116 research outputs found

    Costs of Resource Degradation Externalities - A Study of Groundwater Depletion in Andhra Pradesh

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    This paper looks in to the process of environmental degradation and the resultant externalities in the context of groundwater depletion in drought prone regions. The main objective here is to estimate the costs of groundwater depletion externalities and examine the costs and benefits from groundwater replenishing mechanisms in different ecological contexts. This study shows how groundwater exploitation in India is resulting in economic losses to individual farmers apart from ecological degradation. It is argued that policies towards strengthening the resource base (abatement mechanisms) and equitable distribution of the resource (property rights) would be beneficial, economically as well as ecologically. The cost-benefit comparison is in favour of investment in replenishment mechanisms such as irrigation tanks and percolation tanks. The situation of over extraction and the resultant environmental degradation is a consequence of lack of appropriate and adequate policies (policy failure) for managing the subsurface water resources. Hither to, groundwater policies (subsidised credit, power, etc) are in the nature of encouraging private initiatives in groundwater development. While these policies helped in promoting groundwater development in the regions where groundwater development was below potential, they have led to over exploitation of the resource in fragile resource regions. On the other hand, no attempts were made (at the policy level) to strengthen the natural resource base in terms of replenishing the water table. On the contrary, groundwater development is seen as a substitute for tanks, which are the main agents of replenishment.Environment, Degradation, groundwater, externalities, Costs, Andhra

    Cost of resource degradation externalities: A study of groundwater depletion in Andhra Pradesh

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    This paper looks in to the process of environmental degradation and the resultant externalities in the context of groundwater depletion in drought prone regions. The main objective here is to estimate the costs of groundwater depletion externalities and examine the costs and benefits from groundwater replenishing mechanisms in different ecological contexts. This study shows how groundwater exploitation in India is resulting in economic losses to individual farmers apart from ecological degradation. It is argued that policies towards strengthening the resource base (abatement mechanisms) and equitable distribution of the resource (property rights) would be beneficial, economically as well as ecologically. The cost-benefit comparison is in favour of investment in replenishment mechanisms such as irrigation tanks and percolation tanks. The situation of over extraction and the resultant environmental degradation is a consequence of lack of appropriate and adequate policies (policy failure) for managing the subsurface water resources. Hither to, groundwater policies (subsidised credit, power, etc) are in the nature of encouraging private initiatives in groundwater development. While these policies helped in promoting groundwater development in the regions where groundwater development was below potential, they have led to over exploitation of the resource in fragile resource regions. On the other hand, no attempts were made (at the policy level) to strengthen the natural resource base in terms of replenishing the water table. On the contrary, groundwater development is seen as a substitute for tanks, which are the main agents of replenishment.Environment, Degradation, Groundwater, Externalities, Costs, Andhra Pradesh, South India

    How Participatory is Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)? A Study of Water User Associations (WUAs) in Andhra Pradesh

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    It is argued that the reason for the ills of irrigation management is the alienation of farmers from the process of planning and implementation. Often 'lack of political will' is identified as the main reason for the tardy progress in irrigation reforms at the state level. Andhra Pradesh has demonstrated the political will by initiating widespread irrigation reforms through legislation. This paper, based on the situation after six years of WUAs in existence, makes an attempt to provide a comprehensive view on the status and functioning of the Water Users' Associations in the State. It is argued that while substantial amounts of money were spent on the reform process, the money was used mainly for improving the ailing irrigation systems rather than strengthening the formal institutional structures. Though some benefits in terms of increased area under irrigation in canal systems and improved quality of irrigation is evident, the sustainability of these benefits is rather uncertain in the absence of efficient institutional structures. Despite the fact that WUAs are promoted as non-political institutions, 'elite capture' and political involvement dominate their functioning. And the present trend appears to be towards further politicization of these institutions. More importantly, even after six years of their existence devolution of powers to WUAs has not taken place, as most of the important functions like assessment, collection of water charges, sanctioning of works, etc., are still in the hands of the irrigation department. In the absence of devolution of powers the WUAs are aiming for political gains rather than improving the systems. It is argued that political will is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for making the WUAs autonomous and self-sufficient. Restructuring and reforming of the State irrigation departments and the bureaucracy is critical for effective and sustainable irrigation institutions.participatory, Irrigation Management, water, Andhra Pradesh

    Sustaining Rural Livelihoods in Fragile Environments : Resource Endowments or Policy Interventions?

