1,161 research outputs found

    Clinical study of feto-maternal outcomes in cases of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Background: To study of prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in the community, demographic parameters like age, gestational age at diagnosis, parity, complications related to gestational diabetes mellitus, and plan the management of gestational diabetes mellitus and to reduce the maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.Methods: In this prospective observational study we included 50 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus were studied for feto-maternal outcome. The study was conducted from October 2018 to October 2020 at department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, B. J. Medical college and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad.Results: Total 50 cases of gestational diabetes mellitus were studied. It was observed that gestational diabetes mellitus were more common in elderly age group (60%), multigravida patients wer more commonly involved (48%). Past history of gestational diabetes melllitus was present in 42.2% of cases, 74% of cases required insulin for glycemic control,64% cases required delivery by caesarean section, maternal complications like preeclampsia (10 cases), polyhydramnios (22), uteroplacental insufficiency (4), macrosomia, sudden intrauterine death (3) and operative delivery were more common. 6 neonates developed respiratory distress syndrome, 10 developed hypoglycemia, and 13 neonates required NICU admission, 6 neonates underwent perinatal mortality.Conclusions: Gestational diabetes mellitus has become a global public health burden. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality for both mother and infant worldwide. Early detection of gestational diabetes mellitus, timely referral, frequent antenatal visits, management of the identified cases at tertiary centres can lead to decreased maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality


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     Objectives To identify and analyze drug dosing in renally impaired patient in a tertiary care teaching hospital and to categorize patients on the basis of gender, age, GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) and anemia.Methodology A prospective interventional study was conducted on the drug dosage in renally impaired patient by identifying, analyzing, and adjusting. Ethical clearance was obtained from the IEC (Institutional Ethical Committee). The study was conducted on 103 patients with renal impairment for a period of six months. During ward rounds, cases were collected and collected data were assessed and analysed by using Micromedex, Lexicomp. For the possible interventions, the dosage errors were reported along with the evidence.Results Out of the 103 patients, 73 were males and 30 were females and majority of patients belonged to the age group between 41- 65 yrs. 56.31% and 43.69% of patients were in the category B and category C of GFR respectively. A total of 244 co-morbidities were present in 103 patients with HTN (Hypertension) and Type 2 DM (Diabetes Mellitus) the foremost. In total, 983 drugs were prescribed to the total patient with an average of 9.54 drugs per patient, 175 drugs required dosage adjustment.Conclusion The present study effectively reports all the interventions to the physicians along with the supporting data. Continuous medical education to the physicians together with pharmacists may reduce the chances of incongruity in drugs given to the renally impaired patients.Key Words: Renal impairment, MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease), Creatinine Clearance, Dosage Adjustment Â

    Synovial lipoma of the ankle and foot: a rare case report

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    Synovial lipomatosis is an extremely rare type of disease in which there is an excess of adipose tissue involving the synovium layer of joints or synovial sheath around the tendons causing pain, paraesthesia, and weakness. The most common site being reported till now is Knee joint or parapatellar space other joints such as elbows and shoulders are being reported after the knee joint, and the ankle joint is rarely reported 2 cases have been reported in the English literature. We report a case of a 28-year-old male presenting with swelling of the right foot for 12 years and developed symptoms of pain and tingling on the toes for 2-3 weeks. Multiple bony hard lesions were palpated on the base of the foot, ultrasonography (USG) showed a subcutaneous lesion around the extensor tendons of the foot and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) had a picture of the synovial cyst. Surgical excision was done and histopathology was reported to be as a fibrofatty tissue with multiple adipocytes suggesting lipoma arborescent

    Two-Body Abrasive Wear Behaviour of In-Situ Al-TiC Particle Composites: Influence of TiC Reinforcement and Content in the Alloy Matrix and Experimental Parameters

