34,064 research outputs found

    Offset fields in perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions

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    We study the offset fields affecting the free layer of perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions. In extended films, the free layer offset field results from interlayer exchange coupling with the reference layer through the MgO tunnel oxide. The free layer offset field is thus accompanied with a shift of the free layer and reference layer ferromagnetic resonance frequencies. The shifts depend on the mutual orientation of the two magnetizations. The offset field decreases with the resistance area product of the tunnel oxide. Patterning the tunnel junction into an STT-MRAM disk-shaped cell changes substantially the offset field, as the reduction of the lateral dimension comes with the generation of stray fields by the reference and the hard layer. The experimental offset field compares best with the spatial average of the sum of these stray fields, thereby providing guidelines for the offset field engineering.Comment: Special issue of J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys (2019) on STT-MRA

    On the origin of the various types of radio emission in GRS 1915+105

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    We investigate the association between the radio ``plateau'' states and the large superluminal flares in GRS 1915+105 and propose a qualitative scenario to explain this association. We identify several candidate superluminal flare events from available monitoring data on this source and analyze the contemporaneous RXTE pointed observations. We detect a strong correlation between the average X-ray flux during the ``plateau'' state and the total energy emitted in radio during the subsequent radio flare. We find that the sequence of events is similar for all large radio flares with a fast rise and exponential decay morphology. Based on these results, we propose a qualitative scenario in which the separating ejecta during the superluminal flares are observed due to the interaction of the matter blob ejected during the X-ray soft dips, with the steady jet already established during the ``plateau'' state. This picture can explain all types of radio emission observed from this source in terms of its X-ray emission characteristics.Comment: Corrected typo in the author names, contents unchanged, accepted in Ap

    An Adaptive Algorithm to Optimize the Dynamics of IEEE 802.15.4 Networks

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    Presentado en ICST 2013IEEE 802.15.4 standard is becoming one of the most popular technologies for the deployment of low rate Wireless Personal Area Networks with strong power constraints. In order to reduce the energy consumption, beacon-enabled networks with long network inactive periods can be employed. However, the duration of these inactivity periods, as some other configuration parameters, are conventionally set to default values and remain fixed during the whole network operation. This implies that if they are misconfigured the network will not adapt to changes in the conditions of the environment, particularly to the most determining one, i.e. the traffic load. This paper proposes a simple procedure for the dynamic adaptation of several key parameters of IEEE 802.15.4 networks. Under this procedure, the 802.15.4 parameters are modified as a function of the existing traffic conditions.Spanish National Project No.TEC2009-13763-C02-01

    Local modularity measure for network clusterizations

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    Many complex networks have an underlying modular structure, i.e., structural subunits (communities or clusters) characterized by highly interconnected nodes. The modularity QQ has been introduced as a measure to assess the quality of clusterizations. QQ has a global view, while in many real-world networks clusters are linked mainly \emph{locally} among each other (\emph{local cluster-connectivity}). Here, we introduce a new measure, localized modularity LQLQ, which reflects local cluster structure. Optimization of QQ and LQLQ on the clusterization of two biological networks shows that the localized modularity identifies more cohesive clusters, yielding a complementary view of higher granularity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTex4; Changed conten

    Connection between accretion disk and superluminal radio jets and the role of radio plateau state in GRS 1915+105

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    We investigate the association between the accretion disk during radio plateau state and the following superluminal relativistic radio jets with peak intensity varies from 200 mJy to 1000 mJy observed over a period of five years and present the evidences of direct accretion disc-jet connection in microquasar GRS 1915+105. We have analysed RXTE PCA/HEXTE X-ray data and have found that the accretion rate, m˙accr\dot{m}_{accr}, as inferred from the X-ray flux, is very high during the radio plateaux. We suggest that the accretion disk during the radio plateaux always associated with radiation-driven wind which is manifested in the form of enhanced absorption column density for X-ray and the depleted IR emission. We find that the wind density increases with the accretion disk luminosity during the radio plateaux. The wind density is similar to the density of the warm absorber proposed in extragalactic AGNs and Quasars. We suggest a simple model for the origin of superluminal relativistic jets. Finally, We discuss the implications of this work for galactic microquasars and the extragalactic AGNs and Quasars.Comment: 9 pages, 6 Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Theory of Errors in Quantum Measurement

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    It is common to model random errors in a classical measurement by the normal (Gaussian) distribution, because of the central limit theorem. In the quantum theory, the analogous hypothesis is that the matrix elements of the error in an observable are distributed normally. We obtain the probability distribution this implies for the outcome of a measurement, exactly for the case of 2x2 matrices and in the steepest descent approximation in general. Due to the phenomenon of `level repulsion', the probability distributions obtained are quite different from the Gaussian.Comment: Based on talk at "Spacetime and Fundamental Interactions: Quantum Aspects" A conference to honor A. P. Balachandran's 65th Birthda

    The current status of hepatic transplantation at the University of Pittsburgh.

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    Tacrolimus is a more potent and satisfactory immunosuppressant than CyA for combination therapy with prednisone. In randomized trials comparing the 2 drugs, the ability of tacrolimus to rescue intractably rejecting grafts on the competing CyA arm allowed equalization of patient and graft survival on both arms when the intent-to-treat analytic methodology was applied. The ability of tacrolimus to systematically rescue the treatment failures of CyA suggested, as a matter of common sense, that it is the preferred baseline drug for hepatic transplantation. This conclusion was supported by analysis of secondary end points, including the ability to prevent rejection. Hepatic-intestinal, multivisceral and isolated intestinal transplantation became feasible on a practical basis only after the advent of tacrolimus. Nevertheless, better management strategies must be devised before intestinal transplantation, alone or with other abdominal viscera, will meet its potential. One such strategy is based on the discovery of the presence of previously unsuspected, low-level donor leukocyte chimerism in long-surviving allograft recipients. We believe that this chimerism is the essential explanation for the feasibility of organ transplantation and a link to the acquired neonatal tolerance demonstrated by Billingham, Brent and Medawar (32). The hematolymphopoietic chimerism in organ recipients explains why weaning to a drug-free state in selected long-term survivors is frequently feasible and particularly if the allograft is a liver. Weaning should never be attempted without a stepwise protocol and careful monitoring of graft function. Recognition of the natural chimerism that develops after whole organ transplantation has led to efforts to augment it with perioperative donor BM infusion. This procedure has been shown to be free of significant complications (including GVHD) in all kinds of whole organ recipients, including those given intestine. The prospects of clinical xenotransplantation must be evaluated in the same context of chimerism as that delineated for allotransplantation with the discovery of spontaneous chimerism. Before addressing chimerism-related questions in xenotransplantation, the additional barrier of the complement activation syndromes that cause hyperacute rejection will have to be surmounted. Although measures to effectively transplant xenografts have so far eluded us, the availability of the more potent drug, tacrolimus, and recognition of the seminal basis of allograft (or xenograft) acceptance via chimerism has inserted an element of reality into the largely wishful thinking that has been evident in discussions about the future of xenotransplantation

    Droplet Fluctuations in the Morphology and Kinetics of Martensites

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    We derive a coarse grained, free-energy functional which describes droplet configurations arising on nucleation of a product crystal within a parent. This involves a new `slow' vacancy mode that lives at the parent-product interface. A mode-coupling theory suggests that a {\it slow} quench from the parent phase produces an equilibrium product, while a {\it fast} quench produces a metastable martensite. In two dimensions, the martensite nuclei grow as `lens-shaped' strips having alternating twin domains, with well-defined front velocities. Several empirically known structural and kinetic relations drop out naturally from our theory.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, and 3 .eps figures, compressed and uuencoded, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Anisotropic dynamical scaling in a spin model with competing interactions

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    Results are presented for the kinetics of domain growth of a two-dimensional Ising spin model with competing interactions quenched from a disordered to a striped phase. The domain growth exponent are β=1/2\beta=1/2 and β=1/3\beta=1/3 for single-spin-flip and spin-exchange dynamics, as found in previous simulations. However the correlation functions measured in the direction parallel and transversal to the stripes are different as suggested by the existence of different interface energies between the ground states of the model. In the case of single-spin-flip dynamics an anisotropic version of the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki theory for the pair scaling function can be used to fit our data.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX fil