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    This paper primarily assesses the status of rural livelihoods in fragile environments with diverse resource endowments and policy interventions. The objective was to examine the effectiveness of resource enhancing policy interventions like watershed development in reducing resource endowment imbalances across villages and regions. Livelihood assessment was carried out using the sustainable rural livelihoods (SRL) framework in the fragile regions of Andhra Pradesh. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the rural livelihoods covering all the 555 households in three sample villages. It is argued that resource endowments determine the level and dynamics of livelihoods at the household level rather than policy interventions per se. On the other hand, policy interventions, given the status and structure of the economy, only act as catalysts. Policies for strengthening the resource base are necessary but not sufficient to address the livelihood issues. In the present case it is shown that availability of water (irrigation) is more important than the recent policy interventions like watershed development for improving the livelihoods. Nevertheless, policy interventions towards human capital development (education, skills, etc) could be rewarding in the long run. Unless policies are directed towards bringing changes in natural resource endowments (especially water) at the household level, it is unlikely that the on going policy interventions would transform the rural livelihoods in the fragile environments.Rural livelihoods, resource endowments, watershed development, policy

    Sustaining rural livelihoods in fragile environments: Resource endowments or policy interventions?

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    This paper primarily assesses the status of rural livelihoods in fragile environments with diverse resource endowments and policy interventions. The objective was to examine the effectiveness of resource enhancing policy interventions like watershed development in reducing resource endowment imbalances across villages and regions. Livelihood assessment was carried out using the sustainable rural livelihoods (SRL) framework in the fragile regions of Andhra Pradesh. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the rural livelihoods covering all the 555 households in three sample villages.Rural livelihoods, resource endowments, watershed development, policy interventions, Andhra Pradesh

    Community watershed management in semi-arid India: The state of collective action and its effects on natural resources and rural livelihoods

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    "Spatial and temporal attributes of watersheds and the associated market failures that accelerate degradation of agricultural and environmental resources require innovative institutional arrangements for coordinating use and management of resources. Effective collective action (CA) allows smallholder farmers to jointly invest in management practices that provide collective benefits in terms of economic and sustainability gains. The Government of India takes integrated watershed management (IWM) as a key strategy for improving productivity and livelihoods in the rain-fed and drought-prone regions. This study investigates the institutional and policy issues that limit effective participation of people in community watershed programs and identifies key determinants for the degree of CA and its effectiveness in achieving economic and environmental outcomes. We use empirical data from a survey of 87 watershed communities in semi-arid Indian villages to identify a set of indicators of CA and its performance in attaining desired outcomes. Factor analysis is used to develop aggregate indices of CA and its effectiveness. Regression methods are then employed to test the effects of certain policy relevant variables and to determine the potential effects of CA in achieving desired poverty reduction and resource improvement outcomes. We find a positive and highly significant effect of CA on natural resource investments, but no evidence of its effects on household assets and poverty reduction outcomes. This may be attributable to longer gestation periods for realizing indirect effects from collective natural resource investments and the lack of institutional mechanisms to ensure equitable distribution of such gains across the community, including the landless and marginal farmers." authors' abstractCollective action, Institutions, Property rights, Watershed management, Poverty, Environmental impacts,

    'Slippage' : The Bane of Rural Drinking Water Sector (A Study of Extent and Causes in Andhra Pradesh)

