480 research outputs found

    Konflik dalam Al-Quran

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    Every human life, whenever and wherever there will always be conflicts that surround it. The conflict occurs because it is motivated by differences in attitudes and feelings, cultural differences and differences in interests and social changes. These differences have given rise to various conflicts in various parts of the world, whether political conflicts, racial conflicts, religious conflicts, mental conflicts and so on. In the Qur'an, in general, there are only three types of conflict, namely family conflict, religious conflict and ethnic conflict. Most of these conflicts are the story of the people of the past and their prophets from the prophet Adam to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Every time there is a conflict that is told in the Qur'an, Allah always hints at how to resolve it differently, and always ends with instructions so that it can be resolved peacefully (ash-shulh), deliberation, negotiation and so on. So that there is no conflict that cannot be resolved if both parties have good intentions and intentions. ABSTRAKSetiap kehidupan manusia, kapan pun dan dimanapun pasti akan selalu ada konflik yang mengitarinya. konflik itu terjadi karena dilatar belakangi oleh perbedaan pendirian dan perasaan, perbedaan kebudayaan dan perbedaan kepentingan dan perubahan sosial. Perbedaan-perbedaan itulah yang melahirkan berbagai konflik di berbagai belahan dunia ini, baik konflik politik, konflik rasial, konflik agama, konflik mental dan sebagainya. Dalam Al-Qur’an, secara garis besar terdapat tiga jenis konflik saja, yaitu konflik keluarga, konflik agama dan konflik etnis. Konflik-konflik tersebut sebagian besarnya adalah  kisah umat masa lalu bersama nabi-nabi mereka sejak nabi Adam sampai kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Setiap ada konflik yang diceritakan dalam Al-Qur’an, Allah selalu mengisyaratkan cara penyelesaiannya secara berbeda-beda pula, dan selalu diakhiri dengan petunjuk agar diselesaikan secara damai (ash-shulh), musyawarah, negosiasi dan lain sebagainya. sehingga tidak ada konflik yang tidak bisa diselesaikan jika kedua belah pihak memiliki niat dan itikad yang bai

    Konsep Khalifah dalam Al-Qur’an (Kajian Ayat 30 Surat al-Baqarah dan Ayat 26 Surat Shaad)

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    There are three opinions about the caliph, the first is Adam as., Which is a human symbol who serves as the caliph., Second, the caliph means the next generation or successor generation., Third, the caliph is the head of state or head of government. Adam and David in the Qur'an are called caliphs, the difference is; Adam became the caliph for the whole earth at the beginning of human history by replacing a group of jinn who had done damage and bloodshed. While David was only the caliph in a certain area, and was appointed by God as the successor of the kings, leaders, and prophets of the Children of Israel who had preceded him. Caliphate is a function that human beings carry out based on the mandate they receive from God. The mandate is in essence to manage the earth in the best possible way, to prosper the people of the earth, and to eradicate tyranny.ABSTRAKAda  tiga pendapat tentang khalifah, pertama adalah Adam as.,  yang merupakan simbol manusia yang berfungsi sebagai khalifah., kedua, khalifah berarti generasi penerus atau generasi pengganti., ketiga,  khalifah adalah kepala negara atau kepala pemerintahan. Adam dan Daud dalam al-Qur’an disebut khalifah, perbedaannya adalah; Adam menjadi khalifah untuk seluruh bumi pada awal sejarah kemanusiaan dengan menggantikan  kelompok jin yang telah melakukan kerusakan dan pertumpahan darah. Sedang Daud hanya menjadi khalifah dalam wilayah tertentu saja, dan ditunjuk oleh Tuhan sebagai pengganti dari raja-raja, pemimpin-pemimpin, dan nabi-nabi Bani Israil yang telah mendahuluinya. Khalifah adalah sebuah fungsi yang diemban manusia berdasarkan amanat yang diterimanya dari Allah. Amanat itu pada intinya adalah mengelola bumi dengan sebaik-baiknya, memakmurkan penduduk bumi, serta memberantas kezaliman.

    The effect of Strategic Sale of Banks: Evidence from Indonesia

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    We examine the effect of strategic sale—the sale of banks to strategic foreign investors—on banks’ performance. The Government of Indonesia implemented such a policy as a part of bank restructuring in the aftermath of the 1998 banking crisis. Using difference-in-difference models, we find that strategic sale leads to 12%-15% cost reduction. These results are robust to the use of other estimators such as difference-in-difference matching-estimators and stochastic-frontier analysis, to that of other performance measures such as return on assets and net interest margin, and also to that of different types of samples. These suggest that strategic sale could play an important role in restructuring troubled banks in developing countries.banking crisis, recapitalized banks, the sale of assets, difference- in-difference models, matching estimator

