342 research outputs found

    Regional Productive Specialisation and Inequality in the European Union

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    This paper examines productive specialization in the regions of the European Union over the period 1977 to 1999 using the information provided by various methodological instruments. The results obtained reveal a process of convergence in regional productive structures during the twenty-three years considered. This has been due to the behavior of regions with high levels of specialization at the start of the period, whose productive structures have tended to shift to wards the European average overtime. The analysis carried out also high lights the major role played by regional size, level of development and geographical location in explaining specialization in the European context. Finally, the empirical evidence provided suggests that changes in regional productive structures are closely linked to the evolution of the spatial distribution of per capita income in the European Union. Keywords: Specialization, economic activity, regions, European Union. JEL Code: F15, R11, R12.

    Domain and parameter reconstruction in photothermal imaging

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    Depto. de Análisis Matemático y Matemática AplicadaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasFALSEunpu

    Adsorption of chromium and phosphate on the fine fraction of granulated ferric hydroxide - influence of ph and water matrix on adsorption equilibrium

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    - Study the adsorption equilibrium of granulated ferric hydroxide, using micro and nano (agglomerated) particles. - Adsorption of inorganic substances (phosphat and chromium), which are contaminants coming from the industrial residual water, dangerous for human health and life in ecosystems. - Determination of influence of pH value and water matrix

    Recognition of transport means in GPS data using machine-learning methods

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    Bicycle transport is today one of the most important measures in urban traffic with a view to moving towards more sustainable mobility. Nowadays, smartphones are equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS), which allows cyclists, through smartphone applications, to record their own routes on a daily basis, which is very useful information for traffic and transport planners.The problem appears when there is invalid data due to errors in the measurement or in the GPS signal. The solution is transport mode recognition, which consists of classifying the different existing transport modes on the basis of a set of data. The emerging techniques of machine learning allow the development of very powerful models capable of recognizing means of transport with great effectiveness, based on other studies.Accordingly, this study aims to separate GPS bicycle tracks from the other modes studied (inner-city train (S-Bahn), walk, bike, tram, bus), also classifying the tracks of each means of transport separately. The key contribution of this study is the design and implementation of a machine learning model capable of classifying existing modes of transport in urban traffic in the city of Dresden in Germany.For this purpose, a cascading classifiers model was designed so that in each phase tracks belonging to a different mode are separated, studying in each phase which of the machine learning algorithms used (Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network) has the best performance. The GPS data was collected with the application for smartphone Cyface and from there it was carried out the structuring of data and calculation and selection of features that serve as inputs of the model.To separate inner-city train (S-Bahn), bike and walk tracks (first three phases) accuracy values above 98 % are obtained for any of the mentioned algorithms. For the fourth phase, where the classification between bus and tram tracks is carried out, the performance of the model is not so outstanding, due to its similar characteristics, but nevertheless reaches an accuracy value of 83 % using a Neural Network Multi-layer Perceptron model. The great performance of the model after the training phase allowed its implementation using unlabeled tracks, achieving very good results with an accuracy of 92.6 % in the prediction of the tracks used, making only mistakes in distinguishing between tram and bus tracks.<br /

    Mixing snapshots and fast time integration of PDEs

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    A local proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) plus Galerkin projection method was recently developed to accelerate time dependent numerical solvers of PDEs. This method is based on the combined use of a numerical code (NC) and a Galerkin system (GS) in a sequence of interspersed time intervals, INC and IGS, respectively. POD is performed on some sets of snapshots calculated by the numerical solver in the INC intervals. The governing equations are Galerkin projected onto the most energetic POD modes and the resulting GS is time integrated in the next IGS interval. The major computational effort is associated with the snapshots calculation in the first INC interval, where the POD manifold needs to be completely constructed (it is only updated in subsequent INC intervals, which can thus be quite small). As the POD manifold depends only weakly on the particular values of the parameters of the problem, a suitable library can be constructed adapting the snapshots calculated in other runs to drastically reduce the size of the first INC interval and thus the involved computational cost. The strategy is successfully tested in (i) the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, including the case in which it exhibits transient chaos, and (ii) the two-dimensional unsteady lid-driven cavity problem

    Intervención con tic en educación física: el vídeo interactivo en la unidad didáctica de béisbol