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    Slippage is one of the main bottlenecks of achieving full coverage of water and sanitation services in India. Slippage is the term often used to reflect unsustainable service delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services, especially in rural areas. Off late slippage is attracting attention at the policy level though slippage is as old as the coverage of water supply services. This paper makes an attempt to identify the causes of slippage in a systematic manner. The broad objectives of the paper include : i) assess the extent of slippage at the national and state level; ii) identify the causes of slippage at various levels; and iii) provide some pointers for policy based on the analysis. The extent of slippage is quite substantial even at the aggregate level. The situation is alarming in some of the states where the extent of slippage is as high as 60 percent. Our analysis at the national, state and habitation levels suggests strongly that policy makers should look beyond the often repeated supply sided strategies. As evident from the experience of Andhra Pradesh, the demand side and governance factors play an equally, if not more, important role in addressing the sustainability issues. So far the experiences are that large investments in water sector would not automatically lead to increase in coverage. The sector also needs a sound policy and capacity so that money is spent effectively and leads to increased water security. The policy should also address resource sustainability and behavioural change goals instead of relying upon a one-sided target driven approach. These aspects are highlighted in the proposed guidelines and their effective implementation needs to be ensured.slippage, India, supply side strategies, policy


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    This paper traces the recent emergence of the new participatory forest management regime in AP Joint Forest Management (JFM) and Community Forest Management (CFM). This paper is based on the existing literature on forest policies, the historical context (pre-colonial, colonial and post independent India), and impact studies. The paper considers the contemporary developments in India in shaping the forest policies in AP. At the same time it considers the significant role played by donors and civil society. The process and quality of implementation, and the impact of the programme on local communities and resources are also examined. AP ranks fifth in India in terms of geographical area (275,068 sq km), and third in terms of forestland (63,813 sq km or 6.38 mha (Million Hectares), which constitutes 23% of APs total land area. Some 65% of APs forest area is spread over 8 predominantly tribal districts in the northern part of the state. These tribal populations are particularly dependent on the forest for their livelihoods for forest product collection and cultivation on forestland. Historically the relationship between these tribals and the government agencies, particularly the Forest Department (FD), has been very poor, with numerous uprisings, including the Naxalite movement. Many of these lands are disputed due to inadequacies in the legal processes by which largely tribal lands were declared state forests. Legally podu has de jure status prior to 1980 Act. Post 1980 podu cultivation is illegal and considered as encroachment. De facto podu is considered as encroachment (prior to 1980) as there is no proper settlement, conceptually typical podu practice is seen only in a few pockets in the state, especially in Vishakhapatnam. In 1956, on the formation of AP from Telangana and parts of the Madras Presidency, the pre-existing forest management regimes from the two distinct areas were harmonised by the Law Commission, leading to the AP Forest Act, 1967. Initially the states FD continued with a policy of commercialisation and revenue generation. However, with a growing crisis of forest degradation participatory approaches were introduced. The Government Order (GO) for JFM in AP was issued in 1992, although implementation didnt start until 1994. JFM has built on the roles played by both local forest *Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, India. +Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. users and the FD staff. Funding to the FD to promote JFM has come from both the World Bank (WB) and from centrally funded schemes, such as the Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS). Formation of Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS) began slowly after the GO, although by 2004 the official number stands at 7,245 VSS, managing 1,886,764 ha, (or over 29% of state forest land) and involving 611,095 families. The largest numbers of VSS are concentrated in the tribal areas of Adilabad, Visakhapatnam, and Khammam. The pattern of implementation and the outcomes is extremely complex, partly because of the wide variety of local conditions, ethnic and caste composition and local livelihood uses of forestland. The limited devolution of power which has occurred through VSS formation have however certainly been popular in many areas, because they have given local people endorsement to protect their local forest resources, upon which they depend for their livelihoods. Some employment opportunities have also been provided and some shares of revenues from forest product marketing are promised. Evidence suggests that the VSS have been successful in many areas in terms of regenerating degraded forests between 1993 and 1999. However there have been many criticisms of the JFM programme so far, most fundamentally focussing on the issues of power and land tenure. Because the FD has held almost complete discretionary power over the scheme and its implementation, the JFM process has inevitably reflected their objectives. Whilst many foresters have espoused very progressive ideas and concepts, in practice the implementation of the scheme has often furthered forest management strategy according to silvicultural norms, rather than local livelihood-oriented practices. In the context of a fundamental power asymmetry between the FD and the VSS., there has been little empowerment of local communities to take their own decisions with respect to forest management. This is most obviously seen in forest management plans. Whilst local people would like to see livelihood oriented forest management regime (ie. regular product flows, shorter term rotations, multiple product mixes) the FD has tended to prioritise its conventional forest management practices, often involving long rotation timber stands. The micro-plans commonly fit within wider divisional working plans. Livelihoods security could be increased if the forest resource were under a management plan, which actually prioritised local needs and opportunities. Institutional sustainability is a major problem in AP with many VSS becoming defunct due to conflict, lack of interest, or lack of funds. Where participation has been based on substantial funding flows, when the funds stop the motivation to participate reduces drastically. The institutional linkage between the VSS and the panchayat raj institutions has not been developed, which could ensure not only long-term sustainability, but also empowerment and legal independence of the local institutions. Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) have been largely excluded from the implementation of JFM, despite the fact they have played a major role in formulating the PFM policies at the state level.Forest Management, Andhra Pradesh

