1,442 research outputs found

    Wigner molecules in polygonal quantum dots: A density functional study

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    We investigate the properties of many-electron systems in two-dimensional polygonal (triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon) potential wells by using the density functional theory. The development of the ground state electronic structure as a function of the dot size is of particular interest. First we show that in the case of two electrons, the Wigner molecule formation agrees with the previous exact diagonalization studies. Then we present in detail how the spin symmetry breaks in polygonal geometries as the spin density functional theory is applied. In several cases with more than two electrons, we find a transition to the crystallized state, yielding coincidence with the number of density maxima and the electron number. We show that this transition density, which agrees reasonably well with previous estimations, is rather insensitive to both the shape of the dot and the electron number.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Quantitative modeling of spin relaxation in quantum dots

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    We use numerically exact diagonalization to calculate the spin-orbit and phonon-induced triplet-singlet relaxation rate in a two-electron quantum dot exposed to a tilted magnetic field. Our scheme includes a three-dimensional description of the quantum dot, the Rashba and the linear and cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling, the ellipticity of the quantum dot, and the full angular description of the magnetic field. We are able to find reasonable agreement with the experimental results of Meunier et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 126601 (2007)] in terms of the singlet-triplet energy splitting and the spin relaxation rate, respectively. We analyze in detail the effects of the spin-orbit factors, magnetic-field angles, and the dimensionality, and discuss the origins of the remaining deviations from the experimental data

    Construction of the B88 exchange-energy functional in two dimensions

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    We construct a generalized-gradient approximation for the exchange-energy density of finite two-dimensional systems. Guided by non-empirical principles, we include the proper small-gradient limit and the proper tail for the exchange-hole potential. The observed performance is superior to that of the two-dimensional local-density approximation, which underlines the usefulness of the approach in practical applications

    Hadron multiplicities, pT-spectra and net-baryon number in central Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC

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    We compute the initial energy density and net baryon number density in 5% most central Pb+Pb collisions at s=5.5\sqrt s=5.5 TeV from pQCD + (final state) saturation, and describe the evolution of the produced system with boost-invariant transversely expanding hydrodynamics. In addition to the total multiplicity at midrapidity, we give predictions for the multiplicity of charged hadrons, pions, kaons and (anti)protons, for the total transverse energy and net-baryon number, as well as for the pTp_T-spectrum of charged hadrons, pions and kaons. We also predict the region of applicability of hydrodynamics by comparing these results with high-pTp_T hadron spectra computed from pQCD and energy losses.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to be presented at the workshop "Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC: Last Call for Predictions" at CERN 29 May - 2 Jun

    Do Large-Scale Inhomogeneities Explain Away Dark Energy?

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    Recently, new arguments (astro-ph/0501152, hep-th/0503117) for how corrections from super-Hubble modes can explain the present-day acceleration of the universe have appeared in the literature. However, in this letter, we argue that, to second order in spatial gradients, these corrections only amount to a renormalization of local spatial curvature, and thus cannot account for the negative deceleration. Moreover, cosmological observations already put severe bounds on such corrections, at the level of a few percent, while in the context of inflationary models, these corrections are typically limited to ~ 10^{-5}. Currently there is no general constraint on the possible correction from higher order gradient terms, but we argue that such corrections are even more constrained in the context of inflationary models.Comment: 4 Pages, no figures. Minor modifications, added reference

    The Hubble rate in averaged cosmology

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    The calculation of the averaged Hubble expansion rate in an averaged perturbed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker cosmology leads to small corrections to the background value of the expansion rate, which could be important for measuring the Hubble constant from local observations. It also predicts an intrinsic variance associated with the finite scale of any measurement of H_0, the Hubble rate today. Both the mean Hubble rate and its variance depend on both the definition of the Hubble rate and the spatial surface on which the average is performed. We quantitatively study different definitions of the averaged Hubble rate encountered in the literature by consistently calculating the backreaction effect at second order in perturbation theory, and compare the results. We employ for the first time a recently developed gauge-invariant definition of an averaged scalar. We also discuss the variance of the Hubble rate for the different definitions.Comment: 12 pages, 25 figures, references added, clarity improved, frame switching subtlety fixed, results unchanged, v3 minor typos fixe

    Gauges and Cosmological Backreaction

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    We present a formalism for spatial averaging in cosmology applicable to general spacetimes and coordinates, and allowing the easy incorporation of a wide variety of matter sources. We apply this formalism to a Friedmann-LeMaitre-Robertson-Walker universe perturbed to second-order and present the corrections to the background in an unfixed gauge. We then present the corrections that arise in uniform curvature and conformal Newtonian gauges.Comment: 13 pages. Updated: reference added, typos corrected, exposition clarified. Version 3: Replaced with version published by JCA
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