21 research outputs found

    Expression of Mutant Dynamin Inhibits Toxicity and Transport of Endocytosed Ricin to the Golgi Apparatus

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    Endocytosis and intracellular transport of ricin were studied in stable transfected HeLa cells where overexpression of wild-type (WT) or mutant dynamin is regulated by tetracycline. Overexpression of the temperature-sensitive mutant dynG273D at the nonpermissive temperature or the dynK44A mutant inhibits clathrin-dependent endocytosis (Damke, H., T. Baba, A.M. van der Blieck, and S.L. Schmid. 1995. J. Cell Biol. 131: 69–80; Damke, H., T. Baba, D.E. Warnock, and S.L. Schmid. 1994. J. Cell Biol. 127:915–934). Under these conditions, ricin was endocytosed at a normal level. Surprisingly, overexpression of both mutants made the cells less sensitive to ricin. Butyric acid and trichostatin A treatment enhanced dynamin overexpression and increased the difference in toxin sensitivity between cells with normal and mutant dynamin. Intoxication with ricin seems to require toxin transport to the Golgi apparatus (Sandirg, K., and B. van Deurs. 1996. Physiol. Rev. 76:949–966), and this process was monitored by measuring the incorporation of radioactive sulfate into a modified ricin molecule containing a tyrosine sulfation site. The sulfation of ricin was much greater in cells expressing dynWT than in cells expressing dynK44A. Ultrastructural analysis using a ricin-HRP conjugate confirmed that transport to the Golgi apparatus was severely inhibited in cells expressing dynK44A. In contrast, ricin transport to lysosomes as measured by degradation of 125I-ricin was essentially unchanged in cells expressing dynK44A. These data demonstrate that although ricin is internalized by clathrin-independent endocytosis in cells expressing mutant dynamin, there is a strong and apparently selective inhibition of ricin transport to the Golgi apparatus. Also, in cells with mutant dynamin, there is a redistribution of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor

    Inability of the acidic fibroblast growth factor mutant K132E to stimulate DNA synthesis after translocation into cells

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    Producción CientíficaAcidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) is a potent mitogen. It acts through activation of specific cell surface receptors leading to intracellular tyrosine phosphorylation cascades, but several reports also indicate that aFGF enters cells and that it has an intracellular function as well. The aFGF(K132E) mutant binds to and activates fibroblast growth factor receptors equally strongly as the wild-type, but it is a poor mitogen. We demonstrate that aFGF(K132E) enters NIH 3T3 cells and is transported to the nuclear fraction like wild-type aFGF. A fusion protein of aFGF(K132E) and diphtheria toxin A-fragment (aFGF(K132E)-DT-A) and a similar fusion protein containing wild-type aFGF (aFGF-DT-A) were reconstituted with diphtheria toxin B-fragment. Both fusion proteins were translocated to the cytosol by the diphtheria toxin pathway and subsequently recovered from the nuclear fraction. Whereas translocation of aFGF-DT-A stimulated DNA synthesis in U2OSDR1 cells lacking functional fibroblast growth factor receptors, aFGF(K132E)-DT-A did not. The mutation disrupts a protein kinase C phosphorylation site in the growth factor making it unable to be phosphorylated. The data indicate that a defect in the intracellular action of aFGF(K132E) is the reason for its strongly reduced mitogenicity, possibly due to inability to be phosphorylated

    Rab27a Regulates the Peripheral Distribution of Melanosomes in Melanocytes

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    Rab GTPases are regulators of intracellular membrane traffic. We report a possible function of Rab27a, a protein implicated in several diseases, including Griscelli syndrome, choroideremia, and the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome mouse model, gunmetal. We studied endogenous Rab27a and overexpressed enhanced GFP-Rab27a fusion protein in several cultured melanocyte and melanoma-derived cell lines. In pigmented cells, we observed that Rab27a decorates melanosomes, whereas in nonpigmented cells Rab27a colocalizes with melanosome-resident proteins. When dominant interfering Rab27a mutants were expressed in pigmented cells, we observed a redistribution of pigment granules with perinuclear clustering. This phenotype is similar to that observed by others in melanocytes derived from the ashen and dilute mutant mice, which bear mutations in the Rab27a and MyoVa loci, respectively. We also found that myosinVa coimmunoprecipitates with Rab27a in extracts from melanocytes and that both Rab27a and myosinVa colocalize on the cytoplasmic face of peripheral melanosomes in wild-type melanocytes. However, the amount of myosinVa in melanosomes from Rab27a-deficient ashen melanocytes is greatly reduced. These results, together with recent data implicating myosinVa in the peripheral capture of melanosomes, suggest that Rab27a is necessary for the recruitment of myosinVa, so allowing the peripheral retention of melanosomes in melanocytes