    Retrofitting Of Reinforced Concrete Frames Using Steel Bracings

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    Steel braced frame is among the architectural frameworks used to confront quake masses in multi-storied buildings. Several present strengthened concrete buildings require to retrofit to conquer the deficiencies to stand up to seismic hundreds. Making use of steel supporting systems for reinforcing or retrofitting seismically insufficient strengthened concrete structures is a feasible remedy for reinforcing quake resistance. Supporting device reduces flexing moments and shear forces within the columns. The side tons is transferred to the foundation via axial action. Overall weight of the existing structure will certainly not alternate significantly after the software program of the bracings. Steel bracing is least pricey, easy to set up, occupies much less space and has flexibility to layout for setting up the preferred electricity and also stiffness. The supporting device boosts not best the lateral rigidity and power capability nonetheless additionally the variation capability of the form. Inside the here and now look at, the seismic general efficiency of strengthened concrete (RC) homes rehabilitated using concentric steel bracing is examined. The bracing is equipped for outer columns. a ten storey building is evaluated for seismic zone III as per IS 1893-2002 the use of ETABS software program. The models are retrofitted with varied metal bracing frameworks on perimeter columns storey wise and also assessed for seismic pressures. The structure is examined for designs with Angled supporting, 'V' kind supporting, Upside down 'V' kind supporting, blended 'V' kind supporting, 'X' kind supporting, 'k' type supporting as well as in comparison with an un supported frame. The efficiency of many kinds of metal bracing in fixing up a 10 floor constructing is tested. The effect of the distribution of the metallic bracing along with the top of the RC structure at the seismic efficiency of the fixed up building is examined. The concept parameters on this check out to analyze the seismic analysis of houses are side displacement, storey go with the flow, axial pressures inside the columns, Base shear. The portion reduction in side variation is observed out. It's far discovered that the 'X' type of steel supporting thoroughly contributes to the structural stiffness as well as minimizes the maximum floor drifts of the frameworks. The supporting systems improve now not simplest the side tightness however additionally the variation capability of the shape

    Wastewater re-use for peri-urban agriculture: a viable option for adaptive water management?

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    Urbanization is known to spur land modification in the form of conversion of common land to human settlements. This factor, combined with climate variability, can alter the duration, frequency and intensity of storm drain overflows in urban areas and lead to public health risks. In peri-urban regions where these risks are especially high it has been argued that, when domestic wastewater is managed, better prospects for freshwater water savings through swaps between urban water supply and irrigated agriculture may be possible. As a consequence of re-use of domestic wastewater, expenditure on inorganic inputs by farmers may decline and source sustainability of water supply could be enhanced. Given the fact that, at present, approximately 20 million ha of land worldwide is being cultivated by re-using domestic wastewater, this paper draws on evidence from India to explore: (1) the economic costs-benefits of wastewater reuse in the context of hypothesized links to climate variability; (2) the role of local farming practices, market conditions and crop variety in influencing wastewater reuse in agriculture; and (3) the role of inter-governmental financing in influencing the selection of technical adaptation options for collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
