372 research outputs found

    Jordan cells in logarithmic limits of conformal field theory

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    It is discussed how a limiting procedure of conformal field theories may result in logarithmic conformal field theories with Jordan cells of arbitrary rank. This extends our work on rank-two Jordan cells. We also consider the limits of certain three-point functions and find that they are compatible with known results. The general construction is illustrated by logarithmic limits of (unitary) minimal models in conformal field theory. Characters of quasi-rational representations are found to emerge as the limits of the associated irreducible Virasoro characters.Comment: 16 pages, v2: discussion of three-point functions and characters included; ref. added, v3: version to be publishe

    Polynomial Fusion Rings of Logarithmic Minimal Models

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    We identify quotient polynomial rings isomorphic to the recently found fundamental fusion algebras of logarithmic minimal models.Comment: 18 page

    W-Extended Fusion Algebra of Critical Percolation

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    Two-dimensional critical percolation is the member LM(2,3) of the infinite series of Yang-Baxter integrable logarithmic minimal models LM(p,p'). We consider the continuum scaling limit of this lattice model as a `rational' logarithmic conformal field theory with extended W=W_{2,3} symmetry and use a lattice approach on a strip to study the fundamental fusion rules in this extended picture. We find that the representation content of the ensuing closed fusion algebra contains 26 W-indecomposable representations with 8 rank-1 representations, 14 rank-2 representations and 4 rank-3 representations. We identify these representations with suitable limits of Yang-Baxter integrable boundary conditions on the lattice and obtain their associated W-extended characters. The latter decompose as finite non-negative sums of W-irreducible characters of which 13 are required. Implementation of fusion on the lattice allows us to read off the fusion rules governing the fusion algebra of the 26 representations and to construct an explicit Cayley table. The closure of these representations among themselves under fusion is remarkable confirmation of the proposed extended symmetry.Comment: 30 page

    Refined conformal spectra in the dimer model

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    Working with Lieb's transfer matrix for the dimer model, we point out that the full set of dimer configurations may be partitioned into disjoint subsets (sectors) closed under the action of the transfer matrix. These sectors are labelled by an integer or half-integer quantum number we call the variation index. In the continuum scaling limit, each sector gives rise to a representation of the Virasoro algebra. We determine the corresponding conformal partition functions and their finitizations, and observe an intriguing link to the Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz sectors of the critical dense polymer model as described by a conformal field theory with central charge c=-2.Comment: 44 page

    W-extended Kac representations and integrable boundary conditions in the logarithmic minimal models WLM(1,p)

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    We construct new Yang-Baxter integrable boundary conditions in the lattice approach to the logarithmic minimal model WLM(1,p) giving rise to reducible yet indecomposable representations of rank 1 in the continuum scaling limit. We interpret these W-extended Kac representations as finitely-generated W-extended Feigin-Fuchs modules over the triplet W-algebra W(p). The W-extended fusion rules of these representations are inferred from the recently conjectured Virasoro fusion rules of the Kac representations in the underlying logarithmic minimal model LM(1,p). We also introduce the modules contragredient to the W-extended Kac modules and work out the correspondingly-extended fusion algebra. Our results are in accordance with the Kazhdan-Lusztig dual of tensor products of modules over the restricted quantum universal enveloping algebra Uˉq(sl2)\bar{U}_q(sl_2) at q=eπi/pq=e^{\pi i/p}. Finally, polynomial fusion rings isomorphic with the various fusion algebras are determined, and the corresponding Grothendieck ring of characters is identified.Comment: 28 page

    Wind on the boundary for the Abelian sandpile model

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    We continue our investigation of the two-dimensional Abelian sandpile model in terms of a logarithmic conformal field theory with central charge c=-2, by introducing two new boundary conditions. These have two unusual features: they carry an intrinsic orientation, and, more strangely, they cannot be imposed uniformly on a whole boundary (like the edge of a cylinder). They lead to seven new boundary condition changing fields, some of them being in highest weight representations (weights -1/8, 0 and 3/8), some others belonging to indecomposable representations with rank 2 Jordan cells (lowest weights 0 and 1). Their fusion algebra appears to be in full agreement with the fusion rules conjectured by Gaberdiel and Kausch.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Solvable Critical Dense Polymers

