15 research outputs found


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    Neste trabalho efetuou-se a caracterização química de requeijões cremosos adicionados de creme de leite, gordura vegetal hidrogenada, isolado proteico de soja e inulina. Para obtenção do requeijão foram utilizados: massa lática, cloreto de sódio, sal fundente, amido de milho, concentrado proteico de soro, goma xantana, nisina, água, creme de leite (2,0; 4,0 e 6,0%), gordura vegetal hidrogenada (6,0; 8,0 e 10,0%), isolado proteico de soja (0,5; 1,0 e 1,5%) e inulina (3,8; 5,05 e 6,3%) em concentrações variadas. Os produtos apresentaram 6,26 a 6,38 de pH, 0,24 a 0,39% de acidez, 7,29 a 10,04% de proteína, 1,62 a 1,77% de cinzas, 12,5 a 21,3% de gordura, 39,8 a 66,1% de gordura no extrato seco e 28,63 a 35,56% de sólidos totais. Os requeijões cremosos com isolado proteico de soja e inulina desenvolvidos constituem alternativas viáveis de alimentos saudáveis e potencialmente prebióticos

    Activated charcoal from green coconut as an alternative to remove 2,4D from water and reduce toxicity in Lactuca sativa L

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    Water quality is essential for the maintenance of all forms of life on the planet, since the  consumption of contaminated water can pose health risks. In this study, green coconut activated charcoal was used in the treatment of contaminated water at concentrations of 2, 5, 10 and 20 mg/L of the herbicide dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). In order to verify the efficiency of the adsorption process, germination bioassays and cytogenetic analyses were performed with seeds of Lactuca sativa L. as a bioindicator. The germination bioassays were carried out with a germination paper roll in triplicate, with 300 seeds per treatment. As for the cytogenetic analysis, 3000 cells were analyzed per treatment. The results showed that the green coconut activated charcoal has adsorptive potential to remove 2,4-D from water, with germination results of 89.6% for treated water, 92% for pure water, and 0% for contaminated water. Regarding the cytogenetic analysis, Mitotic Index (MI) values were high and did not differ statistically for pure and treated water samples. Yet, they were low for contaminated water. As for chromosomal abnormalities, there was a gradual increase depending on the level of exposure to the different 2,4-D concentrations. Thus, we concluded that 2,4-D is toxic to the development of lettuce seeds, and that green coconut activated charcoal was efficient in the adsorptio

    Estudo cinético da biossorção de vermelho neutro por casca de pinha (Annona squamosa) / Kinetic study of neutral red biosorption by pine bark (Annona squamosa)

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    A presença de corantes na água, mesmo em pequenas concentrações é prejudicial, pois podem impedir a penetração da luz e prejudicar a eficiência da fotossíntese, causando sérios danos à fauna e flora destes locais. Devido à sua alta toxicidade os corantes também podem causar danos graves aos seres humanos, como disfunção nos sistemas renais, do reprodutivo, além do fígado, cérebro e sistema nervoso central.  Entre os métodos usados no tratamento de água, a biossorção se apresenta como uma alternativa interessante devido sua alta seletividade, eficiência e baixo custo, propondo a utilização de produtos residuais e subprodutos. Tendo isso em vista, o presente estudo avaliou a capacidade de um biossorvente derivado da pinha na remoção do corante vermelho neutro da água. Os resultados mostraram que o biossorvente proveniente da casca de pinha possui um ótimo desempenho na remoção do corante vermelho neutro, removendo mais de 90% desse contaminante do meio aquoso, além de obter a capacidade máxima de adsorção de 23 mg.g-1, tornando-se assim, uma possível alternativa no tratamento de efluentes contaminado com esse corante. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou boa quantidade de poros na superfície do biossorvente, o que favorece o processo de biossorção, o modelo de melhor ajuste foi pseudossegunda ordem que sugere que o mecanismo de adsorção seja a quimiossorção. Como o biossorvente não precisa passar por nenhum tipo de tratamento químico, há uma diminuição no tempo e custo de operação, tornando o biossorvente produzido uma alternativa economicamente e ecologicamente interessante para o tratamento de efluentes contendo corantes

    Embutido cárneo fermentado tipo copa com utilização de probiótico e submetido à alta pressão / Dry-cured meat type Coppa with probiotic using high pressure

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade do probiótico Bifidobacterium microencapsulado, em copa suína submetida as pressões de 100 MPa        e 200 MPa por 10 minutos e analisar possíveis alterações das características do embutido tais como pH, cor instrumental e oxidação lipídica ao longo de 30 dias. Não houve diferença significativa para os valores de pH em todos os tratamentos. A alta pressão não afetou significativamente os valores de L*, a* e b*. Os valores de TBARS apresentaram aumento durante o período de armazenamento. A viabilidade dos probióticos mostrou que a alta pressão não afeta a contagem dos microrganismos, podendo os produtos serem considerados probióticos. Sendo assim é possível concluir que o processo de alta pressão hidrostática em embutido cárneo tipo copa suína não causa alteração nos parâmetros de pH, cor instrumental e oxidação lipídica. 

    Caracterização de requeijão cremoso modificado

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    Clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo.Not available. Click electronic access below.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Características reológicas e sensoriais de bebidas lácteas funcionais

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    This research studied the effects of the independent variables whey protein concentrate - WPC (3.0; 3.5; 4.0%), skimmed milk powder - SMP (4.0; 5.0; 6.0%), and isolated soy protein - IPS (1.5; 2.0; 2.5%) on the rheological and sensorial characteristics of functional dairy beverages. In all tests 7% of sucrose was added to the ingredients. The rheological parameters were obtained in duplicate at the temperature of 10° C using a cone and plate rheometer, and fitted to the Power law model. The samples revealed a non-Newtonian fluid behavior both in the upward and downward curves, typical of a tixotropic fluid. The dairy beverages were submitted to a sensory analysis by a group of fifty untrained tasters who used a hedonic scale of nine points, the extremes being 1 - disliked extremely and 9 - liked extremely, in order to evaluate the following parameters: general acceptability; appearance and color; consistency; taste and aroma. The dairy beverage produced with 3% WPC, 6% SMP and 1.5% IPS, (treatment 3), was the one that obtained the best average score for those attributes and was preferred by the tasters. The variables SMP and IPS and the interaction between WPC and SMP presented a positive effect on the sensory consistency attributes: the higher amount of those ingredients in the formula the more the tasters liked the consistency

    Caracterização de requeijão cremoso potencialmente prebiótico pela adição de inulina e proteína de soja

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    Requeijão is a typical Brazilian cheese and exhibits a significant consumption in the domestic market and presents high potential for functional foods. In this study the physicochemical characterization of requeijão cheese added of dairy cream, hydrogenated vegetal fat, soy protein isolate and inulin was carried out. For the requeijão cheese making it was used: Lactic mass, sodium chloride, melting salt, starch, whey protein concentrate, xanthan gum, nisin and water. Dairy cream (2.0; 4.0 and 6.0%), hydrogenated vegetable fat (6.0; 8.0 and 10.0%), soy protein isolate - SPI (0.5; 1.0 and 1.5%) and inulin (3.8; 5.05 and 6.3%) were added, according to the trial. The formulated products presented 6.26 to 6.38 of pH value, 0.24 to 0.39% of acidity, 7.29 to 10.04% of protein, 1.62 to 1.77% of ashes, 12.5 to 21.3% of fat, 39.8 to 66.1% of fat dry matter and 28.63 to 35.56% of total solids. The developed requeijão cheeses added of soy protein isolate and inulin are feasible alternatives for healthy foods and potentially prebiotics

    Ultrasound-assisted extraction and encapsulation by spray drying of bioactive compounds from Tradescantia zebrina leaves

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    This study investigated the ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from Tradescantia zebrina leaves and the subsequent encapsulation of the extract by spray drying. The optimum extraction conditions for phenolic compounds and anthocyanins contents corresponded to 6.25 min, 60 °C, and 20 % amplitude. A higher number of compounds were identified in the ultrasound-treated extract when compared to the control not subjected to ultrasound. The microparticles showed encapsulation efficiency of 98 %, hygroscopicity of 7.50 %, phenolics content of 92.25 mg of GAE/g, and anthocyanins content of 0.014 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside/g. The particle size ranged from 7 to 100 nm, and FTIR analysis proved the presence of bioactive compounds in the sample. SEM images showed the effectiveness of the encapsulation process. Differences were observed in the color parameters L, a*, and b*. Regarding the sensory evaluation, no differences were observed between the control yogurt and the yogurt made with the addition of 4 % microparticles. The concentration of bioactive compounds at the end of the in vitro digestion remained sufficient to bring benefits to the consumer. Therefore, the encapsulated extract of Tradescantia zebrina is an effective alternative to the artificial colorings used in the food industry and can enrich the food with other bioactive compounds