3 research outputs found

    CarViz: "CarViz - easy share between great people": plano de negócios de uma empresa de serviços de partilha de veículos

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    Este plano de negócios pretende responder a um segmento em forte crescimento no estrangeiro e ainda pouco explorado em Portugal, o da partilha de bens. A economia de partilha surge com a crescente preocupação em torno do crescimento sustentável da população global e o esgotamento dos recursos e é neste contexto de economia de partilha que tem origem o conceito de "Carsharing" cujas primeiras empresas apareceram na Europa em meados do século XX. O "Carsharing" é então uma nova forma de mobilidade nos grandes centros urbanos cujas principais vantagens são o facto de permitir maior flexibilidade nas deslocações quando comparado com transportes públicos, ser mais económico do que ter um automóvel privado e ter um impacto positivo no ambiente pois não existe necessidade de tantos veículos. Assim, este projeto tem a ambição de explorar este conceito no mercado português potenciando novas formas de mobilidade que permitam maior sustentabilidade e maior rentabilidade. A CarViz irá operar via plataforma "online" e funcionará como intermediário deste serviço de partilha de veículos de forma eficiente e fácil utilização.This Business Plan intends to respond to a segment in strong growth abroad and still slight explored in Portugal, the one of sharing goods. The sharing economy arises with the growing concern about population sustained growth and the depletion of resources being in this context of sharing economy that emerges the concept of Carsharing whose first companies appeared in the mid-twentieth century. Carsharing is therefore a new form of mobility in large urban centers whose main advantages are that it allows for greater flexibility in traveling when compared to public transport, is cheaper than having a private car and has a positive impact on the environment as it does not exist the need for so many vehicles. Thus, this project has the ambition of exploring this concept in the Portuguese market, fostering new forms of mobility that allow greater sustainability and greater profitability. CarViz will operate as a platform online and will act as an intermediary of this vehicle sharing service in an efficient and easy way

    The National Student Survey: validation in Portuguese medical students

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    The UK National Student Survey (NSS) is a sound and widely used instrument for assessing students’ academic experiences. We aimed to translate the NSS for Portuguese students and to validate the instrument in a sample of medical undergraduates. The research team translated and adapted the NSS for Portuguese students (NSS-P). The survey was administered on an online platform to 1,256 final-year students at eight Portuguese medical schools. A total of 329 medical students (69.9% female) replied to the NSS-P, a response rate of 26.2%. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the original six-factor structure had an adequate fit to the data. Adequate internal consistency was observed for all the subscales. Medium to large correlations were found among all the subscale scores and between the subscale scores and the students’ overall satisfaction. Multiple regression showed that the scores on the Teaching, Organization and Management and Personal Development subscales significantly predicted the students’ overall satisfaction. Approximately 64% of the students reported being satisfied with the quality of their courses. Significant differences among the medical schools in their NSS-P scores were found. The NSS-P is a valid and reliable measure for assessing medical students’ perceptions of academic quality

    Career satisfaction of medical residents in Portugal

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    Introdução: A satisfação com a profissão médica tem sido apontada como um fator essencial para a qualidade assistencial, o bemestar dos doentes e a estabilidade dos sistemas de saúde. Estudos recentes têm vindo a enfatizar um crescente descontentamento dos médicos, principalmente como consequência das alterações das relações laborais. Objetivos: Avaliar a perceção dos médicos de formação específica em Portugal, sobre as expectativas e grau de satisfação com a profissão, especialidade e local de formação; razões da insatisfação e intenção de emigrar. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal. A colheita de dados foi efetuada entre Maio e Agosto de 2014 através de um Inquérito online sobre a “Satisfação com a Especialidade”. Resultados: De uma população total de 5788 médicos, foram obtidas 804 respostas (12,25% do total de médicos internos). Desta amostra, 77% das respostas correspondem a internos dos três primeiros anos de formação. Verificou-se que 90% dos médicos se encontram satisfeitos com a especialidade, tendo-se encontrado também níveis elevados de satisfação com a profissão (85%) e local de formação (86%). Por outro lado, constatou-se que estes diminuíam com a progressão ao longo dos anos de internato. A avaliação global sobre o panorama da prática médica foi negativa e 65% dos médicos responderam que consideram emigrar após conclusão do internato. Conclusão: Os médicos internos em Portugal apresentam níveis positivos de satisfação com a sua profissão. No entanto, a sua opinião sobre o panorama da Medicina e os resultados relativos à intenção de emigrar alertam para a necessidade de tomada de medidas para inverter este cenário.Introduction: The satisfaction with the medical profession has been identified as an essential factor for the quality of care, the wellbeing of patients and the healthcare systems’ stability. Recent studies have emphasized a growing discontent of physicians, mainly as a result of changes in labor relations. Objectives: To assess the perception of Portuguese medical residents about: correspondence of residency with previous expectations; degree of satisfaction with the specialty, profession and place of training; reasons for dissatisfaction; opinion regarding clinical practice in Portugal and emigration intents. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study. Data collection was conducted through the “Satisfaction with Specialization Survey”, created in an online platform, designed for this purpose, between May and August 2014. Results: From a total population of 5788 medical residents, 804 (12.25 %) responses were obtained. From this sample, 77% of the responses were from residents in the first three years. Results showed that 90% of the residents are satisfied with their specialty, 85% with the medical profession and 86% with their place of training. Nevertheless, results showed a decrease in satisfaction over the final years of residency. The overall assessment of the clinical practice scenario in Portugal was negative and 65% of residents have plans to emigrate after completing their residency. Conclusion: Portuguese residents revealed high satisfaction levels regarding their profession. However, their views on Portuguese clinical practice and the results concerning the intent to emigrate highlight the need to take steps to reverse this scenario