28 research outputs found

    Complete denture treatment with closed mouth impression method for medically compromised elderly patients with flat ridge

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    Geriatric patient with medically compromised condition needs proper and adequate nutrition. However, patient with edentulous ridge is unable to receive the optimum intake because the masticatory and chewing ability decrease. Therefore, a proper complete denture treatment is necessary to enhance the masticatory system. Female, 86 years old, came with medical records of chronic gastritis, diabetes mellitus, and atrial fibrillation wanted to improve her masticatory ability by making a complete denture. The treatment choice in this case is a complete denture with close mouth impression method since the patient has a posterior flat ridge. This treatment resulted in a retentive, stable, comfortable denture, and patient satisfaction

    Spirulina chitosan gel induction on healing process of Cavia cobaya post extraction socket

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    Prominent residual ridge is necessary to gain retention and stabilility for succesful prosthodontic treatment such as removable, fixed or implant. Spirulina is a natural substance that can help tissue healing and chitosan also a natural substance that reported to have the ability to help bone remodelling. The combination gel of spirulina and chitosan could be considered as an alternative material to maintain residual ridge height after tooth extraction. Purpose: The aim of study was to examine the effect of combination gel of Spirulina and chitosan on healing process of Cavia cobaya post tooth extraction socket by counting the amount of osteoclast, osteoblast and colagen as an indicator. Methods: Twenty eight cavia cobaya were divided into 4 groups. Insisive mandible extraction was done and the sockets were filled with 3% CMCNa for control groups, 3% spirulina chitosan 200 mg for group 1, 6% spirulina chitosan 200 mg for group 2, 12% spirulina chitosan 200 mg for group 3. After 30 days, histopathology examination was done by using microscope to count the amount of osteoclast, osteoblast and collagen. Results: Data was analyzed by using Anova and Tukey HSD. For osteoclast, there was no significant different between every groups, while for osteoblast and collagen there was significant different between groups. The results showed that induction of combination gel spirulina chitosan was able to accumulate collagen fiber and resulting faster wound healing. Conclusion: Combination 12% gel spirulina chitosan 200 mg could be used as an alternative material for better bone remodeling after tooth extraction

    How To Use the latest Material ln Fixed Prosthodontics

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    Provional prosthodontic merupakan suatu prosedur yang harus dilaksanakan untuk perawatan suatu restorasi prostestik, baik itu hanya untuk single tooth atau multiple teeth (Dragoo & William 1982; Massironi dkk, 2007). Provisional prosthetic (mahkota sementara, jembatan sementara diperlukan sebagai support jaringan, anatomi, ukuran, bentuk & pa~ang gigi yang telah dipreparasi. Mahkota atau jembatan sementara tersebut harus di pulas. Pemakaian mahkota dan jembatan sementara dapat merangsang penyembuhan setelah phase mencetak.Bahkan suatu provisional prosthodontics (temporary crown) dapat digunakan sebagai alat diagnostic dan terapentik pada perawatan pendahuluan (Initial Stage of Treatment, Hom,1979). Selain itu juga untuk mengoreksi dan mengintegrasi soft tissue, melindungi pulpa & preservasi gigi tetangga dan gigi antagonis. Dengan berkembangnya ilmu bahan kedokteran gigi, dipasaran banyak dijumpai bahan cetak, bahkan bahan untuk membuat mahkota jembatan sementara


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    Tooth extraction and periodontal disease is the most common cause of alveolar bone resorption. A technique has developed to gain the bone volume back, called Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR). GBR combine the application of bone graft particles and a barrier membrane, to protect bone regeneration from soft tissue invasion that grows faster. Collagen, pericardium, and cortical membranes are resorbable membranes that can be used in the GBR technique. Blood is an essential component of any regeneration that takes place in human body. Before the membrane is applied, it is usually be rehydrated with saline to flex the membrane so that easily applied. To observe the effect of saline rehydration on the O type blood adsoption speed on collagen, pericardium, and cortical membranes. Collagen, pericardium, and cortical membranes each 14 membranes and 2×1.5 cm in size were divided into two groups, 7 samples for group membranes without saline rehydration and 7 samples for group membranes with saline rehydration. Each group samples were submerged in 75 ml blood. The measurement of the O type blood adsorption speed was examined in 10 minutes for each group. The data was analyzed using Independent T-Test and resulted a significance value of less than 0.05 (Sig<0.05). It shows a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group. There is a difference in the speed of type O blood adsorption between collagen, pericardium, and cortical membranes with and without saline rehydration.Membrane with saline rehydration has a faster blood adsorption speed so that it is less good as a barrier membrane

    Knowledge Improvement After Dental Health Education for Elementary School Students in Surabaya, East Java

