842 research outputs found

    Central Charge Bounds in 4D Conformal Field Theory

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    We derive model-independent lower bounds on the stress tensor central charge C_T in terms of the operator content of a 4-dimensional Conformal Field Theory. More precisely, C_T is bounded from below by a universal function of the dimensions of the lowest and second-lowest scalars present in the CFT. The method uses the crossing symmetry constraint of the 4-point function, analyzed by means of the conformal block decomposition.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Supersymmetry-Breaking Loops from Analytic Continuation into Superspace

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    We extend to all orders in perturbation theory a method to calculate supersymmetry-breaking effects by analytic continuation of the renormalization group into superspace. A central observation is that the renormalized gauge coupling can be extended to a real vector superfield, thereby including soft breaking effects in the gauge sector. We explain the relation between this vector superfield coupling and the "holomorphic" gauge coupling, which is a chiral superfield running only at 1 loop. We consider these issues for a number of regulators, including dimensional reduction. With this method, the renormalization group equations for soft supersymmetry breaking terms are directly related to supersymmetric beta functions and anomalous dimensions to all orders in perturbation theory. However, the real power of the formalism lies in computing finite soft breaking effects corresponding to high-loop component calculations. We prove that the gaugino mass in gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking is ``screened'' from strong interactions in the messenger sector. We present the complete next-to-leading calculation of gaugino masses (2 loops) and sfermion masses (3 loops) in minimal gauge mediation, and several other calculations of phenomenological relevance.Comment: 50 pages, 1 ps and 1 eps figure, LaTe

    Classical and Quantum Consistency of the DGP Model

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    We study the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati model by the method of the boundary effective action. The truncation of this action to the bending mode \pi consistently describes physics in a wide range of regimes both at the classical and at the quantum level. The Vainshtein effect, which restores agreement with precise tests of general relativity, follows straightforwardly. We give a simple and general proof of stability, i.e. absence of ghosts in the fluctuations, valid for most of the relevant cases, like for instance the spherical source in asymptotically flat space. However we confirm that around certain interesting self-accelerating cosmological solutions there is a ghost. We consider the issue of quantum corrections. Around flat space \pi becomes strongly coupled below a macroscopic length of 1000 km, thus impairing the predictivity of the model. Indeed the tower of higher dimensional operators which is expected by a generic UV completion of the model limits predictivity at even larger length scales. We outline a non-generic but consistent choice of counterterms for which this disaster does not happen and for which the model remains calculable and successful in all the astrophysical situations of interest. By this choice, the extrinsic curvature K_{\mu\nu} acts roughly like a dilaton field controlling the strength of the interaction and the cut-off scale at each space-time point. At the surface of Earth the cutoff is \sim 1 cm but it is unlikely that the associated quantum effects be observable in table top experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 1 eps figur

    OPE Convergence in Conformal Field Theory

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    We clarify questions related to the convergence of the OPE and conformal block decomposition in unitary Conformal Field Theories (for any number of spacetime dimensions). In particular, we explain why these expansions are convergent in a finite region. We also show that the convergence is exponentially fast, in the sense that the operators of dimension above Delta contribute to correlation functions at most exp(-a Delta). Here the constant a>0 depends on the positions of operator insertions and we compute it explicitly.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; v2: a clarifying note and two refs added; v3: note added concerning an extra constant factor in the main error estimate, misprint correcte

