30 research outputs found

    Direct Detection of Bacillus cereus and its Enterotoxigenic Genes in Meat and Meat Products by Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    This study was conducted to standardize a method to directly detect B. cereus (gyrB) and its enterotoxigenic genes (hblDAC, nheABC, cytK and entFM) from the meat and meat products by PCR, without going for isolation and identification procedures. The method employed was compared with the standard microbiological procedures to determine its efficacy. Among the 150 food samples (raw meats and meat products) analyzed, 60 (40%) were positive for isolation and 59 (39.33%) turned out positive by direct PCR (targeting sequence within gyrB gene). Food samples screened directly by multiplex-PCR showed almost similar enterotoxin gene profile as of isolates from these samples. Among the positive samples, only two samples from the meat products showed different enterotxigenic gene pattern compared to isolates from these samples. The incidences of various enteroxigenic genes hblD, hblA, hblC, nheA, nheB, nheC, cytK and entFM was 66.10%, 66.10%, 67.78%, 96.61%, 96.61%, 93.22%, 67.78% and 100%, respectively. Therefore, the current method can be employed for the direct detection of B. cereus and its enterotoxigenic genes in the meat and meat products without going for isolation and identification procedures and the method can be extended to other foods as well

    Productivity and economic evaluation of Willow (Salix alba L.) based silvopastoral agroforestry system in Kashmir valley

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    Performance of two fodder crops namely, sorghum (Sorghum vulgare L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) was investigated with Willow (Salix alba L.) to evaluate productivity and economics of the silvopastoral agroforestry system in Kashmir valley. The experiment was laid out by planting two year old willows at 2.0m × 2.0m spacing and dividing the main plot into sub-plots of size 8m × 2m each with 5 replications in randomized block design (RDB). The intercrops of sorghum and maize were maintained at 20cm × 10 cm spacing and supplied with recommended doses of fertilizers. The economics of the willow plantation intercropped with fodder crops was compared with sole willow farming by the benefit-cost ratio and net present worth. The study revealed the differential behaviour of Salix alba regarding growth parameters (height, diameter and girth) by different intercrops and various fodder intercrops with respect to yield, above ground biomass, dry matter production and soil nutrient status (pH, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). The willow based silvopastoral system was estimated to have benefit-cost ratio of 2.71 with maize and 2.68 with sorghum, while as sole crop the willows accrued a benefit-cost ratio of 2.66. The study is useful in discovering growth of willows, productivity of fodder crops and soil nutrient status under various silvopastoral agroforestry systems for maximizing economic gains. The findings envisaged evidences in favour of adopting willow based silvopastoral agroforestry instead of sole tree farming and the knowledge of interactions will be helpful in proper management of the system for sustained multiple productions

    Biopesticides: Ecofriendly and biorational alternatives to vegetable production and environmental sustainability

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    Insect pests, nematodes and plant diseases of vegetables are generally controlled by frequent applications of chemical pesticides with an objective to increase crop productivity and obtain greater profit in conventional farming. With consumers' awareness and perception, vegetables without residue of chemicals are being preferred in local and export markets. For this purpose, plant-derived crude products or formulated pesticides can be eco-friendly, effective and economical for an average producer. Several pressures have accelerated the search for more environmentally and toxicologically safe and more selective and efficacious pesticides. Biopesticides, including microbial pesticides, entomopathogenic nematodes, baculoviruses, plant derived pesticides, and insect pheromones are receiving increased exposure in scientific annals as alternatives to chemical pesticides and also as key components of integrated pest management (IPM) systems. The reality, however, is that biopesticides currently represent only a small fraction (1.3%) of the world pesticide market. However, the growth rate for biopesticides over the next 10 years has been forecast at 10–l5% per annum in contrast to 2% for chemical pesticides. It is imperative to make aware the farming community regarding the use of biopesticides to reduce the environmental pollution

    Effect of Nonsteroidal Aromatase Inhibitor on Sex Reversal of Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852)

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    In the present study, the efficacy of letrozole, a potent nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, and 17a-methyltestosterone on gondal sex differentiation and sex reversal was examined in Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Among the doses tried in the experiment, 100 mg letrozole, 200 mg letrozole, and 50 mg 17a-methyltestosterone/kg produced male dominated populations (97-100% males). The combination of 100 mg letrozole+25 mg 17a-methyltestoster/kg yielded 100% males while the combination of 50 mg letrozole+25 mg 17a-methyltestosterone/kg yielded 92% males. The control group consisted of 48.05% males and 51.95% females, close to the normal sex ratio of 1:1. Survival ranged 85.61-94.31% in the treated groups, significantly higher than 73.83% in the control (p<0.05). In general, the letrozole and combination treatments resulted in a slight alteration in the gonadosomatic index of the tilapia. Administration of letrozole alone or in combination with 17a-MT did not adversely affect the proximate composition of the muscle. Results suggest that letrozole and 17a-methyltestosterone have the potential to produce 100% male populations in Mozambique tilapia and that inhibition of aromatase activity influences sex differentiation in Mozambique tilapia