    Do Banks Respond to Capital Requirement? Evidence from Indonesia

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    Using dynamic panel data models, we examine the effect of capital requirement on banks’ behavior in Indonesia. We find inconclusive results. Some banks tend to comply with capital requirement: They increase their capital ratio when their CAR is lower than, or falling towards, the eight percent regulatory minimum. However, most of our results are statistically significant at 20-30% level of significance only. Moreover, our results are mostly driven by private domestic banks and heavily-undercapitalized banks that were closely monitored by regulator in the aftermath of the 1998 crisis. Whether, in normal circumstances, banks in developing countries like Indonesia comply with capital requirement, therefore, remains questionable. This implies that, if regulators in developing countries continue relying on capital regulation, they would also need to improve their supervision capacity, increase the transparency of financial reporting, and strengthen market monitoring of banks.banking crisis, capital requirement, bank regulation, dynamic panel data

    Pembelajaran Flashback Berbasis Bahan Ajar Sejarah Lokal Untuk Membentuk Kesadaran Sejarah Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi produk pendekatan pembelajaran flashback berbahan ajan sejarah lokal dapat menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran sejarah siswa SMA. Pada penelitian tahun ke-1 telah dihasilkan kebutuhan sekolah pada bahan ajar berbasis sejarah lokal dalam pembelajaran sejarah dan bahan ajar yang memuat tentang pendekatan pembelajaran flashback berbasis bahan ajar sejarah lokal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 3 (tiga) SMA di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dimana tahap dilakukan melalui tahapan yaitu; studi pendahuluan; pengembangan desain pendekatan pembelajaran dan bahan ajar, uji coba produk; dan diseminasi. Penelitian ini dilakuakan dengan model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada 3 (tiga) SMA di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dimana dalam melakukan analisis data merujuk pada komponen yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran flashback berbasis bahan ajar sejarah lokal berada pada level baik.  Data aktivitas siswa menunjukkan 75% siswa aktif dalam pembelajaran dengan kategori baik dan dari 20 item data obeservasi yang dilakukan untuk guru menghasilkan 19 item telah dilaksanakan guru. Siswa memberikan respon yang variatif dimana analisis terhadap respon siswa menunjukkan 25% sangat setuju, 75% setuju. Data hasil kerja siswa menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan wawasan ilmu dan kesadaran sejarah serta kemampuan menjawab keterkaitan materi ajar dengan kehidupan nyata. Adapun guru memperlihatkan pemahaman baik terhadap keterkaitan antara bahan ajar dengan kemampuan menjelaskan materi dengan baik. Bahan ajar yang telah dikembangkan sangat menarik dan sangat relevan menambah wawasan guru dan siswa terutama dalam menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran sejarah siswa


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    Manajemen lingkungan berbasis sekolah di tingkat SD merupakan suatu sistem yang perlu dilakukan dalam upaya membangun karakter dan kesadaran lingkungan hidup berkelanjutan di sekolah. Proses manajemen ini terdiri atas perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengintegrasikan proses manajemen lingkungan kedalam stakeholder sekolah di tingkat SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka dengan metode studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian bahwa manajemen lingkungan berbasis sekolah dasar dapat diintegerasikan kepada stakeholder sekolah dalam rangka menciptakan green school

    The Impact of the Low-Cost Green Car (LCGC) program on the domestic market and export of passenger cars in Indonesia

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    Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Public Policy, 2022Concerns over greenhouse gases (GHG) and energy security have led countries to create automotive development policies that promote green development, sustainable growth, and industrial upgrading. In 2013, the Indonesian Government introduced the Low-Cost Green Cars (LCGC) program as a fiscal incentive policy targeting the development of fuel-efficient and low-emission small passenger cars with an internal combustion engine (ICE). This research exploits the LCGC program incentive to a particular car model as an instrument to find the program’s effect on the domestic market, production, and export. The difference in difference (DD) model is used to study the effect by comparing the similar vehicle segment in the control group that is not covered by tax incentives. The combination of the DD method with the initial matching design is intended to minimize bias. The monthly and annual panel data of sales, production, export, and other variables are used from 2011 to 2015 to examine pre and postintervention effects. The result shows that the LCGC program significantly increases domestic market sales and production in all models. Meantime, its impact on export is also shown to positive but it is relatively small compared to those on domestic sales and production. The analytic results generally indicate that the LCGC program with fiscal incentive policy succeeded in boosting the domestic market, production, and export of eco-friendly and low-cost small passenger vehicles.I. Introduction II. Literature review III. Hypotheses development IV. Research method V. Empirical Results VI. Conclusion and Policy Implication VII. Limitations and Future studyOutstandingmasterpublishedKemal RASYA

    TINJAUAN KITAB SYARAH SUNAN ABI DAWUD “Bazdl Al-Majhud Fi Halli Aby Dawud”

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    This paper attempts to find one of Sunan Abi Dawud's scholarly books: "Bazdl Al-Majhud Fi Halli Aby Dawud". After a brief review of this book in various aspects it turns out that the book is a complete study of Sunan Abi Dawud than the previous books of science. This book is very important because it contains many legends of hadiths related to the law. In addition, the book of Abi Dawud is included in the group of classics of the hadith (cube cube) so there is an expression "if there is no other hadith book, the Abi Dawud is sufficient to understand the religion"
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