.6 and the terminal wind velocity increased from 1800km/s to 2800km/s. Since around 2002, the star stopped heating and has cooled down again to 55kK by 2006. It has a largely solar surface composition with the exception of slightly subsolar carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur. By comparison with stellar-evolution calculations, we confirm that SAO244567 must be a low-mass star (M < 0.55 Msun). However, the slow evolution of the respective stellar evolutionary models is in strong contrast to the observed fast evolution and the young planetary nebula with a kinematical age of only about 1000 years. We speculate that the star could be a late He-shell flash object. Alternatively, it could be the outcome of close-binary evolution. Then SAO244567 would be a low-mass (0.354 Msun) helium prewhite dwarf after the common-envelope phase, during which the planetary nebula was ejected.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Metal abundances in PG1159 stars from Chandra and FUSE spectroscopy

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    We investigate FUSE spectra of three PG1159 stars and do not find any evidence for iron lines. From a comparison with NLTE models we conclude a deficiency of 1-1.5 dex. We speculate that iron was transformed into heavier elements. A soft X-ray Chandra spectrum of the unique H- and He-deficient star H1504+65 is analyzed. We find high neon and magnesium abundances and confirm that H1504+65 is the bare core of either a C-O or a O-Ne-Mg white dwarf.Comment: To be published in: Proceedings 13th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, NATO Science Series, 4 pages, 1 figur