280 research outputs found

    The Effect of Communicative Language Teaching on Students' Speaking Skill

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    The aims of this research were to find out whether there are good response and improvement of students' speaking skill between before and after being taught through Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The samples of this research were the VIII A and VIII B class of the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 21 Tangerang in academic year 2015/2016. The researcher used non-equivalent control group design. The instrument was oral test. The result of the research showed that there was improvement of the students' speaking skill in actively communicative by using CLT. The result of t-test showed that t was bigger than ttable. The result of tcount was 4.2105 and ttable was 2.0021. It means that the researcher's hypothesis (H1), there is significant difference of post-test scores between experiment class and control class is accepted. The average score of pre-test in experiment class is 67.33 while the average score of pre-test in control class is 66.50. The average of the post-test score in experiment class was 83.00 while the average of the post-test score in control class was 75.00. It showed that CLT can improve the students' speaking skill

    Jambi Ecotourism Development Model: Reviewed From Budget and Performance Commitment

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    Abstract. Accountability for the performance of institutions both governmentand private institutions can be seen from the accountability of their performancestarting from planning, formulating and implementing their duties and functionsthat are realized in the form of budgeting. The budget is a plan of activities toachieve goals and as a tool to assess performance. The use of the budget as atarget for the implementation of various short-term and long-term planningprograms is widely applied by several companies and organizations inIndonesia. The budget prepared by the organization has a role as a planning,because the budget contains the organization's financial plan in the future.Organizations need a budget to translate the entire strategy into short-term andlong-term plans and goals (Hansen and Mowen, 2003). Beside of being thetarget of implementing the activity plan, the budget also has a role as the maintool for controlling each organization, a tool for coordinating, communicating,motivating, and evaluating achievement (Kennis, 1979). Budget can also be saidto be a managerial plan that expresses activities and related to organizationalgoals that embody a work plan in a certain period and a long-term plan.This study aims to offer a new model that needs to be considered in decisionmaking by institutions that is to build a research model of the lake's ecotourismpotential development in terms of religiosity, budget, commitment andperformance of the tourism and cultural services of Jambi. Furthermore, it canbe applied in the long term for agency decision making in improvingperformance, where this development model has never existed before. Thisresearch is also expected to provide a long-term contribution by investigatingthe effect of religiosity on agency performance. The targeted findings in thisstudy are where the results of this study are expected to assist in long-termdecision making and for the drafters of the legislation/regulation, to be morecareful in formulating long-term policies. From the results of tabulation ofrespondents' answers, it is known that religiosity, budget, commitment, andperformance are the main factors that influence the potential for ecotourismdevelopment in Lake Sipin, Jambi City


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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence financial management behavior, namely financial literacy, financial attitude, financial education in the family, pocket money and financial self-efficacy and their impact on compulsive buying. The population of this study was 10,769 students of accounting study programs at universities in Bali. Sampling was determined using the slovin formula so that a total sample of 100 students. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires via the Google form. The data analysis technique used is Smart-PLS. The results show that financial literacy, financial attitudes, and financial self-efficacy have a positive and significant effect on financial management behavior. Furthermore financial literacy, financial education in the family, and pocket money has an effect on financial self-efficacy. And finally, financial management behavior has a positive and significant effect on compulsive buying


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    The purpose of this study is for knowing the influence of literacy finance and attitude finance on managing finance and what self-efficacy is capable to moderate the influence of literacy finance and attitude finance on management finance. The researcher is interested in studying about behavior management finance personal to students Major Accountancy Warmadewa University's Faculty of Economics and Business Class year 2019. Ideally, Warmadewa University student Class of 2019 has been getting many subjects about accountancy finance nor management finance and already experienced manage finance during studying so that can be a fundamental knowledge to increase their behavior management finance wisely. The research population is 504 people. The researchers use the Slovin formula because in the withdrawal sample, quantity must be representative so that the results study could be generalized and the calculations are not needed table amount sample, however, could be conducted with formulas and simple calculations so that the amount sample of 100 people. Data collection in This study uses a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. This research uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method. This result shows that literacy finance and attitude finance did not take an effect on financial management behavior. Furthermore, financial self-efficacy take positive effect and significant on financial management behavior, literacy finance takes an positive effect and significant on financial self-efficacy, while attitude finance did not take an effect on financial self-efficacy. The results also show that financial self-efficacy is able to mediate the effect of financial literacy on financial management behavior, but financial self-efficacy is not able to mediate the effect of financial attitudes on financial management behavor

    Pengaruh Endorphin Massage Terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri Punggung Ibu Hamil

