253 research outputs found

    Epigenetic meta-analysis across three civilian cohorts identifies NRG1 and HGS as blood-based biomarkers for post-traumatic stress disorder

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    Aim: Trauma exposure is a necessary, but not deterministic, contributor to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Epigenetic factors may distinguish between trauma-exposed individuals with versus without PTSD. Materials & methods: We conducted a meta-analysis of PTSD epigenome-wide association studies in trauma-exposed cohorts drawn from civilian contexts. Whole blood-derived DNA methylation levels were analyzed in 545 study participants, drawn from the three civilian cohorts participating in the PTSD working group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Results: Two CpG sites significantly associated with current PTSD in NRG1 (cg23637605) and in HGS (cg19577098). Conclusion: PTSD is associated with differential methylation, measured in blood, within HGS and NRG1 across three civilian cohorts

    Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys

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    Background: Traumatic events are common globally; however, comprehensive population-based cross-national data on the epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the paradigmatic trauma-related mental disorder, are lacking. Methods: Data were analyzed from 26 population surveys in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. A total of 71 083 respondents ages 18+ participated. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview assessed exposure to traumatic events as well as 30-day, 12-month, and lifetime PTSD. Respondents were also assessed for treatment in the 12 months preceding the survey. Age of onset distributions were examined by country income level. Associations of PTSD were examined with country income, world region, and respondent demographics. Results: The cross-national lifetime prevalence of PTSD was 3.9% in the total sample and 5.6% among the trauma exposed. Half of respondents with PTSD reported persistent symptoms. Treatment seeking in high-income countries (53.5%) was roughly double that in low-lower middle income (22.8%) and upper-middle income (28.7%) countries. Social disadvantage, including younger age, female sex, being unmarried, being less educated, having lower household income, and being unemployed, was associated with increased risk of lifetime PTSD among the trauma exposed. Conclusions: PTSD is prevalent cross-nationally, with half of all global cases being persistent. Only half of those with severe PTSD report receiving any treatment and only a minority receive specialty mental health care. Striking disparities in PTSD treatment exist by country income level. Increasing access to effective treatment, especially in low- and middle-income countries, remains critical for reducing the population burden of PTSD

    Posttraumatic stress disorder and accelerated aging: PTSD and leukocyte telomere length in a sample of civilian women.

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    BACKGROUND: Studies in male combat veterans have suggested posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with shorter telomere length (TL). We examined the cross-sectional association of PTSD with TL in women exposed to traumas common in civilian life. METHODS: Data are from a substudy of the Nurses' Health Study II (N = 116). PTSD and subclinical PTSD were assessed in trauma-exposed women using diagnostic interviews. An array of health behaviors and conditions were assessed. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes (collected 1996-1999). Telomere repeat copy number to single gene copy number (T/S) was determined by quantitative real-time PCR telomere assay. We used linear regression models to assess associations and examine whether a range of important health behaviors (e.g., cigarette smoking) and medical conditions (e.g., hypertension) previously associated with TL might explain a PTSD-TL association. We further examined whether type of trauma exposure (e.g., interpersonal violence) was associated with TL and whether trauma type might explain a PTSD-TL association. RESULTS: Relative to not having PTSD, women with a PTSD diagnosis had shorter log-transformed TL (β = -.112, 95% confidence interval (CI) = -0.196, -0.028). Adjustment for health behaviors and medical conditions did not attenuate this association. Trauma type was not associated with TL and did not account for the association of PTSD with TL. CONCLUSIONS: Our results add to growing evidence that PTSD may be associated with more rapid cellular aging as measured by telomere erosion. Moreover, the association could not be explained by health behaviors and medical conditions assessed in this study, nor by type of trauma exposure

    The Role of B Cells in Transplantation and Immunopathic Diseases

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    B cells, by virtue of their diverse roles in immune responses to foreign and self antigens, have become of increasing interest to the clinician as well as the basic immunologist. In particular, it is now apparent that the development of B cell unresponsiveness in antibody and T cell mediated autoimmune disorders and the transplant setting is both worthwhile and achievable

    The impact of psychopathology, social adversity and stress-relevant DNA methylation on prospective risk for post-traumatic stress: A machine learning approach

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    Background: A range of factors have been identified that contribute to greater incidence, severity, and prolonged course of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including: comorbid and/or prior psychopathology; social adversity such as low socioeconomic position, perceived discrimination, and isolation; and biological factors such as genomic variation at glucocorticoid receptor regulatory network (GRRN) genes. This complex etiology and clinical course make identification of people at higher risk of PTSD challenging. Here we leverage machine learning (ML) approaches to identify a core set of factors that may together predispose persons to PTSD. Methods: We used multiple ML approaches to assess the relationship among DNA methylation (DNAm) at GRRN genes, prior psychopathology, social adversity, and prospective risk for PTS severity (PTSS). Results: ML models predicted prospective risk of PTSS with high accuracy. The Gradient Boost approach was the top-performing model with mean absolute error of 0.135, mean square error of 0.047, root mean square error of 0.217, and R2 of 95.29%. Prior PTSS ranked highest in predicting the prospective risk of PTSS, accounting for >88% of the prediction. The top ranked GRRN CpG site was cg05616442, in AKT1, and the top ranked social adversity feature was loneliness. Conclusion: Multiple factors including prior PTSS, social adversity, and DNAm play a role in predicting prospective risk of PTSS. ML models identified factors accounting for increased PTSS risk with high accuracy, which may help to target risk factors that reduce the likelihood or course of PTSD, potentially pointing to approaches that can lead to early intervention. Limitation: One of the limitations of this study is small sample size

    Pharmacokinetics of Ganciclovir after Oral Valganciclovir versus Intravenous Ganciclovir in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Patients with Graft-versus-Host Disease of the Gastrointestinal Tract

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    AbstractThe pharmacokinetics of ganciclovir after oral valganciclovir versus intravenous ganciclovir were compared in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients with stable graft-versus-host disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Twenty-two evaluable adult patients were randomized to receive a single dose of open-label study drug (900 mg of oral valganciclovir or 5 mg/kg of intravenous ganciclovir). After a washout period of 2 to 7 days, patients were crossed over to receive the alternate study drug. Ganciclovir and valganciclovir concentrations in plasma were measured over 24 hours after dosing. Noninferiority of 900 mg of valganciclovir relative to intravenous ganciclovir was concluded if the lower limit of the 1-sided 95% confidence interval of the ratio of least-square means of the ganciclovir area under the curve (AUC) for the 2 study drugs was >80%. Valganciclovir was found to be rapidly absorbed and converted into ganciclovir. The ganciclovir exposure after 900 mg of valganciclovir noninferior to that of intravenous ganciclovir (AUC0-∞, 52.1 and 53.8 μg·h/mL, respectively; 95% confidence interval of the ratio of least square means of AUC0-∞, 82.48%-118.02%). Oral valganciclovir could be a useful alternative to intravenous ganciclovir in certain stable stem cell transplant patients who require prophylaxis or preemptive therapy for cytomegalovirus infection

    Minimal change nephrotic syndrome after stem cell transplantation: a case report and literature review

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    Graft-versus-host disease is one of the most frequent complications occurring after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Recently, renal involvement has been described as a manifestation of chronic graft-versus-host disease. Immunosuppression seems to play a major role: clinical disease is triggered by its tapering and resolution is achieved with the resumption of the immunosuppressive therapy. Prognosis is apparently favourable, but long term follow up data are lacking