    Sorafenib in Combination with Betulinic Acid Synergistically Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Inhibits Clonogenic Activity in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most deadly cancers in the world due to late diagnosis and poor response to available treatments. It is important to identify treatment strategies that will increase the efficacy and reduce the toxicity of the currently used therapeutics. In this study, the PDAC cell lines AsPC-1, BxPC-3, and Capan-1 were treated with sorafenib and betulinic acid alone and in combination. We examined the effect of combined treatments on viability (MTS test), proliferation and apoptosis (annexin V staining), cell cycle arrest (PI staining), alterations in signaling pathways (Western blotting), and colony-forming ability. The combination of sorafenib with betulinic acid inhibited the viability and proliferation of PDAC cells without the induction of apoptosis. The antiproliferative effect, caused by G2 cell cycle arrest, was strongly associated with increased expression of p21 and decreased expression of c-Myc and cyclin D1, and was induced only by combined treatment. Additionally, decreased proliferation could also be associated with the inhibition of the P13K/Akt and MAPK signaling pathways. Importantly, combination treatment reduced the colony-forming ability of PDAC cells, as compared to both compounds alone. Collectively, we showed that combined treatment with low concentrations of sorafenib and betulinic acid had the capacity to inhibit proliferation and abolish clonogenic activity in PDAC cell lines

    Nur77 nuclear import and its NBRE-binding activity in thymic lymphoma cells are regulated by different mechanisms sensitive to FK506 or HA1004

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    Thymic lymphoma cells restore their sensitivity to ionomycin-induced apoptosis when treated with FK506 or HA1004. In apoptosis-resistant cells, ionomycin-induced Nur77 strongly binds DNA during the first 2 h of response, in contrast to lymphoma cells treated with ionomycin together with FK506 or HA1004, which undergo massive apoptosis. We show that Nur77 could discriminate between calcium signals sensitive to FK506 and those sensitive to HA1004, as the inhibitors differentially regulate the kinetics of Nur77 nuclear import, and FK506, unlike HA1004, inhibits Nur77 DNA-binding activity. In the presence of HA1004, NBRE binding by Nur77 protein increases with time (6 h vs 2 h), whereas the final outcome of both inhibitors is apoptosis of thymic lymphoma cells

    The mitochondrial localization of RelB and NFATx in immature T cells

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    In order to exert their activity, transcription factors must be transported to the nucleus. Certain transcription factors have also been found on mitochondria. Here, the localization of RelB and NFATx in the mitochondrial fractions of normal thymocytes and thymic lymphoma cells is shown for the first time. CREB was only found in the nucleus, while p50 (NFkappaB) was found in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm, but outside the mitochondria. The translocation of transcription factors to the mitochondria is differentially regulated. Unlike RelB, which is always present in the mitochondrial fraction, NFATx appeared on the mitochondria in cells treated with ionomycin together with an immunosuppressant and inhibitor of calcineurin (FK506). This data reveals that the mitochondrial localization of some transcription factors is precisely controlled by a calcium signal sensitive to FK506 in T cells

    Apoptosis of lymphoma cells is abolished due to blockade of cytochrome c release despite Nur77 mitochondrial targeting

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    Nur77 is reported to undergo translocation to mitochondria in response to apoptotic signaling in a variety of cancer cell lines. It was shown that on the mitochondrial membrane, Nur77 interacts with Bcl-2, leading to the conversion of this protein from a protector to a killer with subsequent release of cytochrome c to the cytosol. Here it is shown that in thymic lymphoma cells resistant to calcium-mediated apoptosis, cytochrome c release is abolished despite of Nur77 mitochondrial targeting. However, cytochrome c release and apoptosis can be restored by treatment with FK506. Hence, the molecular target regulation of the sensitivity of lymphoma cells to calcium signaling is associated with cytochrome c release and is FK506 sensitive. These results provide new insight into the role of FK506-sensitive factors as a critical link between calcium signaling and resistance of lymphoma cells to death