    Studies on Processing and Storage of Walnuts (Juglans regia L )

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    The present investigations on processing and storage of walnuts were carried out at Food Processing and Training Centre, Division of Post Harvest Technology, SKUAST-K, Shalimar during 2007 to 2009. Green walnuts were subjected to different concentrations of ethephon for various dip and holdimg durations for enhancement of hull dehiscence and shell appearance. In addition, whole walnuts and walnut kernels were dried using different drying techniques, and kernels pretreated with various antioxidants were packed in different packaging materials to monitor the changes in various quality attributes during 18o days of ambient storage. Post harvest application of ethephon significantly increased the hull dehiscence compared to control (water dip) and maximum dehiscence of 93.87 per cent was recorded in samples subjected to ethephon (@ 3000 ppm) for dip duration of 24 hours and holding duration of 9 days. Bleaching of whole walnuts in acidified sodium chlorite significantly improved shell colour and best colour scores were achieved in samples dipped in 1.0 per cent concentration solution for 6 minutes. Shell colour decreased significantly from 3.40 to 3.13 values during 180 days of storage but showed no deterioration upto 45 days of storage. Drying of whole walnut from an initial moisture content (db) of 81.98 per cent to final moisture of 11.74 and 12.38 per cent was achieved in 36 and 23 hours in sun- and solar tunnel drying, respectively, while as in mechanical drying at (40 and 45oC) it took 21 and 18 hours, respectively. In case of kernel drying, the final moisture content (db) of about 5 per cent from an initial content of 37.93 per cent was achieved in 18, 14, 13 and 9 hours in that order. Drying methods exhibited non-significant effect on the moisture content of the whole walnut, while as their packaging in polyethylene resulted in significantly lowest moisture content compared glass or PET packaging throughout storage. Mechanically (40oC) dried and glass packaged whole walnuts proved significantly superior by exhibiting highest crude fat content (59.82%), maximum iodine value (145.72) and minimum peroxide value (3.17) compared to rest of treatment combinations throughout storage. Mechanical drying of whole walnuts and their packaging in glass proved significantly superior in maintaining shell colour as well as colour, taste and texture of kernels compared to rest of the treatment combinations; but after 45 to 180 days of storage, there was a gradual decline in these attributes irrespective of treatments. Application of antioxidants showed a non-significant influence on moisture content of kernels. Vacuum packaged kernels recorded significantly higher moisture content (4.08%) compared to cellophane packed samples (3.81%). Application of BHT+BHA (0.015% each) to kernels and their packaging in vacuum packaging proved more effective in maintaining higher fat content, higher iodine value and lower peroxide value compared to rest of the treatments. However, there was a gradual decrease in fat content and iodine value, and increase in peroxide value with increase in storage period. Furthermore, colour, taste and texture of kernels was significantly influenced by antioxidants, packaging materials and storage periods except that antioxidants exclusively did not show any significant effect on texture. Application of BHT+BHA (0.015% each) treatment as well as vacuum packaging of kernels proved most effective by exhibiting maximum colour, taste and texture values than that of BHT (0.03%) or BHA (0.03%) treatments and cellophane packaging upto 180 days of ambient storage

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    Not AvailableEnterotoxin gene profile and antibiogram of Bacillus cereus strains isolated from raw meats and meat products.Not Availabl

    Effect of maturity stages and postharvest treatments on physical properties of apple during storage

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of harvest dates and postharvest treatments on physical properties of apple cv Red delicious during storage. Fruits from three harvest dates (H1, H2 and H3) were subjected to various treatments such as T1 (shade cooling), T2 (Hydrocooling), T3 (Hydrocooling + calcium chloride), T4 (Hydrocooling + wax) and T5 (Hydrocooling + calcium chloride + wax) and were stored under ambient and refrigerated conditions for 100 days. Results showed the significant differences in physical properties including fruit length, fruit diameter, length/diameter (L/D) ratio, fruit weight and firmness in various treatments. Maximum fruit length and fruit diameter were observed at harvest date 2nd (H2), whereas, L/D ratio and fruit weight were observed at harvest date 3rd (H3) on the storage at zero day. Among the treatments T5 showed the % maximum fruit length, fruit diameter, L/D ratio and fruit weight. The firmness was decreased in all treatments and harvest dates during storage. The% maximum fruit firmness was exhibited by early harvested fruit (H1) at zero (0) day of storage. However, changes were more pronounced under ambient conditions than cold storage. Keywords: Apple, Storage, Physical properties, Hydrocooling, CaCl

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