22 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effect of Pretreatment with Oxygen on Inhibition of Gentamycin-induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats

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    Introduction: The toxicity of gentamycin in the kidney seems to be related to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). There is evidence that pretreatment with oxygen increases the rate and activity of antioxidant enzymes. Methods: In this experimental study, forty eight female rats (Sprague Dawlley) were divided into 6 groups randomly (8 in each) as follows: group 1 was the control and for other groups different doses of oxygen with Gentamycin was used for 8 days intra-peritoneally (100 mg/kg ). 24-hour urine samples were collected after the final injection. Blood samples were collected and serum was prepared. The left kidney was fixed in formal saline. Serum MDA, creatinin and urea, as well as urine creatinine were measured. 5-micron tissue sections were prepared and stained by Periodic Acid Shift method. Volume density of proximal tubules, necrosis of proximal tubules and lymphocytic infiltration were studied. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test at significant level of p <0.05. Results: Pretreatment with oxygen was effective significantly in two groups of 6 and 4 compared to group 2. The effectiveness was found in inhibition of serum MDA, improving serum, urinary urea and creatinine, preserving tubular volume density, and reducing tubular necrotizing and lymphocyin filtration. Conclusion: Pretreatment with oxygen and its concomitant use can improve renal tissue changes, serum urea and creatinine in gentamycin-induced nephrotoxicity, but cannot preserve them at the same level of control

    Domestic violence against women as a risk factor for depressive and anxiety disorders: findings from domestic violence household survey in Tehran, Iran

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    Domestic violence (DV) especially intimate partner violence is a global health problem responsible for significant part of burden of diseases in women. Mental health problems such as depression and anxiety are possibly results and resulted in IPV. To investigate correlation between IPV and depression and anxiety among married women, in a household survey of married women in Tehran, Iran, at summer 2011, we recruited 615 samples with cluster sampling method and they are directly asked about experience of 23 different types of physical and non-physical IPV during marital life and last 12 months. Depression and anxiety were assessed by Beck depression inventory II (BDI) and Beck Anxiety inventory (BAI). Multinominal regression model was used to assess the independent relationship of factor on IPV. Mean (±SE) age and duration of marriage were 42.6 ± 0.9 and 22 ± 0.8, respectively. Non-physical violence and physical violence during marital life reported in 77.2 and 35.1 . Clinically significant depression and anxiety was reported in 15.3 and 32.7 of women, respectively. The odds ratio (95 CI) of clinically significant depression and anxiety in DV victims were 5.8 (2.3�14.6) and 2.6 (1.6�4.3). DV as a social factor is significantly correlated factor with depression and anxiety. Comprehensive view and collaborative work to detect and address social determinants of mental illness like DV is a crucial point in mental health promotion programs. © 2016, Springer-Verlag Wien

    RETRACTION: Diagnostic investigations of canine prostatitis incidence together with benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate malignancies, and biochemical recurrence in high-risk prostate cancer as a model for human study (Retraction of Vol 36, Pg 2437, 2015)

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of acute and chronic inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and cancer of the prostate glands in the canine as a human model in prostate disorders. The study was carried out on 12 cases of different male dogs of terrier (50 ), German shepherd (25 ) breeds, and Greden (25 ), and the age of the dogs ranged from 6 to 13 years (average age 7.8 +/- 3.6). The bodyweight ranged from 3.6 to 7.9 kg. Signalment, clinical signs, and diagnostic tools such as ultrasonography, urinary cytology, and histopathology are presented. Dysuria was the most common clinical sign in this study and occurred in 10/12 canine (83.3 ) included. Other clinical signs included lameness (5/12 canine, 41.6 ) and constipation (3/12 canine, 25 ). The range of duration of clinical signs was 5 days to 7 months. Moreover, in the present study, the urinary biochemical markers of different prostate lesions include blood, protein, and glucose and were detected in 11/12 cases (91.6 ), 5/12 cases (41.6 ), and 2/12 cases (16.6 ), respectively. Taken together, sonographic data were classified into four groups based on histological diagnosis. In 7/12 cases (58.4 ), the prostate appeared to have BPH lesions, and the remaining lesions included inflammation (3/12 cases, 25 ), abscess (1 case, 8.3 ), and adenocarcinoma (1 case, 8/3 ) on ultrasound. In all cases, prostate tissue had an irregular echotexture. None of the dogs had sonographic evidence of sublumbar lymph node enlargement. Histopathologically, we looked at the prevalence of inflammation (33.3 chronic and 8.3 acute) and BPH (58.4 ) in dogs of different ages and breeds, and also, we observed chronic inflammation in >20 of dogs, which was about 25 in 3 cases of the 12 cases referred. More chronic inflammation was associated with more BPH. The majority of the asymptomatic inflammation that is detected in the prostate is classified as chronic inflammation (i.e., as evidenced by the presence of monocytic and/or lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cell infiltrates); however, acute inflammation is also observed to a lesser degree. Acute inflammation, as is typically evidenced by the infiltration of neutrophils, is classically an indicator of an infectious process. Finally, the patients included seven castrated, four castrated together with antibiotic therapy, and one castrated together with chemotherapy intact male dogs, which were treated with the mentioned cases. In conclusion, chronic prostatic inflammation could be a central mechanism in BPH progression, but the pathological features of tissue inflammation were different between BPH and prostate cancer (PCa). Nevertheless, the histological examination of prostate biopsies remains the only way to diagnose prostatic disorders


