77 research outputs found

    Affineness of Deligne-Lusztig varieties for minimal length elements

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    We prove that the Deligne-Lusztig varieties associated to elements of the Weyl group which are of minimal length in their twisted class are affine. Our proof differs from the proof of He and Orlik-Rapoport and it is inspired by the case of regular elements, which correspond to the varieties involved in Brou\'e's conjectures.Comment: Corrected versio

    On the irreducibility of Deligne-Lusztig varieties

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    Let GG be a connected reductive algebraic group defined over an algebraic closure of a finite field and let F:G→GF : G \to G be an endomorphism such that FdF^d is a Frobenius endomorphism for some d≄1d \geq 1. Let PP be a parabolic subgroup of GG admitting an FF-stable Levi subgroup. We prove that the Deligne-Lusztig variety {gP∣g−1F(g)∈P⋅F(P)}\{gP | g^{-1}F(g)\in P\cdot F(P)\} is irreducible if and only if PP is not contained in a proper FF-stable parabolic subgroup of GG.Comment: 4 page

    Coxeter orbits and modular representations

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    We study the modular representations of finite groups of Lie type arising in the cohomology of certain quotients of Deligne-Lusztig varieties associated with Coxeter elements. These quotients are related to Gelfand-Graev representations and we present a conjecture on the Deligne-Lusztig restriction of Gelfand-Graev representations. We prove the conjecture for restriction to a Coxeter torus. We deduce a proof of Brou\'{e}'s conjecture on equivalences of derived categories arising from Deligne-Lusztig varieties, for a split group of type A_nA\_n and a Coxeter element. Our study is based on Lusztig's work in characteristic 0.Comment: 24 page

    An asymptotic cell category for cyclic groups

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    26 pagesInternational audienceIn his theory of unipotent characters of finite groups of Lie type, Lusztig constructed modular categories from two-sided cells in Weyl groups. Brou\'e,Malle and Michel have extended parts of Lusztig's theory to complex reflection groups. This includes generalizations of the corresponding fusion algebras, although the presence of negative structure constants prevents them from arising from modular categories. We give here the first construction of braided pivotal monoidal categories associated with non-real reflection groups (later reinterpreted by Lacabanne as super modular categories). They are associated with cyclic groups, and their fusion algebras are those constructed by Malle
