24 research outputs found

    Exploring flexibilities within the international copyright system for teaching, research and study

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    This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that no quotation from the thesis, nor any information derived therefrom, may be published without the author‘s prior, written consent. i In the digital era, many people are still denied opportunities for equitable acquisition and sharing of knowledge and information, for instance when accessing materials necessary for teaching, research and study in universities. One factor that contributes to this problem arises from the extent to which copyright restrictions and limitations differ from one country to another. This study analyzes whether the international copyright exceptions facilitate or hinder teaching, research and study, particularly in respect of legal education in universities. It was found that the exceptions available in the international treaties is purposely couched in an abstract terms leaving the matter mostly for countries t

    The fairness of ‘stealing’ knowledge for education

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    Despite the success of technology in terms of making it much more convenient to gain education, copyright law seems to hamper the strength and opportunity of information technology in relation to providing access to knowledge and education.With this in mind, this paper examines the application of copyright law in the context of education in both traditional and modern methods of teaching.It discusses the problem associated with the uncertainties and lack of awareness amongst copyright users, as well as the controlling behaviours of copyright owners. This paper further relates the problem of uncertainties to broad provisions of exceptions in international copyright instruments, and further narrows down the interpretation of ‘fair’ dealing in the context of domestic laws.This paper argues that a liberal approach to copyright is fundamental when providing discretion for countries to interpret and implement their international copyright obligations, which are considered suitable to their different needs. As such, private international litigation can contribute to adopting a more balanced and more respectful approach to national differences and national norms

    Fighting counterfeiting: importance of enforcement of intellectual property rights

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    Counterfeiting has currently been labelled as the crime of the twenty-first century.It has evolved into a much more lucrative business in very sophisticated ways.While there are many contributing factors to the proliferation of counterfeiting in recent years, the only real area where the government can make a difference is in setting up a responsive legal system that includes good enforcement.The aim of this paper is to examine the scale of counterfeiting activity derived from the seizure data issued by the World Customs Organization, emphasizing on the worldwide scenario.This is followed by examination on the motivations behind counterfeiting activity to identify gap in the existing enforcement mechanisms so that recommendations can be made to improve the competency of those mechanisms to address counterfeiting.The paper then critically examines and relates the reasons of why effective enforcement is necessary in the fight against counterfeiting

    Comparative study on copyright exception for teaching purposes: Australia, Malaysia and the United Kingdom

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    While education is considered a basic human right, the copyright system however seems to hamper public access to information and knowledge. This is especially so when information that largely comes from developed countries are used as commodities that have to be bought by developing countries.This paper compares the international and national laws in Malaysia, United Kingdom and Australia on the copyright exceptions to materials used for teaching purposes.It analyzes the different ways countries manage and balance between copyright owners and copyright users’ interest and shows that in many circumstances, copyright owners are over-protected by national copyright systems although this is not required by international copyright law.This paper also shows that international treaties governing copyright law do allow some flexibility for member countries to implement copyright systems based on their own needs and circumstances but such opportunity is not fully utilized by member countries for the benefit of the public

    A cobweb of exception to copyright law for research purposes

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    Access to copyrighted materials and resources for research purposes have been increasingly conducted across borders. In certain circumstances, access to copyright materials that may be needed for research purposes may be restricted due to copyright law. International copyright conventions do provide exceptions to copyright law for research purposes as what has been generally covered under the ‘three step test’. However, this rule may be interpreted either narrowly or flexibly by member countries, which leads to different countries adapting different laws pertaining to it. This paper analyses the Malaysian copyright provision relating to copyright exceptions that may be used for research purposes and its recent amendments made in 2012 as compared to Australia and the United Kingdom provisions. This paper will discuss the implications of the recent amendment and further explains the future direction researchers could take to ensure the legality of their actions when using copyrighted materials for research purposes

    Ancaman keganasan dan keselamatan negara selepas peristiwa 11 September 2001: Satu pandangan

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    Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk melihat pandangan responden dari kalangan pelajar-pelajar Universiti Utara Malaysia mengenai isu keganasan dan ancaman keselamatan selepas peristiwa 11 September 2001 dan pandangan mereka terhadap langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan untuk menangani isu tersebut.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, kajian ini akan melihat pandangan secara umum mengenai isu-isu yang memberi ancaman kepada keselamatan negara, persepsi responden mengenai isu keganasan selepas 11 september 2001 dan pandangan responden mengenai langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan untuk menangani isu berhubung dengan ancaman keganasan.Penemuan menunjukkan responden perihatin dan mengakui kewujudan isu keganasan sebagai satu bentuk ancaman kepada keselamatan negara dan majoriti mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap langkah-langkah yang diambil kerajaan untuk menangani masalah tersebut

    Sharing works and copyright issues in massive open online courseware (MOOC)

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    Various higher education institutions around the world have been adopting the Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOC), a new technological means to distribute and share knowledge across borders. While technology deem it convenient to share works online, the copyright issue cannot be taken for granted since it may lead to unnecessary legal actions that will hamper constructive teaching and learning. It is necessary to have clear awareness on the copyright issues and to understand what strategy could be used to provide a secure and positive MOOC environment.This paper is aimed at identifying and explaining the relationship between works sharing and copyright issues in MOOC environment.The paper highlighted strategies that can be undertaken by someone who want to share their works that fall under the public domain, creative common licenses and open access repositories


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    As communications technology, air travel, and a complex international economy continue to make the world smaller, the importance of peaceful and cooperative relationships between nations increases. However, it is unclear to what extent research on international relations (IR) has expanded as a global discipline; narrated by balanced perspectives and provides an impact. This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of 4,986 documents related to IR as recorded in the Scopus database from 1913 to 2022. Specifically, this paper analyzes (a) the trends and developments; (b) influential documents and frequent keywords and (c) major players in terms of productive journals, authors and institutions in IR studies. This paper provides a new panoramic view through tables and science maps on the publication of IR studies. The findings show a gradual interest in the IR field before the Second World War and this accelerated during the mid-twentieth century. Political economy is gaining more importance and most publications centre on IR theories while discussing prevailing events affecting the world. However, the Western influence of IR is still primarily mainstream, where IR publications are mainly controlled by large Western publishers, influenced by Western authors affiliated with long-established Western institutions. Seemingly, the non-Western contributions to the IR field have yet to establish their own footing in the field despite much discussion about diversifying IR. This remains a challenge for non-Western scholars, journal publishers, and institutions seeking to contribute to the ongoing debate in the study of international relations

    Freedom of the Internet in Malaysia

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    Social media has been hugely popular among the youth through mediums such as Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.Online news pods have become very dominant and mainstream in Malaysia overtaking the print and broadcasting media Thus, the internet has given more democratic space to the people expression for and against the government and opposition.This study, studies about freedom of the internet in Malaysia, specifically in examining the political speech. Malaysia practices the policy of free cyberspace but still, there are many mechanisms to restrict political speech online. Some restriction are justifiable such us on pornography and hate speech. There is a concern that the government restricts more that it should be.Ultimately, freedom of the internet is crucial for a more democratic Malaysia