987 research outputs found

    A short proof of the phase transition for the vacant set of random interlacements

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    The vacant set of random interlacements at level u>0u>0, introduced in arXiv:0704.2560, is a percolation model on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d, d≥3d \geq 3 which arises as the set of sites avoided by a Poissonian cloud of doubly infinite trajectories, where uu is a parameter controlling the density of the cloud. It was proved in arXiv:0704.2560 and arXiv:0808.3344 that for any d≥3d \geq 3 there exists a positive and finite threshold u∗u_* such that if u<u∗u<u_* then the vacant set percolates and if u>u∗u>u_* then the vacant set does not percolate. We give an elementary proof of these facts. Our method also gives simple upper and lower bounds on the value of u∗u_* for any d≥3d \geq 3.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; Title of paper change

    The effect of small quenched noise on connectivity properties of random interlacements

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    The random interlacements (at level u) is a one parameter family of random subsets of Z^d introduced by Sznitman in arXiv:0704.2560. The vacant set at level u is the complement of the random interlacement at level u. In this paper, we study the effect of small quenched noise on connectivity properties of the random interlacement and the vacant set. While the random interlacement induces a connected subgraph of Z^d for all levels u, the vacant set has a non-trivial phase transition in u, as shown in arXiv:0704.2560 and arXiv:0808.3344. For a positive epsilon, we allow each vertex of the random interlacement (referred to as occupied) to become vacant, and each vertex of the vacant set to become occupied with probability epsilon, independently of the randomness of the interlacement, and independently for different vertices. We prove that for any d>=3 and u>0, almost surely, the perturbed random interlacement percolates for small enough noise parameter epsilon. In fact, we prove the stronger statement that Bernoulli percolation on the random interlacement graph has a non-trivial phase transition in wide enough slabs. As a byproduct, we show that any electric network with i.i.d. positive resistances on the interlacement graph is transient, which strengthens our result in arXiv:1102.4758. As for the vacant set, we show that for any d>=3, there is still a non-trivial phase transition in u when the noise parameter epsilon is small enough, and we give explicit upper and lower bounds on the value of the critical threshold, when epsilon tends to 0.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; minor correction

    Local percolative properties of the vacant set of random interlacements with small intensity

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    Random interlacements at level u is a one parameter family of connected random subsets of Z^d, d>=3 introduced in arXiv:0704.2560. Its complement, the vacant set at level u, exhibits a non-trivial percolation phase transition in u, as shown in arXiv:0704.2560 and arXiv:0808.3344, and the infinite connected component, when it exists, is almost surely unique, see arXiv:0805.4106. In this paper we study local percolative properties of the vacant set of random interlacements at level u for all dimensions d>=3 and small intensity parameter u>0. We give a stretched exponential bound on the probability that a large (hyper)cube contains two distinct macroscopic components of the vacant set at level u. Our results imply that finite connected components of the vacant set at level u are unlikely to be large. These results were proved in arXiv:1002.4995 for d>=5. Our approach is different from that of arXiv:1002.4995 and works for all d>=3. One of the main ingredients in the proof is a certain conditional independence property of the random interlacements, which is interesting in its own right.Comment: 38 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections, to appear in AIH

    On chemical distances and shape theorems in percolation models with long-range correlations

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    In this paper we provide general conditions on a one parameter family of random infinite subsets of Z^d to contain a unique infinite connected component for which the chemical distances are comparable to the Euclidean distances, focusing primarily on models with long-range correlations. Our results are in the spirit of those by Antal and Pisztora proved for Bernoulli percolation. We also prove a shape theorem for balls in the chemical distance under such conditions. Our general statements give novel results about the structure of the infinite connected component of the vacant set of random interlacements and the level sets of the Gaussian free field. We also obtain alternative proofs to the main results in arXiv:1111.3979. Finally, as a corollary, we obtain new results about the (chemical) diameter of the largest connected component in the complement of the trace of the random walk on the torus.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure
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