2 research outputs found


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    AbstractPronunciation for Indonesian EFL students is tricky and challenging due to the different phonetic systems of the student's mother tongue and the target language. Integrating YouTube into English language learning could overcome these issues. The present study reviewed previous studies about the benefits of integrating YouTube as instructional media in promoting EFL students' pronunciation. This study was library research following George's (2008) model by selecting recent publications on the topic to summarize how YouTube videos affect students' English pronunciation and highlight a research gap that could be taken by future research. The review revealed that YouTube had benefitted students in aspects of pronunciation: stress, intonation, rhythm, voice quality, gestures, vowels, and consonants, although research on the application's use for improving students' rhythm is minimal despite the availability of relevant videos. This finding implies the need for more research on improving students' rhythm using YouTube video. Bahasa Indonesia AbstrakPengucapan bahasa Inggris sangat rumit untuk pebelajar Indonesia karena perbedaan dalam sistem fonetik bahasa ibu dan bahasa target siswa. Integrasi video YouTube ke dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Kajian ini mencermati hasil penelitian terkini mengenai integrasi video YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pelafalan bahasa Inggris siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian pustaka menggunakan model dari George (2008), dengan melibatkan peneitian terkait untuk menghasilkan gambaran umum mengenai pengaruh video Youtube terhadap pelafalan siswa untuk menyoroti kesenjangan penelitian yang masih ada sehingga menjadi masukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Ditemukan bahwa Youtube meningkatkan pelafalan siswa dari tekanan, intonasi, ritme, kualitas suara, gestur, pelafalan suara vokal dan konsonan. Namun, penelitian yang menyoroti pemanfaatan Youtube untuk meningkatkan ritme dalam pelafan siswa masih terbatas, walaupun Youtube menyediakan banyak video yang relevan. Temuan ini berimplikasi pada perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pemanfaatan video YouTube untuk mengembangkan ritme pelafalan bahasa Inggris siswa


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    This study was inspired by the lack of teaching techniques that could accommodate students’ speaking skills as the main indicator determining students’ success in learning English. The elicitation technique could be used by teachers to initiate students to speak during the learning process. A descriptive qualitative method was employed which aimed to investigate the types of elicitation techniques used, the way to implement them, and students’ responses to the elicitation techniques employed by the English teachers in motivating students to speak. There were two English teachers and ten students consisting of seventh and eighth grades involved as the participants in this study. Checklist, classroom observation, interview, and video audio recordings were conducted as the methods of data collection by means of observation checklist, observation sheet, interview guide, as well as video-audio recorders. The data were analyzed based on the category of elicitation techniques proposed by Cross (1992). The findings showed that there were 10 types of elicitation techniques used. Speech Prompts 44.5 (28.7%), WH Short-Answer Question 42.5 (27.4%), dan Yes-No Question 37 (23.9%) were the most frequent types used by the teachers in eliciting students to speak. In addition, it was also revealed that the elicitation techniques were employed by the teachers in all the teaching segments. Eight out of ten students positively responded by feeling motivated to speak in English. This indicated that the elicitation techniques used by the teachers could motivate students to speak in English