97 research outputs found

    Global alliance for the promotion of physical activity : the Hamburg declaration

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    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dementia, depression and cancers, are on the rise worldwide and are often associated with a lack of physical activity (PA). Globally, the levels of PA among individuals are below WHO recommendations. A lack of PA can increase morbidity and mortality, worsen the quality of life and increase the economic burden on individuals and society. In response to this trend, numerous organisations came together under one umbrella in Hamburg, Germany, in April 2021 and signed the ‘Hamburg Declaration’. This represented an international commitment to take all necessary actions to increase PA and improve the health of individuals to entire communities. Individuals and organisations are working together as the ‘Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity’ to drive long-term individual and population-wide behaviour change by collaborating with all stakeholders in the community: active hospitals, physical activity specialists, community services and healthcare providers, all achieving sustainable health goals for their patients/clients. The ‘Hamburg Declaration’ calls on national and international policymakers to take concrete action to promote daily PA and exercise at a population level and in healthcare settings.https://drc.bmj.com/am2024Sports MedicineSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-beingSDG-17:Partnerships for the goal

    The spirit of Olympism - the treasure of all nations in London Olympic Games

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    Olympic Games are not only sport event, it is social event as well as cultural phenomenon that serves athletes, spectators, and sports fans on TV screens. Organizers pursue to settle functional environment with incorporated different cultural elements, such as architecture, art, and national kitchen. Sport facilities structure is essential here because of its emotional, aesthetical, and being proud of possibility to compete in such environment aspects. Living environment is very important in Olympic village too; it has to cause joy as well as to offer athletes focussing and resting possibilities. Thus, residential architecture, often untraditional and surprising with unusual architecture details, plays the main role. Olympic village is a concentrated place to be inhabited by 17 thousands people, who would sleep, act, and eat here so the main lunchroom is very important social-cultural part of the village as well. It has to be functional and comfortable for all living, enlivened with tree alleys for meetings, talks, discussions. Another very important element in Olympic village is green areas, mini-parks, pools, trees, .flowers. Particularly this creates the balance between buildings and nature, forms natural illusion of nature beauty in very minimalistic spaceVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    A system of preparing high-performance athletes in Lithuania : summary of the paper of habilitation : social sciences, education (07 S)

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    Habilitacinis darbas atliktas 1994-2001 metais Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto Gamtos mokslų fakulteto Sporto pedagogikos ir fiziologijos laboratorijojeVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Peculiarities in management of Lithuanian olympic team preparation and participation in Sydney Olympic games

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    Olimpinės žaidynės - vienas įspūdingiausių sporto renginių pasaulyje. Jose dalyvauti svajoja kiekvienas sportininkas, galintis pasiekti svarių laimėjimų tarptautinėje arenoje. Dalyvavimas olimpinėse žaidynėse - didelės svarbos įvykis. Visų pirma, sportininko sugebėjimas įvykdyti olimpinį normatyvą rodo jo gerą tarptautinį reitingą. Antra, į pirmąjį finalą olimpinėse žaidynėse patekęs sportininkas įrašomas į geriausiųjų sportininkų gretas. Lietuvos sportininkų dalyvavimas olimpinėse žaidynėse yra labai svarbus Lietuvos tautiniam olimpiniam komitetui (Poviliūnas, 2000) ir Lietuvos valstybei, nes tai Lietuvos vardo garsinimas pasaulyje, Lietuvos valstybės įvaizdžio formavimas, šalies sporto plėtros lygio ir sporto organizacijų sėkmingo darbo rezultatas (Raslanas, 2001). Kad visa tai būtų pasiekta, rengiamos bendrosios, sporto šakų, olimpinio rezervo sportininkų rengimo programos. Tam kryptingai dirba visos sporto organizacijos. Programa "Sidnėjus-2000" - šio darbo rezultatas ir nuosekli sportininko, trenerio, sporto mokyklos, centro ketverių metų veikla, tai daugelio specialistų bendras darbas koordinuojant proceso finansavimą, medikų, mokslininkų metodinę paramą ir aptarnavimą (Skarbalius, 2000).Olympic Games - one of the most impressive world's sports event. Taking part in it is a dream of each athlete who is able to achieve important results in international scene. Participation in Olympic Games - an event of huge importance. First of all, athlete's ability to fulfill the Olympic requirement shows his high international rating. Second, by reaching the first final in Olympic Games he gets into ranks of elite athletes. Participation of Lithuanian athletes in Olympic Games is very important for Lithuanian National Olympic Committee (A. Poviliūnas, 2000), as well as for Lithuania because it makes Lithuania famous in the world, it is formation of Lithuania's immage, also the level of sport development in the country as well as the result of successful work of sport organizations (A. Raslanas, 2001). To achieve that, general, sport disciplines' and Olympic reserve athletes' programmes are being prepared. All sport organizations keep purposeful work in that direction. The programme "Sydney - 2000" is a result of this work and purposeful activity covering four years period, dealing with an athlete, coach, sport school, centre, it is a common work of many experts in coordinating finances of the process, methodical support of medical and scientifical staff and services (A. Skarbalius, 2000)

    Programme management for Lithuanian Olympic team training

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Profesoriui, habilituotam biomedicinos mokslų daktarui Kaziui Milašiui – 70 metų

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    Lietuvos olimpinė akademijaMokytojų rengimo institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų rengimo sistema : habilitacinis darbas : socialiniai mokslai, edukologija (07S)

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    Habilitacinis darbas atliktas 1994-2001 metais Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto Gamtos mokslų fakulteto Sporto pedagogikos ir fiziologijos laboratorijojeVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Harmoningos sportininko asmenybės ugdymas

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    Bibliogr. str. galeVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Lietuvos olimpinės rinktinės 1992–2014 m. pasiekimų analizė

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    Lietuvos olimpinė akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij