544 research outputs found

    Raising Social Awareness in Saramago´s Novels

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    José Saramago‟s works depict an unfinished and dormant modernity and contribute to a better understanding of the contemporary world, through a local spatiality which soon becomes a social discourse. As stated by the Swedish Academy, Saramago creates “parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony [that] continually enables us once again to apprehend an elusory reality". The universal theme of social identity does not suppress the historical reference, though it emphasizes the consequences of modernity as a decisive factor for the transformation of the global identity. The questioning of the paradigms of social evolution is associated with the absence of human justice, as well as the exploitation and domination of the modern subject through the decrease of freedom, the psychological imprisonment and ideological alienation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Of Wind and the Other: Literary Journalism by a Portuguese Female Travel Writer

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    Raquel Ochoa is a contemporary Portuguese writer who is deeply passionate about traveling and writing. This study analyzes her 2008 book, O Vento dos Outros (The wind of others), a series of travel crónicas across Central and South America, with the aim of situating Ochoa within Portuguese literary journalism. For six months, the author drifted aimlessly from the Andes in Costa Rica to Patagonia in Argentina, describing the theatre of reality from a sentimental woman’s perspective. Ochoa, a travel writer who immersed herself to meet the Other, uses “their winds” to reveal alterity. In a literary and subjective style, Ochoa reveals Latin American landscapes as well as detailed personal encounters and adventures with real people through an exploration of the senses and emotions. Moreover, her critical portrayal of the social plight of the Latin American peoples, a by-product of colonization and globalization, confers Ochoa a place in Portuguese literary journalism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Insights into Contemporary Portuguese Literary Journalism: The Crónicas of José Luís Peixoto

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    This essay analyzes the crónicas of José Luís Peixoto, a contemporary Portuguese writer and journalist. Peixoto uses the first-person singular and plural to immerse himself for weaponized narrative in the service of a stronger social realism. Full of intimacies that accentuate feelings and emotions, Peixoto’s crónicas draw a vivid picture of the current plight of Portuguese people in the twenty-first century, raise awareness to their harsh social conditions, and cast criticism on the ineffectiveness of politicians who are generally considered the culprits for the enduring financial crisis. Writing in a rich poetic, yet realistic style, Peixoto deals with issues of poverty, aging, and the passing of time, the inevitability of death, and the incalculable loss of family and friends. Offering a humanistic analysis of the Portuguese identity, his crónicas are everyday, real-life encounters intertwined with rich imagery of local places and peoples, smells, and colors. Peixoto’s detailed personal descriptions of the social, cultural, and political environment reveal a literary and subjective nature that is as if the reader were inside the writer’s mind.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Prisoners, Mothers Behind Bars by Isabel Nery: Portuguese Literary Journalism at Its best

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    The “human interest story as social parable” (Kerrane 1997: 17) is the cornerstone of Isabel Nery’s book The Prisoners, Mothers behind bars (2012). It pays respect to ordinary people with extraordinary lives, a relevant feature of literary journalism (Sims 1995: 3). For months, Nery sat, observed, listened and talked to the jailed mothers in two prisons in Portugal, Tires and Santa Cruz do Bispo, and in Rhode Island in the USA. The author tells their stories and gives voice to their thoughts and feelings in an attempt to uncover and recover the dignity of human life. Immersion reporting and a critical standpoint result in an impactful testimony of the harsh reality of imprisoned motherhood and childhood and the experience of constrained freedom where the absence of sun, joy and care are deeply felt. Nery is a literary journalist who reveals the emotional state of feminine human nature behind bars where survival, (re)adaptation and guilt go hand in hand with despair from lack of fellow human concern.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Management consulting labs- Galp social media

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    The purpose of this project was to study a possible presence of Galp at Social Media. The importance of this study appears as a consequence of the company’s need to adapt to a new mean of communication that is changing our society and the companies way of doing business. In the consulting labs, the analysis was done taking into account the best practices for business at Social Media and the singularities of the company. The output of this study was a collection of specific guidelines concerning several fields to develop a strategic presence at Social Media

