2 research outputs found
Prenatal androgenization of female rats with testosterone undecanoate: cognitive, electroencephalographic i metabolic changes
Razvoj ljudskog mozga podrazumeva visoko orkestriranu sekvencu događaja, koja je strogo
kontrolisana kompleksnim odnosom različitih ćelijskih tipova kako u vremenu, tako i u prostoru.
Započinje tokom embrionalnog perioda i do detinjstva prolazi kroz više kritičnih faza. Efekti uticaja
gonadalnih hormona tokom moždanog razvoja oslikavaju se permanentnim strukturnim razlikama među
polovima, a poremećaj fine homeostaze može uzrokovati pojavu psihijatrijskih i neuroloških poremećaja u
odraslom dobu. Visok nivo androgena tokom gestacije (porekla majke ili fetusa), predstavlja prenatalni
milje koji indukuje kardiovaskularne, metaboličke i druge bolesti u odraslom dobu. Prenatalno
„programiranje“ ili modulacija prenatalnih uslova tokom „kritičnog perioda“ razvoja je preduslov za
različite morfo-funkcionalne promene organskih sistema, posebno CNSa. Žene sa sindromom
policističnih jajnika (PCOS) pokazuju visok nivo cirkulatornih androgena i tokom trudnoće. Egzogenom
androgenizacijom ženki pacova u različitim periodima gestacije razvijeni su modeli policističnih jajnika kod
potomaka. Mala težina na rođenju, povećanje telesne težine u adolescentnom periodu, povećanje
visceralnog i subkutanog masnog tkiva, poremećen lipidni profil, insulinska rezistencija, poremećaj
estrusnog ciklusa, predstavljaju najprominentnije morfološke i metaboličke karakteristike PCOS
poremećaja. Razumevanje efekata prenatalne hiperandrogenemije veoma je važno jer predstavlja jednu od
najpriminentnijih karakteristika PCOSa, čija je prevalenca kod žena reproduktivnog doba oko ∼15%.
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj kasne prenatalne androgenizacije
testosteron undekanoatom na: antropometrijske karakteristike, karakteristike reproduktivnog fenotipa,
metabličke karakteristike, i parametre oksidativnog stresa; ponašanje i bolnu osetljivost; bihejvioralne i
EEG karakteristike epilepsija izazvanih DL homocistein tiolaktonom i zastupljenost pojedinih ćelija i
moždanog neurotrofnog faktora u korteksu i hipokampusu kod adultnih ženskih potomaka.
U eksperimentu su korišćene ženke Wistar albino pacova. U cilju ispitivanja efekata prenatalne
androgenizacije 20. dana gestacije eksperimentalnoj grupi gravidnih ženki je subkutno administriran
komercijalni depo preparat testosteron undekanoata (100mg/kg, s.c.), dok je kontrolnoj grupi majki s.c.
administrirano ricinusovo ulje. Drugog postnatalnog dana prebrojan je broj potomaka oba legla, a 21.
postnatalnog dana izdvojeni su samo ženski potomci eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe koji su ušli u dalji
tok eksperimenta. U daljem toku eksperimenta, merena je telesna masa i unos hrane a u cilju određivanja
karakteristika reproduktivnog fenotipa utvrđeno je: vreme vaginalnog otvaranja, anogenitalna distanca, i
karakteristike estrusnog ciklusa. Histomorfološka analiza jajnika izvršena je na preparatima obojenim
hematoksilin-eozinom. U cilju određivanja metaboličkih parametara u periodu od 60.-70. dana starosti
izmerene su koncentracije glikoze i triglicerida, izveden je intraperitonealni test tolerancije na glikozu i
izmerene su koncentracije testosterona, estradiola, progesterona i kortikosterona u serumima pomoću
komercijalnih ELISA eseja. Parametri oksidativnog stresa određeni su u korteksu i hipokampusu metodom
spektrofotometrije. Za procenu anksioznog ponašanja korišćeni su test uzdignutog krstastog lavirinta i
otvoreno polje, dok je bolna osetljivosti ispitivana pomoću električnog von Frey esteziometra. U cilju
analize konvulzivnog ponašanja životinjama je 75-85. dana starosti, administriran D,L-homocistein
tiolakton (5,5 mmol/kg, i.p.) i posmatrani su incidneca, latenca, broj i intenzitet konvulzivnih napada...Human brain development involves a highly orchestrated sequence of events, which is strictly
controlled by complex interference between different cell types, which is time and region specific. It
begins during the embryonic period and goes through several critical stages until childhood. The effects of
gonadal hormones during brain development are reflected by permanent structural differences between
the sexes, and disruption of fine homeostasis can cause the genesis of psychiatric and neurological
disorders in adulthood. High levels of androgens during gestation (maternal or fetal origin), forms prenatal
condition which can induce cardiovascular, metabolic and other diseases in adulthood. Prenatal
"programming" or modulation of prenatal conditions during the "critical periods" of development is a
prerequisite for various morpho-functional changes in organ systems. Women with polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS) have high levels of circulatory androgens during pregnancy. By exogenous
androgenization of female rats in different gestational periods model of polycystic ovaries have been
developed in the offspring. Low birth weight, weight gain in adolescence, increase in visceral and
subcutaneous adipose tissue, impaired lipid profile, insulin resistance, estrous cycle disorder, represent the
most prominent morphological and metabolic characteristics of the PCOS disorder. Understanding the
effects of prenatal hyperandrogenemia is very important as it represents one of the most prominent
features of PCOS, with a prevalence of about ∼15% in women of reproductive age.
The aims of this dissertation were to examine the effects of late prenatal androgenization with
testosterone undecanoate on: anthropometric characteristics, reproductive phenotype characteristics,
ovarian structure, metabolic characteristics, serum steroid hormone concentration, oxidative stress
parameters; anxiety-like behavior, pain sensitivity, behavioral and EEG characteristics of epilepsies
induced by DL homocysteine thiolactone; expression of markers of neuro, gliagenesis and inhibitory
interneurons, in adult female offspring
Female Wistar albino rats were used in the experiment. In order to examine the effects of
prenatal androgenization on the 20th day of gestation, depot preparation of testosterone undecanoate
(100mg / kg) was administered subcutaneously to the experimental group of pregnant females, while
control group of mothers was administered castor oil (s.c.). On the second postnatal day, the number of
offspring of both litters was counted, and on the 21st postnatal day only female offspring of the
experimental and control group entered the further course of the experiment. Through the time of the
experiment, body weight and food intake were measured and in order to determine the characteristics of
the reproductive phenotype, the time of vaginal opening, anogenital distance, and the characteristics of the
estrous cycle were determined. Ovarian histomorphological analysis was performed on haematoxylin-eosin
stained preparations. In order to determine metabolic parameters, glucose and triglyceride concentrations
were measured, an intraperitoneal glycose tolerance test was performed in the period from 60-70. days of
age. Testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and corticosterone concentrations in sera were measured using
commercial ELISA assays. Oxidative stress parameters were determined in the cortex and hippocampus
by spectrophotometry. An elevated plus maze test and open field were used to evaluate anxiety-like
behavior, while pain sensitivity was examined using an electric von Frey estesiometer. In order to analyze
convulsive behavior of animalsD, L-homocysteine thiolactone (5.5 mmol / kg, i.p.) was administered in
75-85. days old female offspring and incidence, latency, number and intensity of seizures were observed..
Prenatal androgenization of female rats with testosterone undecanoate: cognitive, electroencephalographic i metabolic changes
Razvoj ljudskog mozga podrazumeva visoko orkestriranu sekvencu događaja, koja je strogo
kontrolisana kompleksnim odnosom različitih ćelijskih tipova kako u vremenu, tako i u prostoru.
Započinje tokom embrionalnog perioda i do detinjstva prolazi kroz više kritičnih faza. Efekti uticaja
gonadalnih hormona tokom moždanog razvoja oslikavaju se permanentnim strukturnim razlikama među
polovima, a poremećaj fine homeostaze može uzrokovati pojavu psihijatrijskih i neuroloških poremećaja u
odraslom dobu. Visok nivo androgena tokom gestacije (porekla majke ili fetusa), predstavlja prenatalni
milje koji indukuje kardiovaskularne, metaboličke i druge bolesti u odraslom dobu. Prenatalno
„programiranje“ ili modulacija prenatalnih uslova tokom „kritičnog perioda“ razvoja je preduslov za
različite morfo-funkcionalne promene organskih sistema, posebno CNSa. Žene sa sindromom
policističnih jajnika (PCOS) pokazuju visok nivo cirkulatornih androgena i tokom trudnoće. Egzogenom
androgenizacijom ženki pacova u različitim periodima gestacije razvijeni su modeli policističnih jajnika kod
potomaka. Mala težina na rođenju, povećanje telesne težine u adolescentnom periodu, povećanje
visceralnog i subkutanog masnog tkiva, poremećen lipidni profil, insulinska rezistencija, poremećaj
estrusnog ciklusa, predstavljaju najprominentnije morfološke i metaboličke karakteristike PCOS
poremećaja. Razumevanje efekata prenatalne hiperandrogenemije veoma je važno jer predstavlja jednu od
najpriminentnijih karakteristika PCOSa, čija je prevalenca kod žena reproduktivnog doba oko ∼15%.
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj kasne prenatalne androgenizacije
testosteron undekanoatom na: antropometrijske karakteristike, karakteristike reproduktivnog fenotipa,
metabličke karakteristike, i parametre oksidativnog stresa; ponašanje i bolnu osetljivost; bihejvioralne i
EEG karakteristike epilepsija izazvanih DL homocistein tiolaktonom i zastupljenost pojedinih ćelija i
moždanog neurotrofnog faktora u korteksu i hipokampusu kod adultnih ženskih potomaka.