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    Background: During the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, many people were afraid to go to the dentist, which affected their dental and oral health conditions. Dental cavities may hamper children's growth and development; if this condition continues, it will affect the children's dietary intake, which may impact their quality of life and, if allowed to, cause stunting. Although in this condition, we still have to take preventive precautions with dental health education in school-age children. This required increasing dental health knowledge and understanding of dental disorders, particularly. Purpose: To describe oral and dental health knowledge improved following dental health education at Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School, which is located in Pucang, Surabaya City, East Java. Methods: Two surveyors were responsible for data collecting. This study's sample size was 105 people ranging from third to fifth grade. The seminar covered dental and oral health via a hybrid method. The participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire form for the pre-and post-test to determine the improvement of oral and dental health knowledge for the dental health education evaluation. Results: Most oral and dental health participants understood the presentation on oral and dental health education. The post-test percentage was higher (89.14%) than the pre-test rate (60.29%). Conclusion: The program findings demonstrated that oral and dental health education with a hybrid method effectively increased elementary school children's understanding of dental and oral health status

    The expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-10 in the diabetes mellitus condition induced by the combination of spirulina and chitosan

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    Background: Rapid wound healing is needed after tooth extraction treatment so that prosthodontics treatment can be done immediately. However, systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, can inhibit the wound healing process. The state of hyperglycemia in people with diabetes mellitus can interfere with the function of macrophages and neutrophils. This condition can cause an imbalance in the cytokines IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-10 that are produced by macrophages and thus will affect the wound healing process. Spirulina and chitosan are two natural substances that have been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. This study was aimed to determine whether the combination of 12% spirulina and 20% chitosan can accelerate wound healing through its intervention in cytokines IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-10. Method: The samples used were 36 Wistar rats suffering from diabetes mellitus and divided into control groups induced by CMC Na base gel and treatment groups induced by the combination of 12% spirulina and 20% chitosan in the socket. These 2 groups were further divided into groups terminated on one day, three days and seven days post-extraction. Results: The amount of IL-1β and TNF-α in the treatment groups is lower than that of the control group. Meanwhile, the treatment group of IL-10 showed an increase in IL-10 levels. Conclusion: The combination of 12% spirulina and 20% chitosan can accelerate wound healing. They are decreasing the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α as well as increasing the number of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10

    Molecular Triad RANK/ RANKL/ OPG in Mandible and Femur of Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    A successful treatment of dental implant needs a good jaw bone support, which depends on healthy bone metabolism. Bone metabolism can be affected by Diabetes Mellitus (DM). It may trigger various complications, including osteoporosis. Molecular triads consisting of Receptor Activator of NF-kappaB (RANK), Activator of nF-κB Ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG), have an important role in the formation, function, and osteoclast survival. In this study, molecular triads were observed on mandible and femur bones in type 2 DM Wistar rats. The aim of this study was to observe the molecular triad RANK / RANKL / OPG expressions in type 2 DM Wistar rats. This laboratory research used 18 male Wistar rats divided into three groups: nondiabetic group (control), uncontrolled DM injected with single dose of Streptozotocin (STZ), and controlled DM treated with Metformin. On day 20, the mandible and femur were collected and specimen processing was carried out. The results of RANK / RANKL / OPG expressions were obtained from immunohistochemical staining. In both mandible and femur groups, RANK, RANKL, OPG expressions showed no difference between the control and uncontrolled DM groups. RANKL / OPG ratio in uncontrolled DM was higher than that in the control group. RANK expression was lower in uncontrolled DM group compared with controlled DM, and the RANKL expression in uncontrolled DM group was higher than that in the controlled DM group. RANKL / OPG ratio was lower in the controlled DM group. The study suggested that DM affects resorptive activity in mandible and femur bones which can be observed via RANK/RANKL/OPG

    Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells accelerate and increase implant osseointegration in diabetic rats

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    Objective:  This study was conducted to assess the effect of hUCMSCs injection on the osseointegration of dental implant in diabetic rats via Runt-related Transcription Factor 2 (Runx2), Osterix (Osx), osteoblasts, and Bone Implant Contact (BIC). Methodology: The research design was a true experimental design using Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain. Rattus norvegicus were injected with streptozotocin to induce experimental diabetes mellitus. The right femur was drilled and loaded with titanium implant. Approximately 1 mm from proximal and distal implant site were injected with hUCMSCs. The control group was given only gelatin solvent injection. After 2 and 4 weeks of observation, the rats were sacrificed for further examination around implant site using immunohistochemistry staining (RUNX2 and Osterix expression), hematoxylin eosin staining, and bone implant contact area. Data analysis was done using ANOVA test. Results: Data indicated a significant difference in Runx2 expression (p<0.001), osteoblasts (p<0.009), BIC value (p<0.000), and Osterix expression (p<0.002). In vivo injection of hUCMSCs successfully increased Runx2, osteoblasts, and BIC value significantly, while decreased Osterix expression, indicating an acceleration of the bone maturation process.Conclusion: The results proved hUCMSCs to accelerate and enhance implant osseointegration in diabetic rat models