60 research outputs found

    Migration of Virtual Machine to improve the Security of Cloud Computing

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    Cloud services help individuals and organization to use data that are managed by third parties or another person at remote locations. With the increase in the development of cloud computing environment, the security has become the major concern that has been raised more consistently in order to move data and applications to the cloud as individuals do not trust the third party cloud computing providers with their private and most sensitive data and information. This paper presents, the migration of virtual machine to improve the security in cloud computing. Virtual machine (VM) is an emulation of a particular computer system. In cloud computing, virtual machine migration is a useful tool for migrating operating system instances across multiple physical machines. It is used to load balancing, fault management, low-level system maintenance and reduce energy consumption. Virtual machine (VM) migration is a powerful management technique that gives data center operators the ability to adapt the placement of VMs in order to better satisfy performance objectives, improve resource utilization and communication locality, achieve fault tolerance, reduce energy consumption, and facilitate system maintenance activities. In the migration based security approach, proposed the placement of VMs can make enormous difference in terms of security levels. On the bases of survivability analysis of VMs and Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) analysis, we design an algorithm that generates a secure placement arrangement that the guest VMs can moves before succeeds the attack

    Scheduling Data Intensive Workloads through Virtualization on MapReduce based Clouds

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    MapReduce has become a popular programming model for running data intensive applications on the cloud. Completion time goals or deadlines of MapReduce jobs set by users are becoming crucial in existing cloud-based data processing environments like Hadoop. There is a conflict between the scheduling MR jobs to meet deadlines and "data locality" (assigning tasks to nodes that contain their input data). To meet the deadline a task may be scheduled on a node without local input data for that task causing expensive data transfer from a remote node. In this paper, a novel scheduler is proposed to address the above problem which is primarily based on the dynamic resource reconfiguration approach. It has two components: 1) Resource Predictor: which dynamically determines the required number of Map/Reduce slots for every job to meet completion time guarantee; 2) Resource Reconfigurator: that adjusts the CPU resources while not violating completion time goals of the users by dynamically increasing or decreasing individual VMs to maximize data locality and also to maximize the use of resources within the system among the active jobs. The proposed scheduler has been evaluated against Fair Scheduler on virtual cluster built on a physical cluster of 20 machines. The results demonstrate a gain of about 12% increase in throughput of Job

    A Secured Cloud Data Storage with Access Privileges

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    In proposed framework client source information reinforcements off-site to outsider distributed storage benefits to decrease information administration costs. In any case, client must get protection ensure for the outsourced information, which is currently safeguarded by outsiders. To accomplish such security objectives, FADE is based upon an arrangement of cryptographic key operations that are self-kept up by a majority of key supervisors that are free of outsider mists. In unmistakable, FADE goes about as an overlay framework that works flawlessly on today's distributed storage administrations. Actualize a proof-of-idea model of FADE on Amazon S3, one of today's distributed storage administrations. My work oversee, esteem included security highlights acclimatize were today's distributed storage administration. our research work proceeds in ensuring the file access control and assured deletion in multi cloud environment and reducing the meta data management, there by the cloud storage become more attractive and many users will adopt the cloud space in order to diminish the data storage cost

    ERMO2 algorithm: an energy efficient mobility management in mobile cloud computing system for 5G heterogeneous networks

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    Recently, mobile devices are becoming the primary platforms for every user who always roam around and access the cloud computing applications. Mobile cloud computing (MCC) combines the both mobile and cloud computing, which provides optimal services to the mobile users. In next-generation mobile environments, mainly due to the huge number of mobile users in conjunction with the small cell size and their portable information‟s, the influence of mobility on the network performance is strengthened. In this paper, we propose an energy efficient mobility management in mobile cloud computing (E2M2MC2) system for 5G heterogeneous networks. The proposed E2M2MC2 system use elective repeat multi-objective optimization (ERMO2) algorithm to determine the best clouds based on the selection metrics are delay, jitter, bit error rate (BER), packet loss, communication cost, response time, and network load. ERMO2 algorithm provides energy efficient management of user mobility as well as network resources. The simulation results shows that the proposed E2M2MC2 system helps in minimizing delay, packet loss rate and energy consumption in a heterogeneous network

    Research Issues in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing moved away from personal computers and the individual enterprise application server to services provided by the cloud of computers The emergence of cloud computing has made a tremendous impact on the Information Technology IT industry over the past few years Currently IT industry needs Cloud computing services to provide best opportunities to real world Cloud computing is in initial stages with many issues still to be addressed The objective of this paper is to explore the different issues of cloud computing and identify important research opportunities in this increasingly important area We present different design challenges categorized under security challenges Data Challenges Performance challenges and other Design Challenge

    Novel Approach for Control Data Theft Attack in Cloud Computing

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    Information security is a major problem faced by cloud computing around the world. Because of their adverse effects on organizational information systems, viruses, hackers, and attackers insiders can jeopardize organizations capabilities to pursue their undertaken effectively. Although technology based solutions help to mitigate some of the many problems of information security, even the preeminent technology can’t work successfully unless effective human computer communication occurs.IT experts, users and administrators all play crucial role to determine the behavior that occurs as people interact with information technology will support the maintenance of effective security or threaten it. In the present paper we try to apply behavioral science concepts and techniques to understanding problems of information security in organizations

    Mitigation of Insider Attacks through Multi-Cloud

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    The malicious insider can be an employees, user and/or third party business partner. In cloud environment, clients may store sensitive data about their organization in cloud data centers. The cloud service provider should ensure integrity, security, access control and confidentiality about the stored data at cloud data centers. The malicious insiders can perform stealing on sensitive data at cloud storage and at organizations. Most of the organizations ignoring the insider attack because it is harder to detect and mitigate. This is a major emerging problem at the cloud data centers as well as in organizations. In this paper, we proposed a method that ensures security, integrity, access control and confidentiality on sensitive data of cloud clients by employing multi cloud service providers. The organization should encrypt the sensitive data with their security policy and procedures and store the encrypted data in trusted cloud. The keys which are used during encryption process are again encrypted and stored in another cloud area. So that organization contains only keys for keys of encrypted data. The Administrator of organization also does not know what data kept in cloud area and if he accesses the data, easily caught during the auditing. Hence, the only authorized used can access the data and use it and we can mitigate insider attacks by providing restricted privileges
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