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    A lattice model of critical dense polymers is solved exactly for finite strips. The model is the first member of the principal series of the recently introduced logarithmic minimal models. The key to the solution is a functional equation in the form of an inversion identity satisfied by the commuting double-row transfer matrices. This is established directly in the planar Temperley-Lieb algebra and holds independently of the space of link states on which the transfer matrices act. Different sectors are obtained by acting on link states with s-1 defects where s=1,2,3,... is an extended Kac label. The bulk and boundary free energies and finite-size corrections are obtained from the Euler-Maclaurin formula. The eigenvalues of the transfer matrix are classified by the physical combinatorics of the patterns of zeros in the complex spectral-parameter plane. This yields a selection rule for the physically relevant solutions to the inversion identity and explicit finitized characters for the associated quasi-rational representations. In particular, in the scaling limit, we confirm the central charge c=-2 and conformal weights Delta_s=((2-s)^2-1)/8 for s=1,2,3,.... We also discuss a diagrammatic implementation of fusion and show with examples how indecomposable representations arise. We examine the structure of these representations and present a conjecture for the general fusion rules within our framework.Comment: 35 pages, v2: comments and references adde

    Fusion algebra of critical percolation

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    We present an explicit conjecture for the chiral fusion algebra of critical percolation considering Virasoro representations with no enlarged or extended symmetry algebra. The representations we take to generate fusion are countably infinite in number. The ensuing fusion rules are quasi-rational in the sense that the fusion of a finite number of these representations decomposes into a finite direct sum of these representations. The fusion rules are commutative, associative and exhibit an sl(2) structure. They involve representations which we call Kac representations of which some are reducible yet indecomposable representations of rank 1. In particular, the identity of the fusion algebra is a reducible yet indecomposable Kac representation of rank 1. We make detailed comparisons of our fusion rules with the recent results of Eberle-Flohr and Read-Saleur. Notably, in agreement with Eberle-Flohr, we find the appearance of indecomposable representations of rank 3. Our fusion rules are supported by extensive numerical studies of an integrable lattice model of critical percolation. Details of our lattice findings and numerical results will be presented elsewhere.Comment: 12 pages, v2: comments and references adde

    Geometric Exponents, SLE and Logarithmic Minimal Models

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    In statistical mechanics, observables are usually related to local degrees of freedom such as the Q < 4 distinct states of the Q-state Potts models or the heights of the restricted solid-on-solid models. In the continuum scaling limit, these models are described by rational conformal field theories, namely the minimal models M(p,p') for suitable p, p'. More generally, as in stochastic Loewner evolution (SLE_kappa), one can consider observables related to nonlocal degrees of freedom such as paths or boundaries of clusters. This leads to fractal dimensions or geometric exponents related to values of conformal dimensions not found among the finite sets of values allowed by the rational minimal models. Working in the context of a loop gas with loop fugacity beta = -2 cos(4 pi/kappa), we use Monte Carlo simulations to measure the fractal dimensions of various geometric objects such as paths and the generalizations of cluster mass, cluster hull, external perimeter and red bonds. Specializing to the case where the SLE parameter kappa = 4p'/p is rational with p < p', we argue that the geometric exponents are related to conformal dimensions found in the infinitely extended Kac tables of the logarithmic minimal models LM(p,p'). These theories describe lattice systems with nonlocal degrees of freedom. We present results for critical dense polymers LM(1,2), critical percolation LM(2,3), the logarithmic Ising model LM(3,4), the logarithmic tricritical Ising model LM(4,5) as well as LM(3,5). Our results are compared with rigourous results from SLE_kappa, with predictions from theoretical physics and with other numerical experiments. Throughout, we emphasize the relationships between SLE_kappa, geometric exponents and the conformal dimensions of the underlying CFTs.Comment: Added reference

    Integrable Boundary Conditions and W-Extended Fusion in the Logarithmic Minimal Models LM(1,p)

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    We consider the logarithmic minimal models LM(1,p) as `rational' logarithmic conformal field theories with extended W symmetry. To make contact with the extended picture starting from the lattice, we identify 4p-2 boundary conditions as specific limits of integrable boundary conditions of the underlying Yang-Baxter integrable lattice models. Specifically, we identify 2p integrable boundary conditions to match the 2p known irreducible W-representations. These 2p extended representations naturally decompose into infinite sums of the irreducible Virasoro representations (r,s). A further 2p-2 reducible yet indecomposable W-representations of rank 2 are generated by fusion and these decompose as infinite sums of indecomposable rank-2 Virasoro representations. The fusion rules in the extended picture are deduced from the known fusion rules for the Virasoro representations of LM(1,p) and are found to be in agreement with previous works. The closure of the fusion algebra on a finite number of representations in the extended picture is remarkable confirmation of the consistency of the lattice approach.Comment: 15 page