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    This study pertains to observations made on the abrasive wear response of Al-TiC composites under varying applied load and traversal distance conditions. The influence of TiC particle reinforcement and its content in the matrix on the abrasion characteristics of the samples was investigated. The composites were prepared by generating the reinforcement phase (TiC particles) from within the matrix employing a hybrid in-situ technique consisting of a combination of steps involved in powder and liquid metallurgy routes of synthesizing metal matrix composites. The unreinforced matrix alloy (AA2014) was also tested under identical experimental conditions for comparison purposes. Properties characterized were wear rate, frictional heating and friction coefficient. Microstructural features of the samples and characteristics of wear surfaces, subsurface regions and abrasive medium have also been examined.   The TiC reinforcement led to improved abrasion resistance (inverse of wear rate), the degree of improvement increasing further with the rising concentration of the TiC particles in the alloy matrix. Increasing applied load led to deterioration in the wear behaviour of the samples while a reverse trend was followed as the traversal distance was raised. The severity of frictional heating was noted to increase with load. On the contrary, friction coefficient tended to decrease with increasing load except for the composite containing the highest concentration of TiC wherein a reverse trend was noticed. Both frictional heating and friction coefficient increased sharply with traversal distance initially. This was followed by a reduction in the rate of temperature increase at longer traversal distances whereas friction coefficient was observed to attain steady state condition after showing a decrease in some cases. The presence of TiC reinforcement in the alloy matrix and its increasing content led to a decrease in the friction coefficient and the severity of frictional heating. The observed wear behaviour has been substantiated through the characteristics of abraded surfaces and subsurface regions of the samples and degradation of the abrasive medium. Operating material removal mechanisms have also been examined. &nbsp

    A Survey on Human Face Recognition Invariant to Illumination”,

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    ABSTRACT Human face recognition is one of the research areas in the current era of the research. It is one the widely used biometric technique for identification and verification of the human face. There are many challenges to face recognition which degrade the performance of the algorithm. The illumination variation problem is one of the well-known problems in face recognition in uncontrolled environment. In this paper an extensive and up-to-date survey of the existing techniques to address this problem is presented. Different authors have given so many techniques for illumination reduction from the face image but still some combined survey is missing so we have tried to fill that gaps in this paper. We have collected various preprocessing techniques suggested by different authors and shown their results in a tabular form. After preprocessing we can use any of the recognition method for face recognition. There are so many online face databases available so we can use any of them

    Priprava i karakterizacija čvrstih disperzija etorikoksiba s polietilenglikolom 4000 i polivinilpirolidonom K30

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    The objective of the present investigation was to study the influence of polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG) and polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP) on in vitro dissolution of etoricoxib from solid dispersions. The preliminary studies were carried out using physical mixture of drug and carriers. The solid dispersions were prepared using the solvent evaporation method. A 32 factorial design was adopted in the solvent evaporation method using the concentration of PEG and PVP as independent variables. Full and reduced models were evolved for dependant variables, such as the percentage of drug release in 10 min (Q10), percentage of drug release in 30 min (Q30), percentage of drug release in 45 min (Q45) and percent dissolution efficiency (DE). The reduced models were validated using two check points. Q10 > 65%, Q30 > 75%, Q45 > 85% and DE > 80% were used as constraints for the selection of an optimized batch. Contour plots are presented for the selected dependant variables. PEG was found to be more effective in increasing the drug dissolution compared to PVP. Wettability study was carried out for pure drug and optimized batch. FT-IR spectroscopy, microscopic study, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction study were carried out in order to characterize drug in the solid dispersions. Improved dissolution was attributed to decreased crystallinity of the drug, improved wetting and solubilizing effects of carriers such as PEG and PVP from the solid dispersion of etoricoxib. In conclusion, dissolution of etoricoxib can be modulated using appropriate levels of hydrophilic carriers.U radu je proučavan utjecaj polietilenglikola 4000 (PEG) i polivinilpirolidona K30 (PVP) na in vitro oslobađanje etorikoksiba iz čvrstih disperzija. Preliminarni pokusi provedeni su sa smjesom ljekovite tvari i polimernih nosača. Čvrste disperzije pripravljene su metodom uparavanja otapala. Za ovu metodu razvijen je 32 faktorijalni dizajn koristeći koncentraciju PEG i PVP kao nezavisne varijable. Za zavisne varijable razvijeni su potpuni i reducirani modeli, kao što su postotak oslobođene ljekovite tvari u 10 (Q10), 30 (Q30) ili 45 minuta (Q45) i postotak učinkovitosti oslobađanja (DE). Reducirani modeli su validirani pomoću dviju kontrolnih točaka. Q10 > 65%, Q30 > 80%, Q45 > 85% i DE > 80% su upotrebljeni kao ograničenja za izbor optimirane serije. Prikazane su konturne linije za pojedine zavisne varijable. Oslobađanje lijeka bilo je učinkovitije iz pripravaka s PEG-om. Vlaženje je proučavano za čistu ljekovitu supstanciju i omptimiranu seriju. Za karakterizaciju ljekovite tvari u čvrstim disperzijama korištene su FT-IR spektroskopija, mikroskopske studije, diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija i difrakcija rentgenskim zrakama. Povećano oslobađanje posljedica je smanjene kristaliničnosti ljekovite tvari, pojačanog vlaženja i solubilizacijskog učinka polimernih nosača u disperzijama. Može se zaključiti da se oslobađanje etorikoksiba može modulirati promjenom količine hidrofilnih nosača

