3 research outputs found
Kondiloma Akuminata
Condyloma aaccuminatum (CA) or known as genital warts or chicken cockroach disease is a genital infections caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). In Indonesia, the incidence of CA continues to increase and is the third largest disease of sexually transmitted infections. The possibility of sexually transmitted infections with HPV-infected partners either in subclinical form is 75%. Genital HPV infection is commonly associated with moist mucosa. Microscopic abration and reccurent traumatic can increase infectivity and viral replication. HPV incubation period is between 8 weeks and 9 months. Generally does not cause a complaint but its form can cause psychological stress. Clinical features of CA is quite typical, there are 3 forms of clinical form of acuminata, keratosis, and papules. The latent period may last several months to years. Diagnosis is generally enforced simply by looking at the clinical picture. Investigations are performed if the lesions are not typical or suspicious of malignancy. A 5% acetic acid test can be used to look at subclinical trains. Histopathology is required when suspicious of malignancy. Pearly papule peniles are normal variants that have a similar picture to CA and do not need to be treated. Management of railways can be done with 25% tincture of podophylline 25%, TCA 80% -90%, imiquimod 5%, surgical excision, electrical surgery, and frozen surgery that provides satisfactory success. Therapy for pregnant women most secure by using TCA 80% -90%.Â
Sensitivitas dan Spesifisitas Metode KOH 20% + Tinta Parker Blue Black Dibandingkan dengan KOH 20% pada Dermatomikosis Superfisialis
Superficial dermatomycosis is a fungal infection of the skin, nail and hair. Based on the pathogen, this infection can be divided into dermatophytosis, phytiriasis versicolor and candidiasis. The rapid diagnosis for this infection is the key point to deliver the right theraphy. The supporting investigation for this infection can be performed directly using KOH. The KOH 20% solution has an indistict color contrast, that cause the fungal element seemed transparent. The observant expertise would be required for this case. The alternative method to enhance sensitivity and specificity of KOH is to add dyes such as Blue Black parker ink. The objectives of this research was to observe the sensitivity and specificity of KOH 20% + blue black parker ink in comparisson with KOH 20% method in superficial dermatomycosis. The research method was cross sectional design analitical obsevation with 30 research subjects. The samples were taken from superficial dermatomycosis lesion swabs. These samples were tested using KOH 20% solution and KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution in Siti Khodijah Muhammadiyah Hospital, Sepanjang and dr. Makmuri Clinics, Surabaya. The results demonstrated that the sensitivity of KOH 20% solution and KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution were 86.67% and 93.33%, respectively. The specificity of KOH 20% solution and KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution were 100% and 100%, respectively. It can be concluded from the research that KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution can be used for the routine diagnosis for superficial dermatomycosis due to the high sensitivity and specificity
Hypertension is a serious problem in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) and the occurrence of hypertension at the age of 20-60 years in the Pahandut Public Health Center, Palangka Raya. In this research is an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional study design. The sample in this study was 110 respondents who came from the society in the working area of ​​the Pahandut Health Center. The sampling technique used systematic random sampling. The data obtained came from a questionnaire and was tested for chi square using analysis through the SPSS application.  The results in this study showed that the respondents GERMAS behavior was in the less category (60%) and with a history of hypertension (54.5%). The value means that there is a relationship between GERMAS behavior and the occurrence of hypertension (p = 0.003). There is a relationship between GERMAS behavior and the occurrence of hypertension at the age of 20-60 years in the working area of ​​the Pahandut Public Health Center, Palangka Raya City.Latar Belakang: Hipertensi merupakan masalah serius di Indonesia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) dengan kejadian hipertensi pada usia 20 – 60 tahun di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pahandut Palangka Raya. Metode: Dalam penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan rancangan penelitian studi cross-sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebesar 110 responden yang berasal dari masyarakat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pahandut. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan systematic random sampling. Data yang diperoleh berasal dari kueisioner dan di uji chi square menggunakan analisis melalui aplikasi SPSS. Hasil: Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan perilaku GERMAS responden dalam kategori kurang (60%) dan dengan riwayat penyakit hipertensi (54,5%). Nilai yang berarti bahwa terdapat hubungan perilaku GERMAS dengan kejadian hipertensi (p=0,003). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan perilaku GERMAS dengan kejadian hipertensi pada usia 20 – 60 tahun di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pahandut Kota Palangka Raya