19 research outputs found

    JPN Guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis:surgical management

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    Acute pancreatitis represents a spectrum of disease ranging from a mild, self-limited course to a rapidly progressive, severe illness. The mortality rate of severe acute pancreatitis exceeds 20%, and some patients diagnosed as mild to moderate acute pancreatitis at the onset of the disease may progress to a severe, life-threatening illness within 2–3 days. The Japanese (JPN) guidelines were designed to provide recommendations regarding the management of acute pancreatitis in patients having a diversity of clinical characteristics. This article sets forth the JPN guidelines for the surgical management of acute pancreatitis, excluding gallstone pancreatitis, by incorporating the latest evidence for the surgical management of severe pancreatitis in the Japanese-language version of the evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Acute Pancreatitis published in 2003. Ten guidelines are proposed: (1) computed tomography-guided or ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration for bacteriology should be performed in patients suspected of having infected pancreatic necrosis; (2) infected pancreatic necrosis accompanied by signs of sepsis is an indication for surgical intervention; (3) patients with sterile pancreatic necrosis should be managed conservatively, and surgical intervention should be performed only in selected cases, such as those with persistent organ complications or severe clinical deterioration despite maximum intensive care; (4) early surgical intervention is not recommended for necrotizing pancreatitis; (5) necrosectomy is recommended as the surgical procedure for infected pancreatic necrosis; (6) simple drainage should be avoided after necrosectomy, and either continuous closed lavage or open drainage should be performed; (7) surgical or percutaneous drainage should be performed for pancreatic abscess; (8) pancreatic abscesses for which clinical findings are not improved by percutaneous drainage should be subjected to surgical drainage immediately; (9) pancreatic pseudocysts that produce symptoms and complications or the diameter of which increases should be drained percutaneously or endoscopically; and (10) pancreatic pseudocysts that do not tend to improve in response to percutaneous drainage or endoscopic drainage should be managed surgically

    SheddomeDB: the ectodomain shedding database for membrane-bound shed markers

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    Glutathione S-Transferase Pi Isoform (GSTP1) Expression in Murine Retina Increases with Developmental Maturity

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Glutathione S-transferase pi isoform (GSTP1) is an intracellular detoxification enzyme that catalyzes reduction of chemically reactive electrophiles and is a zeaxanthin-binding protein in the human macula. We have previously demonstrated that GSTP1 levels are decreased in human age-related macular degeneration (AMD) retina compared to normal controls [1]. We also showed that GSTP1 levels parallel survival of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells exposed to UV light, and GSTP1 over-expression protects them against UV light damage [2]. In the present work, we determined the developmental time course of GSTP1 expression in murine retina and in response to light challenge. METHODS: Eyes from BALB/c mice at post-natal day 20, 1 month, and 2 months of age were prepared for retinal protein extraction and cryo sectioning, and GSTP1 levels in the retina were analyzed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Another group of BALB/c mice with the same age ranges was exposed to 1000 lux of white fluorescent light for 24 hours, and their retinas were analyzed for GSTP1 expression by Western blot and IHC in a similar manner. RESULTS: GSTP1 levels in the murine retina increased in ascending order from post-natal day 20, 1 month, and 2 months of age. Moreover, GSTP1 expression in murine retina at post-natal day 20, 1 month, and 2 months of age increased in response to brief light exposure compared to age-matched controls under normal condition. CONCLUSIONS: GSTP1 expression in retina increases with developmental age in mice and accompanies murine retinal maturation. Brief exposure to light induces GSTP1 expression in the murine retina across various developmental ages. GSTP1 induction may be a protective response to light-induced oxidative damage in the murine retina

    Mortalidade perinatal e evitabilidade: revisão da literatura Perinatal mortality and evitability: a review

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    Neste artigo, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre mortalidade perinatal com maior enfoque na evitabilidade desses óbitos. Foram pesquisadas, sobretudo, publicações da década de 90 nas bases Medline e Lilacs (América Latina e Caribe). Discutiram-se as dificuldades para a realização de estudos nesta área, ainda em número restrito no Brasil, em decorrência do grande subregistro de óbitos fetais e da má qualidade da informação nas declarações de óbitos. Foram apresentadas as principais propostas de classificação dos óbitos perinatais baseadas em enfoque de evitabilidade, com destaque para a classificação de Wigglesworth. Nesta abordagem, os óbitos perinatais foram relacionados a momentos específicos da assistência, sendo evidenciadas as possibilidades de sua prevenção. Recomenda-se o enfoque de evitabilidade para a abordagem da mortalidade perinatal no Brasil, dado que as taxas são ainda elevadas, a maioria dos óbitos é considerada evitável e poderia ser prevenida com a melhoria da assistência pré-natal, ao parto e ao recém-nascido, não apenas quanto à sua resolubilidade clínica, mas também à organização da assistência em sistemas hierarquizados e regionalizados, assegurando o acesso da gestante e do recém-nascido em tempo oportuno a serviços de qualidade.<br>This is a literature review onperinatal mortality focusing its evitability. A Medline and Lilacs (Latin-America and Caribbean) search was conducted for the 90s. There are few research studies on this subject in Brazil due to the great number of underreported fetal deaths and the low quality information provided in death certificates. Different proposals for perinatal death classification are presented. Most are based on grouping the underlying causes of deaths in a functional system in order to facilitate the analysis. In the Wigglesworth classification system, one of the most recommended methods, deaths are related to the different stages of care for pregnant women and children, evidencing the possibilities of their prevention. The evitability approach of perinatal deaths in Brazil is highly recommended, as mortality rates are still very high and most of the deaths are considered avoidable. Premature deaths could be avoided improving the quality of health care. Besides improving the medical assistance, the organization of health care regarding pre-natal, birth and neonatal care must also be better developed to ensure access to qualified assistance