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    &quot;nRenal ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury is a common problem in kidney transplantation. There is increasing evidence about the role of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in these injuries and endogenous antioxidants seem to have an important role in decreasing the renal tissue injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of kidney IR on renal antioxidant enzymes activity such as catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and renal glutathione (GSH) levels. The level of malondialdehyde (MDA), an end product of lipid peroxidation, also was quantified. Male Wister rats (200-280 g) were anesthetized and after right nephrectomy, the left renal artery was clamped for 40 min. After 24 h reperfusion, serum and kidney tissue samples were obtained for metabolites assay. Results showed that renal IR increased serum creatinine and urea level [90.59 &amp;plusmn; 12.93 vs. 44.06 &amp;plusmn; 4.07 &amp;micro;mol/L (P &amp;lt; 0.01), and 40.22 &amp;plusmn; 10.27 vs. 20.8 &amp;plusmn; 1.8 mmol/L, (P &amp;lt; 0.05), respectively]. The renal catalase activity was decreased (33.13 &amp;plusmn; 2.02 vs. 43.78 &amp;plusmn; 2.38 units/mg protein, P &amp;lt; 0.01) but SOD activity was increased (57.59 &amp;plusmn; 4.64 vs. 42.84 &amp;plusmn; 1.85 units/mg protein, P &amp;lt; 0.05). The GSH level also was decreased (24.67 &amp;plusmn; 2.31 vs. 37.44 &amp;plusmn; 3.09 nmol/mg protein P &amp;lt; 0.01). MDA level after IR was not significantly different from control group (2.05 &amp;plusmn; 0.27 vs. 1.84 &amp;plusmn; 0.2 nmol/mg protein, P = 0.55). Our data indicated that despite decrease in renal GSH level and catalase activity following IR, SOD activity was increase

    The efficacy of narrative exposure therapy in a sample of Iranian women exposed to ongoing intimate partner violence�A randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: The mental health needs of women affected by intimate partner violence (IPV) and living under continuous domestic violence are currently not well understood. The present study investigates the feasibility and efficacy of narrative exposure therapy (NET), compared with commonly used counselling (treatment-as-usual, TAU), in a group of currently IPV-affected women in Tehran, Iran. Method: Forty-five IPV-affected women with a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were randomized to 10 to 12 sessions of either NET (n = 24) or TAU (n = 21). Primary outcome measures, including PTSD, depression, and perceived stress symptoms, were examined at pretreatment and 3- and 6-month follow-ups. IPV experiences, general lifetime traumatic events, childhood adversities, borderline symptoms, and daily functioning impairment were also inspected. Results: NET participants showed a significantly greater symptom reduction in comparison with the TAU group in PTSD, depression, and perceived stress at both follow-ups. Improvement in daily functioning and reduction of IPV experiences and borderline symptoms at 3- and 6-month follow-ups were pronounced but not significantly different between the two treatment groups. Conclusion: IPV-affected women living under continuous threat and violence would benefit from trauma-focused interventions such as NET. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Retraction Note to: Diagnostic investigations of canine prostatitis incidence together with benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate malignancies, and biochemical recurrence in high-risk prostate cancer as a model for human study (Tumor Biol, (2015), 36, (2437-2445), 10.1007/s13277-014-2854-4)

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    This article has been retracted at the request of the Editor-in- Chief, the International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM) and the Publisher per the Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines. The article shows evidence of irregularities in authorship during the submission process, there is strong reason to believe that the peer review process was compromised and the article contains patchwork plagiarism from a variety of sources. The main sources are (amongst others): Bruce E. LeRoya, icole Northrup, Prostate cancer in dogs: Comparative and clinical aspects. The Veterinary Journal. 2009; 180:2 149-162 DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2008.07.012 J. Smith, Canine prostatic disease: A review of anatomy, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Society for Theriogenology. The Society for Theriogenology 2008 Annual Conference, Theriogenology. 2008; 70:3 375-383 DOI: 10.1016/ j.theriogenology.2008.04.039. © 2016, International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM)