8 research outputs found

    Effects of Endogenous Steroid Hormone Levels on Annual Survival in Cliff Swallows

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    The hormone corticosterone is an important part of animals’ response to environmental stress, modulating short-term adaptive changes in behavior and physiology. The hormone testosterone is also critical, especially for males, in regulating the expression of sexual behavior and parental care. These hormones can have costly consequences, however, and within populations individuals show variation in endogenous levels of both corticosterone and testosterone. We studied how annual survival varied as a function of natural levels of these hormones in colonially breeding Cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in southwestern Nebraska, USA, in 2000–2003. We sampled hormone levels of birds caught at colonies and using mark–recapture, monitored their survival through subsequent years in the study area. Maximum-likelihood estimation and model fitting (with program MARK) revealed that birds sampled for corticosterone in colonies of all sizes late in the season had curvilinear survival; individuals with very low and very high levels of corticosterone had lower survival than those with intermediate levels. Annual survival of birds sampled earlier in the season, however, generally declined with increasing corticosterone level. More birds than expected, given the survival functions, had the very low corticosterone levels in nonfumigated colonies later in the year, suggesting perhaps a compensatory benefit unrelated to survival for very low corticosterone levels. In a more limited analysis, testosterone appeared to have little effect on annual survival, although some evidence suggested that females with endogenous testosterone levels below the mean for a given date might have survived better

    Testosterone and Group Size in Cliff Swallows: Testing the “Challenge Hypothesis” in a Colonial Bird

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    The “challenge hypothesis” states that increases in testosterone levels of male animals during the breeding season are directly related to the extent of intrasexual competition for resources or mates that they experience. Although often tested in territorial species, the challenge hypothesis has not been evaluated for colonial animals that live in groups of different sizes and that thus experience different intensities of intrasexual competition. We measured circulating testosterone levels of male and female cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in southwestern Nebraska, where these birds nest in colonies of widely different sizes. Males had significantly higher testosterone levels than females, as expected. For males especially, there was a seasonal rise in testosterone levels early in the nesting cycle, corresponding to the period when birds were establishing nest ownership and egg laying, and then a fall as they switched to parental duties. Testosterone levels varied significantly with colony size; for both sexes, birds in larger colonies had higher levels of testosterone than those in smaller colonies when controlling for date. Age and body mass were not related to testosterone levels. Higher levels of testosterone for birds of both sexes in larger colonies probably reflect greater com-petition for matings, often extra pair, in the more social nesting situations. The results support the predictions of the challenge hypothesis

    Glucocorticoid Hormone Levels Increase with Group Size and Parasite Load in Cliff Swallows

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    Animals often cope with adverse events by releasing glucocorticoid hormones, which in turn promote increased energy assimilation. In captive animals, crowding also leads to increased glucocorticoid activity, probably because of increased levels of social competition. We investigated how group size and ectoparasite infestations affected endogenous levels of the glucocorticoid hormone, corticosterone, in colonial cliff swallows, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, in southwestern Nebraska, USA. Parasites were removed from some colonies by fumigating nests. Baseline levels of corticosterone in breeding adults varied significantly with whether parasites were present, colony size (measured by total number of active nests at a site), and nesting stage. Across all analyses, birds from fumigated colonies averaged significantly lower baseline levels of corticosterone. These levels in adults increased with colony size at nonfumigated sites, especially during the period when nestlings were being fed, but no relation or the opposite one was found for birds in fumigated colonies. Baseline corticosterone levels were unrelated to sex, age, body weight, or testosterone levels in adults. Corticosterone concentrations tended to increase during a bad-weather event when food was scarce. Patterns in nestling and recently fledged juveniles were consistent with those in adults. The increased baseline levels of corticosterone in birds of larger colonies appear related to the larger number of parasites there. Higher levels of corticosterone probably facilitate increased allocation of time and energy to foraging and greater energy assimilation during challenging events such as bad weather, parasitism by blood-feeding bugs in large colonies, and the period when young are becoming independent of their parents

    Effects of Endogenous Steroid Hormone Levels on Annual Survival in Cliff Swallows