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    Keluhan yang paling sering terjadi pada ibu hamil trimester 3 adalah nyeri punggung. Apabila tidak segera diatasi dapat berakibat nyeri kronis. Salah satu cara mengatasi nyeri punggung adalah dengan teknik pijatan lembut yang disebut Endorphin massage untuk melepaskan senyawa endorfin yangmerupakan pereda rasa sakit alami di dalam tubuh. Survey awal yang dilakukan peneliti didapatkan sebagian besar ibu hamil mengalami nyeri berat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Endorphin massage terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil trimester 3. Desain yang digunakan adalah pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one grup pretest posttest design. Sampel diambil dari populasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi di BPS Ny. Khusnul Imarwatin pada bulan April sampai Mei 2016 sebanyak 28 responden dengan consecutive sampling. Variabel independen yaituteknik Endorphin massage sedangkan variabel dependen yaitu nyeri punggung. Instrument menggunakan SOP teknik Endorphin massage dan lembar observasi Skala Bourbanis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan Endorphin massage sebagian besar ibu hamil trimester 3 mengalami nyeriberat dan setelah dilakukan Endorphin massage berkurang menjadi nyeri sedang. Hasil uji Wilcoxon sign rank test dengan ?=0,05 menunjukkan p=0,000 sehingga p<0,05 artinya ada pengaruh Endorphin massage terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri punggung. Endorphin massage merupakan salah satualternatif nonfarmakologi untuk mengatasi nyeri sehingga disarankan agar Bidan memberikan Health education dan mengajarkan pasangan ibu hamil Endorphin massage untuk meringankan gejala nyeri punggung

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Facebook Terhadap Jatuhnya Rezim Pemerintahan Hosni Mubarak Di Mesir Tahun 2011

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    The objective of this research is to proof that social media nowadays not just as the source of information and communication but are use for a means of alternative to uproot a regime power. This research would describe one of the example of its issue in Egypt. Egyptian has a big problem of their thirty-year president, Hosni Mubarak. A lack of his leadership such as social inequality and corruption make Egyptian doing a big resistance started with social media as a alternative because Egyptian are constrained to do government critical directly.According to the facts, the perspective is pluralism approach is appropriate and could explain this reseacrh. Pluralists are assume that news on mass media is a reflection of the truth. Level analysis of this research is group. In some case, a specific group could involved of their government whether it is support or moving down. The main theory is from Dan Nimmo, Frustration or Scapegoat assume to create hatred cause of restrained rights then find another to be the scapegoat. Another technic is Bandwagon, to invite people to join and supporting a propaganda group because they have a good aim, some times the main person should get down to the field. Based on the research, Egypt Revolution was moved by a small group from facebook. In the begining this facebook group We Are All Khaled Said is just a sympathy from a man named Whael Ghonim to memoriam the victim of Egypts police violence, Khaled Said.The conclusion is from that small facebook group, many people join and speak up their opinion about a lack of president Hosni Mubarak. They can not tolerate any longer because his leadership is totally unfair. In the next more days member of facebook group account We Are All Khaled Said reached hundred-thousands people. Whael Ghonim and others pioneer of social media (facebook) take this chance as a opportunity to against back their government to uproot Hosni Mubarak.Keywords: assume, bandwagon, pluralism, propaganda, social medi

    Hubungan antara Resiliensi dengan Kesepian (Loneliness) pada Dewasa Muda Lajang

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    Masa dewasa muda merupakan proses untuk membentuk suatu keluarga, mendapatkan pekerjaan dan memilih teman. Tahap perkembangan yang akan dilalui dewasa muda yaitu intimacy vs isolation. Apabila individu belum dapat menjalin hubungan interpersonal dengan orang lain, maka ia akan mengalami perasaan terisolasi. Oleh karena itu, dewasa muda lajang yang belum memiliki pasangan dianggap sudah memasuki usia kritis dan memiliki resiko mengalami depresi dan kesepian. Kesepian merupakan emosi negatif yang muncul karena adanya kesenjangan hubungan sosial antara yang diharapkan dengan Kenyataan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, individu membutuhkan peran resiliensi. Resiliensi merupakan kualitas pribadi yang memungkinkan seseorang bangkit ketika menghadapi kesulitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara resiliensi dengan kesepian (loneliness) pada dewasa muda lajang serta tinjauannya dalam Islam. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi terkait mengatasi kesepian pada dewasa muda lajang. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 200 orang di Jakarta dengan rentang usia 22-33 tahun. Pengukuran menggunakan adaptasi alat ukur CD-RISC dan UCLA Loneliness Scale. Berdasarkan uji korelasi ditemukan hasil r = -0,324 dan p = 0,000 yang berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan bersifat negatif. Artinya apabila resiliensi pada individu dewasa muda lajang rendah maka kesepian (loneliness) yang dirasakan individu dewasa muda lajang tinggi dan sebaliknya apabila resiliensi tinggi maka kesepian (loneliness) rendah.Resiliensi memiliki kontribusi dalam menurunkan kesepian sebesar 10,5%. Dengan demikian, untuk mengatasi kesepian individu membutuhkan kemampuan resiliensi seperti percaya pada diri sendiri dan membangun interaksi sosial yang baik

    Analisis Indikator Ekonomi Makro Di Negara-Negara ASEAN Terhadap Perangkap Negara Berpendapatan Menengah

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    This study observes how the opportunities of middle-income countries located in ASEAN avoid the Middle Income Trap. Human Development Index, Foreign Direct Investments, Goods and Services Exports, and the Government Effectiveness Index are regressed to GNI per capita with panel analysis. Secondary data are used and was published officially by the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 5 ASEAN Regional Countries, namely Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in the period 2004-2017.&nbsp; Also, this study discusses the contribution of the Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) coefficient to Gross Domestic Product.&nbsp; The results of the study state that there are significant and positive effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Expected that, it's essential to give priority to macroeconomics as a result of this research.&nbsp; For Advanced Research, you can use bonus demographic and investment variables to provide forecasting to avoid the Middle Income Trap
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