U eksperimentu su korišćene ženke Wistar albino pacova. U cilju ispitivanja efekata prenatalne
androgenizacije 20. dana gestacije eksperimentalnoj grupi gravidnih ženki je subkutno administriran
komercijalni depo preparat testosteron undekanoata (100mg/kg, s.c.), dok je kontrolnoj grupi majki s.c.
administrirano ricinusovo ulje. Drugog postnatalnog dana prebrojan je broj potomaka oba legla, a 21.
postnatalnog dana izdvojeni su samo ženski potomci eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe koji su ušli u dalji
tok eksperimenta. U daljem toku eksperimenta, merena je telesna masa i unos hrane a u cilju određivanja
karakteristika reproduktivnog fenotipa utvrđeno je: vreme vaginalnog otvaranja, anogenitalna distanca, i
karakteristike estrusnog ciklusa. Histomorfološka analiza jajnika izvršena je na preparatima obojenim
hematoksilin-eozinom. U cilju određivanja metaboličkih parametara u periodu od 60.-70. dana starosti
izmerene su koncentracije glikoze i triglicerida, izveden je intraperitonealni test tolerancije na glikozu i
izmerene su koncentracije testosterona, estradiola, progesterona i kortikosterona u serumima pomoću
komercijalnih ELISA eseja. Parametri oksidativnog stresa određeni su u korteksu i hipokampusu metodom
spektrofotometrije. Za procenu anksioznog ponašanja korišćeni su test uzdignutog krstastog lavirinta i
otvoreno polje, dok je bolna osetljivosti ispitivana pomoću električnog von Frey esteziometra. U cilju
analize konvulzivnog ponašanja životinjama je 75-85. dana starosti, administriran D,L-homocistein
tiolakton (5,5 mmol/kg, i.p.) i posmatrani su incidneca, latenca, broj i intenzitet konvulzivnih napada...Human brain development involves a highly orchestrated sequence of events, which is strictly
controlled by complex interference between different cell types, which is time and region specific. It
begins during the embryonic period and goes through several critical stages until childhood. The effects of
gonadal hormones during brain development are reflected by permanent structural differences between
the sexes, and disruption of fine homeostasis can cause the genesis of psychiatric and neurological
disorders in adulthood. High levels of androgens during gestation (maternal or fetal origin), forms prenatal
condition which can induce cardiovascular, metabolic and other diseases in adulthood. Prenatal
"programming" or modulation of prenatal conditions during the "critical periods" of development is a
prerequisite for various morpho-functional changes in organ systems. Women with polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS) have high levels of circulatory androgens during pregnancy. By exogenous
androgenization of female rats in different gestational periods model of polycystic ovaries have been
developed in the offspring. Low birth weight, weight gain in adolescence, increase in visceral and
subcutaneous adipose tissue, impaired lipid profile, insulin resistance, estrous cycle disorder, represent the
most prominent morphological and metabolic characteristics of the PCOS disorder. Understanding the
effects of prenatal hyperandrogenemia is very important as it represents one of the most prominent
features of PCOS, with a prevalence of about ∼15% in women of reproductive age.
The aims of this dissertation were to examine the effects of late prenatal androgenization with
testosterone undecanoate on: anthropometric characteristics, reproductive phenotype characteristics,
ovarian structure, metabolic characteristics, serum steroid hormone concentration, oxidative stress
parameters; anxiety-like behavior, pain sensitivity, behavioral and EEG characteristics of epilepsies
induced by DL homocysteine thiolactone; expression of markers of neuro, gliagenesis and inhibitory
interneurons, in adult female offspring
Female Wistar albino rats were used in the experiment. In order to examine the effects of
prenatal androgenization on the 20th day of gestation, depot preparation of testosterone undecanoate
(100mg / kg) was administered subcutaneously to the experimental group of pregnant females, while
control group of mothers was administered castor oil (s.c.). On the second postnatal day, the number of
offspring of both litters was counted, and on the 21st postnatal day only female offspring of the
experimental and control group entered the further course of the experiment. Through the time of the
experiment, body weight and food intake were measured and in order to determine the characteristics of
the reproductive phenotype, the time of vaginal opening, anogenital distance, and the characteristics of the
estrous cycle were determined. Ovarian histomorphological analysis was performed on haematoxylin-eosin
stained preparations. In order to determine metabolic parameters, glucose and triglyceride concentrations
were measured, an intraperitoneal glycose tolerance test was performed in the period from 60-70. days of
age. Testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and corticosterone concentrations in sera were measured using
commercial ELISA assays. Oxidative stress parameters were determined in the cortex and hippocampus
by spectrophotometry. An elevated plus maze test and open field were used to evaluate anxiety-like
behavior, while pain sensitivity was examined using an electric von Frey estesiometer. In order to analyze
convulsive behavior of animalsD, L-homocysteine thiolactone (5.5 mmol / kg, i.p.) was administered in
75-85. days old female offspring and incidence, latency, number and intensity of seizures were observed..