6 research outputs found
Analisis Spasial Sebaran Permukiman terhadap Kemiringan Lereng di Kota Depok
Kota Depok telah menjadi kota metropolitan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat modern sehingga perkembangan permukiman terus meningkat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perencanaan tata guna lahan yang baik dari pemerintah sendiri. Industrialisasi dan urbanisasi menyebabkan kota berkembang dan membuat permintaan akan lahan semakin besar. Tanah datar menjadi banyak peminatnya yang membuat harganya menjadi sangat mahal. Hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat kurang mampu hanya mampu membeli tanah miring karena harganya yang murah. Pembangunan pemukiman di tanah miring atau landai tentunya sangat berbahaya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya SIG dalam menganalisis kemiringan suatu daerah dalam klasifikasinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama bulan Februari-Juni 2021. Lokasi objek penelitian berada di Kota Depok. Penelitian diawali dengan studi literatur. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan lokasi penelitian. Setelah lokasi penelitian ditentukan, dilanjutkan dengan pengumpulan data sekunder. Pengolahan data yang dilakukan berupa analisis penggunaan lahan, uji ketelitian, analisis sebaran permukiman, analisis kelerengan, dan evaluasi sebaran permukiman pada lereng lereng. Luas sebaran permukiman pada kelas kemiringan 25%-45% dan diatas 45% masing-masing adalah 37,81 hektar dan 4,68 hektar. Lerengnya tidak bagus untuk pembangunan rumah. Upaya mitigasi yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengembalikan fungsi hutan di lereng bukit. Pengendalian pembangunan berupa harta benda juga harus dikendalikan sesuai dengan daya dukung lingkungan.
Perencanaan Pengembangan Prasarana Kawasan Ekowisata Situ Gede Kota Bogor: Infrastructure Development Planning of Situ Gede Ecotourism Area
Situ Gede area includes a local protection area, functioning as a water catchment area and protected area that will be developed into an ecotourism area based on RTRW and RTBL Situ Gede area and CIFOR fiscal year 2014. The research was conducted to evaluate the existing infrastructure and to make the planning of its development special on environmental roads, waste systems, and parking buildings. The research method begins with the creation of the basic map of Situ Gede area, the retrieval of existing data using secondary data, infrastructure planning in the form of environmental roads, waste management system, and parking building planning, and the creation of infrastructure development planning map Situ Gede area as an external expected from this research. Planning to observe the conservation aspects of water resources by conducting zoning utilization. The zoning arrangement was conducted to provide protection, use, and control of existing resources, especially the creation of a lake boundary of 50 m wide from the body
Analisis Debit Sungai dengan Menggunakan Model SWATpada DAS Cipasauran, Banten
Total water demand at non industrial and industrial region in Cilegon is increasing. With its water production capacity of 2,000 l/s, PT Krakatau Tirta Industri (KTI) cannot fulfill the amount number of demand from the industrial and domestic sectors at Cilegon. To cover the shortage of water supply of ±600 l/s, PT KTI requires taking water from Cipasauran Watershed. The objective of this study was to analyze river discharge of Cipasauran Watershed using SWAT model. Input data such as soil characteristics, climate data, landuse, and hydrology data at the area of the watershed were gathered and put at the data input file. In SWAT simulation, 4 processes were done, i.e. watershed delineation, hydrological response unit (HRU) forming, data process and SWAT simulation, and visualization process. The result showed that the daily and monthly calibration process crossed 84% and 83% with the 95PPU area, with daily and monthly p-factor value of 0.84 and 0.83. Thus, calibrated model result was valid, though R2 and NS value were not satisfied. Using the validated SWAT model, the daily discharge in Cipasauran Watershed was about 0 - 3.309 m3/s, whereas the monthly discharge was 0.648 - 3.266 m3/s. This showed that daily and monthly PT KTI’s water demand of 0.6 m3/s were fulfilled about 98.22% and 100%. Within the future time, the SWAT model could be potentially used as an assessment for predictive scenarios. However, to gain optimum results, well-observed and precise data is highly required, especially for such calibrations and validations
Evaluasi Saluran Drainase di Perumahan Alam Sinar Sari Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat
Drainage system is one of the important infrastructure components to drain runoff from rainfall. The purpose of this research were to identify the condition of existing drainage system in Alam Sinar Sari Residence, to analyze the discharge using EPA SWMM 5.1 application, and to analyze the suitability of existing drainage system with its runoff. The research was conducted since March 2018 on Alam Sinar Sari Residence which is located in Cibeureum Petir, with the total area of 15 ha. Based on analysis and statistic test, the acceptable distribution model is Log Pearson III model with 5 year return period. The rainfall designed was 175.86 mm. Based on simulation done using SWMM 5.1, the actual debit of conduit C76 were bigger than its planned debit and should be re-evaluated. Conduit C76 had dimension of depth of 0.31 m and width of 0.34 m. Based on simulation the discharge in C76 of 0.088 m3/s was bigger than the planned debit which was only 0.069 m3/s. After evaluation, conduit C76 should undergone changes of width dimension from 0.34 m to 0.50 m to be able to hold runoff.Keywords : designed rainfall, drainage, EPA SWMM 5.1, runof
Physical Vulnerability Modeling Based On Flood Inundation Model and Image Mining
Flash flood disaster occurred within the City of Garut, West Java, Indonesia, on 20th September 2016, which caused many casualties and damages. Flood model could be performed to model the already-occurring disaster, as well as to depict future events that may occur to overcome any potential disasters, where the inundation flood model depicted the element at risk. In order to assist the analysis for the damages occurred, image mining could be used as part of the approach, where online media was utilized as well. The image mining resulted information about building damages caused by the flood. Afterwards, the physical vulnerability (buildings/residents) model could be further performed. Finally, the relationship between vulnerability and the flood inundation were portrayed. The resulted physical vulnerability model showed that larger height of the flood water caused higher degree of loss of the building, in which portrayed the need for total rebuild of houses as well. Considering available open source data and fast data acquisition, the approach showed such efficient approaches, where the results could be used in order to establish recommendation for building reinforcement, spatial planning, or protection wall in flood prone areas within the future time
Pemodelan Sebaran Genangan Banjir Menggunakan HEC-RAS di Sub DAS Cisadane Hilir : Flood Inundation Modelling Using HEC-RAS in the Cisadane Hilir Sub-watershed
Sungai Cisadane berpotensi menimbulkan banjir di Tangerang, khususnya Bendungan Pasar Baru hingga Jembatan Kedaung. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penyempitan aliran dan pendangkalan sungai di hilir, serta perubahan penggunaan lahan di sepanjang bantaran Sungai Cisadane. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi, kedalaman, dan sebaran genangan air menggunakan model aliran permanen keluaran HEC-RAS (1D) pada tanggal 26 Februari 2020 dan untuk debit dengan periode ulang 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, dan 100 tahun. Pemodelan terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu pre-processing, running model HEC-RAS, dan post-processing. Hasilnya menunjukkan banjir pada 26 Februari 2020 melanda hingga 11 kelurahan. Kedalaman dan luasan wilayah terdampak terbesar terjadi di Desa Kedaung Barat dengan luas genangan 3,41 ha (0,01% dari luas desa). Kedalaman dan luas banjir masing-masing meningkat 0,1-0,2 m dan 20-50 ha seiring dengan bertambahnya periode ulang debit. Keakuratan keluaran model hanya 32%. Ketidakakuratan hasil model disebabkan penggunaan data DEM resolusi rendah sebagai input model