    A new Bombyx mori larval ovarian cell line highly susceptible to nucleopolyhedrovirus

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    Lepidopteran cell lines constitute the backbone for studying baculoviral biology in culturo and for baculovirus vector based recombinant protein expression systems. In the present study, we report establishment of a new continuous cell line designated as DZNU-Bm-1 from larval ovaries of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The cells were grown in MGM-448 insect cell culture medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 3% heat inactivated B. mori haemolymph at 25 ± 1 °C. A large number of attached epithelial-like and round refractive cells migrated from the explants and multiplied in the primary cultures. Both type of cells were subcultured initially for a few passages but after 10 passages the round refractive cells dominated the population, which could be subcultured continuously using MGM-448 medium with 10% FBS. The population doubling time of cell line was about 42 h at 25 ± 1 °C. The cell populations were largely diploids and triploids, while a few tetraploids and hexaploids were also observed. DNA profiles using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR)-PCR and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci established the differences between DZNU-Bm-1 cell line and most widely used BmN cell line and the B. mori W-chromosome specific sequences confirmed the origin of DZNU-Bm-1 cell line to be from female silkworm. When cells were infected with free nonoccluded B. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV), the cell line was found to be highly susceptible with 92-94% of the cells harbouring BmNPV and having an average of 20-23 OBs/infected cell. We suggest the usefulness of this cell line in BmNPV based baculoviral expression system and also for studying in culturo virus replication

    Prescription audit of outpatients in tertiary care government hospital

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    Background: Prescription audit is a tool as well as a technique by its application,all professionals will improve the quality of prescribing drugs. Standards of medical treatment can be assessed by prescription audit. It is based on documented evidences to support diagnosis, treatment and justified utilization of hospital facilities. Prescription audit is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care. In this background the present study was conducted. The objectives of the study were to know the frequently prescribed drugs in OPD, number of the drugs used per prescription and to find out the rationality.Methods: Study was conducted at Sri Chamarajendra Hospital, HIMS, Hassan in OPD of General Medicine.1000 prescriptions were collected and noted down the frequently used medication, number of drugs prescribed and their type of formulations for the particular diagnosis.Results: From the study it is noted that 1910 drugs out of 1000 prescriptions were prescribed which is approximately 1.91 drugs per prescription about 55% of the prescriptions contained single drug. Very few received 4-5 drugs (7%). Almost all the drugs in prescriptions were in Generic names. Around 95% of prescriptions doses were mentioned in mg, ml etc. The most commonly prescribed drugs in order are Antibiotics, antidiabetics antihypertensives, bronchodilators, steroids antiemetics and ORS were prescribed.Conclusions: Polypharmacy was not found in our prescriptions which indicates our prescriptions improved the patient conditions. This type of study will ensure to know the ‘P’ drug development and select the essential medicine list for various levels of health care

    Priprava kompleksa etorikoksiba s β-ciklodekstrinom metodom gnječenja i njihova karakterizacija

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    The binary system of etoricoxib with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was prepared by the kneading method. Drug-cyclodextrin interactions in solution were investigated by the phase solubility analysis. Differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffractometry and microscopic study were used to characterize the solid state of all binary systems, whereas their dissolution properties were evaluated according to the USP XXIII paddle method. The results indicate partial interaction of the drug with β-CD in the physical mixture and complete interaction in the kneaded complex. The dissolution of etoricoxib was notably increased as compared to pure drug as well as its physical mixture. The complex showed more than 75% drug released in 30 min.Metodom gnječenja pripravljen je binarni sustav etorikoksiba s β-ciklodekstrinom (β-CD). Tijekom 30 minuta iz kompleksa se oslobodilo više od 75% ljekovite tvari, što je značajno više u odnosu na fizičku smjesu etorikoksiba i β-CD ili na čistu ljekovitu tvar. Interakcije lijeka i ciklodekstrina u otopini ispitivane su analizom fazne topljivosti. Za karakterizaciju čvrstog stanja svih binarnih sustava korišteni su diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija, infracrvena spektroskopija, difrakcija rentgenskih zraka na praškastom uzorku i mikroskopija. Oslobađanje je praćeno metodom lopatice prema USP XXIII. Rezultati ukazuju na djelomičnu interakciju ljekovite tvari s β-CD u fizičkoj smjesi i potpunu interakciju u kompleksu