18,785 research outputs found

    Groundwater externalities of surface irrigation transfers under National River Linking Project: Polavaram – Vijayawada link

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    River basin managementRiver basin developmentDevelopment projectsWater transferIrrigation canalsGroundwater irrigationTube well irrigationRiceSurface irrigationCrop managementSoil salinityWaterlogging

    The lower Krishna Basin trajectory: relationships between basin development and downstream environmental degradation

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    River basin development / Lakes / Environmental degradation / Ecosystems / Mangroves / Water allocation / Groundwater / Water quality / Salinity / Irrigated farming / Institutions / Irrigation canals / Rural development

    Performance Evaluation of the Indigenous Commercial Flotation Columns for Zinc Cleaning at Rajpura Dariba Plant of HZL in Rajasthan

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    Hindustan Zinc limited operates a Pb-Zn beneficiation plant having a capacity of around 3000 tpd at Rajpura Dariba mine. The beneficiation circuit consists of 3 parallel streams each of 800 tpd capacity and produces lead and zinc concentrates. The ore from this mine is reported to be complex in nature. The sulphides of lead-zinc from this deposit are hosted by calc-silicate (CS) and graphite mica schist (GSM) rock types. The extreme variability of the physicochemical properties of the ore and wide variations in the grade of mill feed created metallurgical problems due to which the desired products could not be obtained on sustained basis

    An anomalous magnetic phase transition at 10 K in Nd7Rh3

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    The compound, Nd7Rh3, crystallizing in Th7Fe3-type hexagonal structure, has been shown recently by us to exhibit a signature of magnetic phase-coexistence phenomenon below 10 K after a field cycling, uncharacteristic of stoichiometric intermetallic compounds, bearing a relevance to the trends in the field of electronic phase-separation. In order to characterize this compound further, we have carried out dc magnetic susceptibility (chi), electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance and heat-capacity measurements as a function temperature (T= 1.8 to 300 K). The results reveal that this compound exhibits another unusual finding at the 10K-transition in the sense that the plot of chi(T) shows a sharp increase in the field-cooled cycle, whereas the zero-field-cooled curve shows a downturn below the transition. In addition, the sign of magnetoresistance is negative and the magnitude is large over a wide temperature range in the vicinity of magnetic ordering temperature, with a sharp variation at 10 K. The results indicate that the transition below 10 K is first-order in its character.Comment: Appeared in JPCM (Letters) 18 (2006) L40

    A New Band System of the HgBr Molecule

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    The Indian Mackerel; Technology and Industry

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    The chemical composition of fresh mackerel is reported by Chari (1948) as follows: Edible portion 61.60% Water 77.30% Protein 18.92% Fat 1,69% Ash 1.58% Phosphorus 0.69% Calcium (Ca 0) 0.62% Iron mg per 100 g 4.45% Venkataraman and Chari (1951) have given figure of average chemical composition as revealed by analyses carried over a period of 2 years from 1947 to 1949, which are mentioned below: Water 73.45% Protein 20.95% Fat 3.29% Ash 1.66

    आँध्रप्रदेश की तलमजजी मात्स्यिकी संपदाओं का स्तर

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    आँध्रप्रदेश की तलमजजी मात्स्यिकी संपदाओं का स्त

    A formulation for the boundary-layer equations in general coordinates

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    This is a working paper in which a formulation is given for solving the boundary-layer equations in general body-fitted curvilinear coordinates while retaining the original Cartesian dependent variables. The solution procedure does not require that any of the coordinates be orthogonal, and much of the software developed for many Navier-Stokes schemes can be readily used. A limited number of calculations has been undertaken to validate the approach

    Common Fixed Point Theorems under Rational Inequality

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    In this paper we establish common fixed point theorems for two pairs of self maps in a complete metric space by using occasionally weakly biased maps satisfying the property (E.A.) using contraction  condition involving rational expressions.  These results partially generalize  Pachpatte [10], Jeong and Rhoades [5] and Kameswari [9]. Keywords: Weakly compatible, occasionally weakly compatible, property (E.A), coincidence point, point of coincidence, common fixed point. AMS (2010) Mathematics Subject Classifications: 47H10

    Ultra-Violet Band Systems of the Mercury Iodide Moleculer-Part I

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