    The Presence and Influence of English in the Portuguese Financial Media

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    As the lingua franca of the 21st century, English has become the main language for intercultural communication for those wanting to embrace globalization. In Portugal, it is the second language of most public and private domains influencing its culture and discourses. Language contact situations transform languages by the incorporations they make from other languages and Portugal has witnessed an increase in the pervasion of English in written communication. The aim of this study is to disclose how this sociolinguistic behavior is perceived by examining the presence of English loanwords in the Portuguese financial media to uncover its role and functions. Three Portuguese newspapers, Diário Económico, Expresso Economia and Vida Económica were chosen as the corpus of analysis over a two-week period in January 2016 corresponding to the pre and post presidential election weeks. This may reveal if the electoral results affect the presence of English. The motivations of journalists for borrowing English items and the reactions of readers complement the analysis. Results have shown English borrowing as an acceptable/accepted behavior in the analyzed Portuguese financial newspapers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigative Journalism in Portugal, Brazil And Angola:A Comparative Study

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    Investigative Journalism consists ofspecialized news articles that verse on the exposure of erroneous situationsin search of the truth. It is an extremely valuable form of journalism, as these news reports are frequently controversialand inconvenient but of great public interest. More often than not, they bring to light issues that involve serious crimes, corporate wrongdoing or political corruption. This study examinesand contrasts investigative journalism in Portugal, Brazil and Angola, members of the Community of Portuguese-speaking countries, by carrying out a content analysis of twoinvestigative news articlesfrom each country considering their codes of ethics. Complementary interviews to journalists from these countries revealed their perception of the relevance of stories in the media and compliance with the codes of ethics. This study shows that investigative journalism differs from country to country due to the political background of the country, the existence of overt or covert censorship,the working environments of the journalists and their security.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Legados linguísticos da (des) colonização britânica e portuguesa em África: laços comuns (mal) bem-sucedidos?

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    O Reino Unido e Portugal partilham um passado de expansão territorial em África, um continente com uma grande variedade cultural e linguística. As políticas de língua e de educação implementadas durante a colonização e descolonização prevalecem devido à interdependência económica e financeira gerada pela actual situação global. A Commonwealth e a CPLP são também, em parte, responsáveis pela manutenção de relações distintivas com as antigas colónias que levaram à promoção da língua como forma de soft power. Este é um estudo comparativo que analisa as esferas linguísticas e culturais Anglófonas e Lusófonas em África. É possível concluir que existe uma lacuna indesejável entre as políticas oficiais e as realidades linguísticas, que só podem ser entendidas através do paradoxo, a característica que melhor define os legados linguísticos do inglês e do português em África.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um Estranho em Goa (A stranger in Goa) by José Eduardo Agualusa: a transatlantic perspective of the Goan identity

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    Um Estranho em Goa (2000), de José Eduardo Agualusa, é um romance que nos transporta ao território indiano de Goa em busca de um Outro em reestruturação identitária vindo a revelar-se uma viagem da descoberta da individualidade. Este autor que se faz narrador/personagem apresenta um olhar transatlântico sobre a população Goesa que ao se encontrar em processo de construção da própria identidade cultural, questiona e reescreve o diálogo do «espaço simbólico da lusofonia» (Lourenço, 2001). Esta obra concretiza os hibridismos, aculturações, conflitos próprios de um espaço pós-colonial e a edificação de um povo que todavia anseia pela pátria espiritual. Pertencente ao género de literatura de viagens, o romance questiona a alteridade de um viajante que entrelaça a Índia e a África com Portugal e o Brasil.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo analisa a difusão do racismo cientifico no Brasil, reconhecendo seu caráter estrutural. Reconhecê-lo desta forma significa perceber que Cor, raça e preconceito no Brasil compõe o plexo de concepções para o enfrentamento das questões raciais e de seus desdobramentos nocivos na formação de crianças e adolescentes, por meio da construção de uma nova forma de se pensar a formação da nação e da nacionalidade.  O estudo é de abordagem qualitativa com aplicação da pesquisa bibliográfica com base em Skidmore (2012), Schwarcz (1993), Guimarães (1999), Ianni (1962, 1978), Hasenbalg (2005), Munanga (2004), Hofbauer (2006), Costa (2006), entre outros. A análise aponta que o mestiço era admitido como elemento transitório que levaria a constituição de uma nação de brancos.Palavras-chave: Racismo Científico. Raça. Pós-Escravatur