    Top and Bottom: a Brane of Their Own

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    We consider extra dimensional descriptions of models where there are two separate strongly interacting sectors contributing to electroweak symmetry breaking (``topcolor'' type models). In the extra dimensional picture there would be two separate (anti-de Sitter) bulks meeting on the Planck brane, with each bulk having its own corresponding IR (TeV) brane. Sources for electroweak symmetry breaking can then be localized on both of these IR branes, while the different generations of fermions may be separated from each other. We describe the modes propagating in such a setup, and consider the cases where the electroweak symmetry breaking on either of the two IR branes come either from a higgsless scenario (via boundary conditions) or a (top-)Higgs. We show that the tension that exists between obtaining a large top quark mass and the correct value of the Zb\bar{b} couplings in ordinary higgsless models can be largely relieved in the higgsless--top-Higgs versions of the two IR brane models. This may also be true in the purely higgsless--higgsless case, however since that model is necessarily in the strongly coupled regime the tree-level results for the properties of the third generation may get large corrections. A necessary consequence of such models is the appearance of additional pseudo-Goldstone bosons (``top-pions''), which would be strongly coupled to the third generation.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures. v2: figure 2 fixed, footnote, comments and references adde

    Partly Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    It is shown how grand unification can occur in models which are partly supersymmetric. The particle states which are composite do not contribute to the running of gauge couplings above the compositeness scale, while the elementary states contribute the usual large logarithmns. This introduces a new differential running contribution to the gauge couplings from partly composite SU(5) matter multiplets. In particular, for partly supersymmetric models, the incomplete SU(5) elementary matter multiplets restore gauge coupling unification even though the usual elementary gaugino and Higgsino contributions need not be present.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    High Energy Field Theory in Truncated AdS Backgrounds

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    In this letter we show that, in five-dimensional anti-deSitter space (AdS) truncated by boundary branes, effective field theory techniques are reliable at high energy (much higher than the scale suggested by the Kaluza-Klein mass gap), provided one computes suitable observables. We argue that in the model of Randall and Sundrum for generating the weak scale from the AdS warp factor, the high energy behavior of gauge fields can be calculated in a {\em cutoff independent manner}, provided one restricts Green's functions to external points on the Planck brane. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we calculate the one-loop correction to the Planck brane gauge propagator due to charged bulk fields. These effects give rise to non-universal logarithmic energy dependence for a range of scales above the Kaluza-Klein gap.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages; minor typos fixe

    Holography for fermions

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    The holographic interpretation is a useful tool to describe 5D field theories in a 4D language. In particular it allows one to relate 5D AdS theories with 4D CFTs. We elaborate on the 5D/4D dictionary for the case of fermions in AdS5_5 with boundaries. This dictionary is quite useful to address phenomenological issues in a very simple manner, as we show by giving some examples.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, references adde

    The Three Dimensional Dual of 4D Chirality

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    Chiral gauge theories can be defined in four-dimensional Anti de Sitter space, but AdS boundary conditions explicitly break the chiral symmetry in a specific, well defined manner, which in turns results in an anomalous Ward identity. When the 4D theory admits a dual description in terms of a 3D CFT, the 3D dual of the broken chiral symmetry is a certain double-trace deformation of the CFT, which produces the same anomalous chiral Ward identities that obtains in the 4D bulk theory.Comment: 10 pages, small misprints corrected, reference [16] updated. Version to appear in JHE

    Dirac Neutrino Masses with Planck Scale Lepton Number Violation

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    It is shown how pure Dirac neutrino masses can naturally occur at low energies even in the presence of Planck scale lepton number violation. The geometrical picture in five dimensions assumes that the lepton number symmetry is explicitly broken on the Planck brane while the right-handed neutrino is localised on the TeV brane. This physical separation in the bulk causes the global lepton number to be preserved at low energies. A small wavefunction overlap between the left-handed and right-handed neutrinos then naturally leads to a small Dirac Yukawa coupling. By the AdS/CFT correspondence there exists a purely four-dimensional dual description in which the right-handed neutrino is a composite CFT bound state. The global lepton number is violated at the Planck scale in a fundamental sector whose mixing into the composite sector is highly suppressed by CFT operators with large anomalous dimensions. A similar small mixing is then also responsible for generating a naturally small Dirac Yukawa coupling between the fundamental left-handed neutrino and the composite right-handed neutrino.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX; v2: references added; v3: another reference adde
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