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    The hormone corticosterone is an important part of animals’ response to environmental stress, modulating short-term adaptive changes in behavior and physiology. The hormone testosterone is also critical, especially for males, in regulating the expression of sexual behavior and parental care. These hormones can have costly consequences, however, and within populations individuals show variation in endogenous levels of both corticosterone and testosterone. We studied how annual survival varied as a function of natural levels of these hormones in colonially breeding Cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in southwestern Nebraska, USA, in 2000–2003. We sampled hormone levels of birds caught at colonies and using mark–recapture, monitored their survival through subsequent years in the study area. Maximum-likelihood estimation and model fitting (with program MARK) revealed that birds sampled for corticosterone in colonies of all sizes late in the season had curvilinear survival; individuals with very low and very high levels of corticosterone had lower survival than those with intermediate levels. Annual survival of birds sampled earlier in the season, however, generally declined with increasing corticosterone level. More birds than expected, given the survival functions, had the very low corticosterone levels in nonfumigated colonies later in the year, suggesting perhaps a compensatory benefit unrelated to survival for very low corticosterone levels. In a more limited analysis, testosterone appeared to have little effect on annual survival, although some evidence suggested that females with endogenous testosterone levels below the mean for a given date might have survived better

    Testosterone and Group Size in Cliff Swallows: Testing the “Challenge Hypothesis” in a Colonial Bird

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    The “challenge hypothesis” states that increases in testosterone levels of male animals during the breeding season are directly related to the extent of intrasexual competition for resources or mates that they experience. Although often tested in territorial species, the challenge hypothesis has not been evaluated for colonial animals that live in groups of different sizes and that thus experience different intensities of intrasexual competition. We measured circulating testosterone levels of male and female cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in southwestern Nebraska, where these birds nest in colonies of widely different sizes. Males had significantly higher testosterone levels than females, as expected. For males especially, there was a seasonal rise in testosterone levels early in the nesting cycle, corresponding to the period when birds were establishing nest ownership and egg laying, and then a fall as they switched to parental duties. Testosterone levels varied significantly with colony size; for both sexes, birds in larger colonies had higher levels of testosterone than those in smaller colonies when controlling for date. Age and body mass were not related to testosterone levels. Higher levels of testosterone for birds of both sexes in larger colonies probably reflect greater com-petition for matings, often extra pair, in the more social nesting situations. The results support the predictions of the challenge hypothesis


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    One hypothesis to explain the extensive variation in colony size seen in mosttaxa is that individuals sort themselves among groups based on phenotypic characteristicsthat correlate with their performance in groups of different sizes. We investigated howbaseline levels of the steroid hormones, corticosterone and testosterone, were associatedwith choice of colony size and the likelihood of moving to a different site in later yearsin colonially nesting Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in southwestern Nebraska,USA, in 2000–2004. We sampled hormone levels of birds caught at colonies and, usingmark–recapture, monitored their movement and choice of colony size through subsequentyears in the study area. Maximum likelihood estimation and multistate model fitting (withprogram MARK) revealed that birds with baseline corticosterone levels above the averagefor the colony and time of sampling were less likely to choose a colony of the same sizeor larger in a later year than were birds with corticosterone levels below the average. Thisresult held for Cliff Swallows in both fumigated (parasite-free) sites and colonies naturallyinfested with ectoparasites. Relative baseline corticosterone level was unrelated to thelikelihood of movement between different colony sites, and corticosterone level measuredafter birds were held for 60 minutes was unrelated to either colony-size choice or theprobability of movement. Males whose testosterone levels were above the average for thecolony and time of sampling were more likely to choose a colony of the same size or largerin a later year than were ones whose testosterone levels were below the average, but theopposite pattern was found for females. The results indicate that steroid hormone level isa predictor of whether a Cliff Swallow will settle in a relatively small or large colony, andsupport the hypothesis that variation in colony size reflects, in part, a distribution of birdswith inherently different neuroendocrinological characteristics

    Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

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    The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology was an initiative to independently replicate selected experiments from a number of high-profile papers in the field of cancer biology. In the end 50 experiments from 23 papers were repeated. The final two outputs from the project recount in detail the challenges the project team encountered while repeating these experiments ('Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology': https://elifesciences.org/articles/67995), and report the results of a meta-analysis that combined the results from all the experiments ('Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology': https://elifesciences.org/articles/71601). The project was a collaboration between the Center for Open Science and Science Exchange with all papers published by eLife