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    La presente innovación educativa incorpora el vídeo interactivo como recurso didáctico en el 3o curso de la E.S.O., en la unidad didáctica de béisbol. El objetivo principal de la experiencia ha sido mejorar el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje, mediante la utilización del video interactivo, para que los alumnos obtuviesen un mayor aprendizaje de los aspectos tácticos del juego. El procedimiento metodológico tiene dos fases: una primera fase en la que el docente hace un trabajo de producción para elaborar el video interactivo; y una segunda fase, en la que los alumnos, en clase, ven el vídeo y resuelven los problemas y preguntas planteados en el mismo. Tras la aplicación de la experiencia los alumnos han mejorado los conocimientos tácticos del juego y han mostrado un gran interés al trabajar con el vídeo interactivo. The present educative innovation project incorporates the interactive video as a teaching resource in the in the didactic unit of baseball taught in the third course of the E.S.O. The aim of this experience was to improve the teaching-learning process by using the interactive video letting the students obtain a greater learning of the tactical aspects of the game. The methodological procedure has two phases: a first phase in which the teacher carries out a production work to elaborate the interactive video; and a second phase, in which the students see the video and solve the problems and questions that could be raised in class. After the application of the experience, students have improved the tactical knowledge and have shown a great interest in interactive video working

    El problema de distribución de fondos para el desarrollo. Un método alternativo aplicado al FCl y al FEDER

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    El último informe periódico sobre la situación y desarrollo de las Regiones de la Comunidad, se afirma que: «Las regiones comunitarias más prósperas y con una economía más desarrollada cuentan en general con mejores infraestructuras y un capital humano más abundante que las regiones retrasadas, que normalmente presentan graves deficiencias». Teniendo en cuenta el conocido papel de las dotaciones de infraestructura y capital humano en la competitividad regional, la creación de una mayor igualdad de oportunidades para todos los ciudadanos y empresas europeas, donde quiera que estén localizados, requiere seguir reduciendo las diferencias en las dotaciones mencionadas. Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el problema de la distribución interregional del Fondo de Compensación interterritorial (FCI) y del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Ambos instrumentos, además de satisfacer la vocación compensadora de la política regional, han de ser repartidos de modo que se tienda a igualar las oportunidades de desarrollo de las distintas regiones. E l contenido de la comunicación, en primer lugar, se plantea el modelo teórico denominado "Igualdad de Oportunidades para el Desarrollo". A continuación, se describe sintéticamente los modos de reparto reales de dichos fondos. Finalmente, se lleva cabo un ejercicio ilustrativo de simulación del reparto alternativo de acuerdo con los criterios derivados de este enfoque

    Noninvasive imaging of three-dimensional micro and nanostructures by topological methods

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    We present topological derivative and energy based procedures for the imaging of micro and nano structures using one beam of visible light of a single wavelength. Objects with diameters as small as 10 nm can be located and their position tracked with nanometer precision. Multiple objects dis-tributed either on planes perpendicular to the incidence direction or along axial lines in the incidence direction are distinguishable. More precisely, the shape and size of plane sections perpendicular to the incidence direction can be clearly determined, even for asymmetric and nonconvex scatterers. Axial resolution improves as the size of the objects decreases. Initial reconstructions may proceed by gluing together two-dimensional horizontal slices between axial peaks or by locating objects at three-dimensional peaks of topological energies, depending on the effective wavenumber. Below a threshold size, topological derivative based iterative schemes improve initial predictions of the lo-cation, size, and shape of objects by postprocessing fixed measured data. For larger sizes, tracking the peaks of topological energy fields that average information from additional incident light beams seems to be more effective

    Intervenciones psicológicas en adultos con discapacidad intelectual y trastorno límite de la personalidad comórbido

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    Objetivo: la importancia de identificar la comorbilidad psicopatológica permite responder de forma más efectiva a la aplicación de ciertos tratamientos específicos, en función de las características de los individuos con discapacidad intelectual y su perfil psicopatológico. El objetivo de la presente revisión es describir cuáles son las intervenciones que se llevan a cabo en individuos adultos con discapacidad intelectual asociada a un trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP) y determinar su efectividad. Método: en la revisión de la literatura se han identificado 24 artículos, 11 hacen referencia a la prevalencia de los trastornos psiquiátricos en individuos con discapacidad intelectual y las implicaciones que supone, y 13 a las intervenciones psicológicas en el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual y TLP comórbido. Las bases de datos utilizadas son WOS (Web of Science), SCOPUS, CINALH, PsycINFO, LILACS y la librería Cochrane. Resultados: el enfoque psicoterapéutico en población con discapacidad intelectual es controvertido y la evidencia sobre las terapias psicológicas es limitada. Respecto a las intervenciones utilizadas, la que aporta unos resultados favorables para la reducción de la sintomatología es la terapia dialéctica conductual