21 research outputs found

    Melting mud in Earth's mantle

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    Melting of subducted sediment remains controversial, as direct observation of sediment melt generation at mantle depths is not possible. Geochemical fingerprints provide indirect evidence for subduction delivery of sediment to the mantle; however, sediment abundance in mantle-derived melt is generally low (0%–2%), and difficult to detect. Here we provide evidence for melting of subducted sediment in granite sampled from an exhumed mantle section. Peraluminous granite dikes that intrude peridotite in the Oman–United Arab Emirates ophiolite have U-Pb ages of 99.8 ± 3.3 Ma that predate obduction. The dikes have unusually high oxygen isotope (δ18O) values for whole rock (14–23‰) and quartz (20–22‰), and yield the highest δ18O zircon values known (14–28‰; values relative to Vienna standard mean ocean water [VSMOW]). The extremely high oxygen isotope ratios uniquely identify the melt source as high-δ18O marine sediment (pelitic and/or siliciceous mud), as no other source could produce granite with such anomalously high δ18O. Formation of high-δ18O sediment-derived (S-type) granite within peridotite requires subduction of sediment to the mantle, where it melted and intruded overlying mantle wedge. The granite suite described here contains the highest oxygen isotope ratios reported for igneous rocks, yet intruded mantle peridotite below the Mohorovičić seismic discontinuity, the most primitive oxygen isotope reservoir in the silicate Earth. Identifying the presence and quantifying the extent of sediment melting within the mantle has important implications for understanding subduction recycling of supracrustal material and effects on mantle heterogeneity over time.National Geographi

    Challenges in the determination of the binding modes of non-standard ligands in X-ray crystal complexes

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    Despite its central role in structure based drug design the determination of the binding mode (position, orientation and conformation in addition to protonation and tautomeric states) of small heteromolecular ligands in protein:ligand complexes based on medium resolution X-ray diffraction data is highly challenging. In this perspective we demonstrate how a combination of molecular dynamics simulations and free energy (FE) calculations can be used to correct and identify thermodynamically stable binding modes of ligands in X-ray crystal complexes. The consequences of inappropriate ligand structure, force field and the absence of electrostatics during X-ray refinement are highlighted. The implications of such uncertainties and errors for the validation of virtual screening and fragment-based drug design based on high throughput X-ray crystallography are discussed with possible solutions and guidelines. Š Springe

    Quantification of cell-bubble interactions in a 3D engineered tissue phantom

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    Understanding cell-bubble interactions is crucial for preventing bubble related pathologies and harnessing their potential therapeutic benefits. Bubbles can occur in the body as a result of therapeutic intravenous administration, surgery, infections or decompression. Subsequent interactions with living cells, may result in pathological responses such as decompression sickness (DCS). This work investigates the interactions that occur between bubbles formed during decompression and cells in a 3D engineered tissue phantom. Increasing the tissue phantoms' cellular density resulted in decreased dissolved O2 (DO) concentrations (p = 0.0003) measured using real-time O2 monitoring. Direct microscopic observation of these phantoms, revealed a significant (p = 0.0024) corresponding reduction in bubble nucleation. No significant difference in growth rate or maximum size of the bubbles was measured (p = 0.99 and 0.23). These results show that bubble nucleation is dominated by DO concentration (affected by cellular metabolism), rather than potential nucleation sites provided by cell-surfaces. Consequent bubble growth depends not only on DO concentration but also on competition for dissolved gas. Cell death was found to significantly increase (p = 0.0116) following a bubble-forming decompression. By comparison to 2D experiments; the more biomimetic 3D geometry and extracellular matrix in this work, provide data more applicable for understanding and developing models of in vivo bubble dynamics