282 research outputs found

    Assessment of risk for bone fractures in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and changes in bone tissue microarchitecture with consequent suspectability in bone fracture. In medical literature, many risk factors for fractures are descibed. WHO after many multicentric studies integrated most important risk factors for fracture in FRAX Questionnaire, which has not been tested so far in women's population in Serbia. Finding the most important singular risk factor for fracture in our population of postmenopausal women, and cummulative contribution of few most important risk factors for fractures, will contribute to adequate choice of curable postmenopausal osteoporosis and prevention from bone fractures. The aim of this study is to determine conection between risk factors for fracfures and fractures in postmenopausal women's population; to determine which of those factors are the most important for osteoporotic fractures in examined postmenopausal women's population. Section study of 529 postmenopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia was performed. Following fracfure risk factors were examined: age, time of menarha and menopause, antropometric parameters (body height, body weight, BMI), reduction of body height, value of T score measured at the predilection sites, lactation period, smoking, using corticosteroids, early diseases and early fractures, family history of fractures and parity. Results show that age, early disease including using corticosteroids, T score and smoking are leading risk factors for fracfures at postmenopausal women. Two of examined risk factors can highly contribute to developing fractures in examined postmenopausal women's population. It this research it is showed that cut off T score from < -2,5 SD, which is used for diagnosing osteopeorosis is not adequate to estimate risk factor for fracture; we suggest testing T score value of < -2,8 SD in future. Mathematical processing of T score at tree sites at the same time (L1-4, femur neck and femur-total) in order to estimate fracture risk factor, we find new formula that we called NS index, which can predict new fracture in postmenopausal women's population with probability of 61,24 percents, which is more percent probability than measuring T score at one site

    Assessment of risk for bone fractures in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and changes in bone tissue microarchitecture with consequent suspectability in bone fracture. In medical literature, many risk factors for fractures are descibed. WHO after many multicentric studies integrated most important risk factors for fracture in FRAX Questionnaire, which has not been tested so far in women's population in Serbia. Finding the most important singular risk factor for fracture in our population of postmenopausal women, and cummulative contribution of few most important risk factors for fractures, will contribute to adequate choice of curable postmenopausal osteoporosis and prevention from bone fractures. The aim of this study is to determine conection between risk factors for fracfures and fractures in postmenopausal women's population; to determine which of those factors are the most important for osteoporotic fractures in examined postmenopausal women's population. Section study of 529 postmenopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia was performed. Following fracfure risk factors were examined: age, time of menarha and menopause, antropometric parameters (body height, body weight, BMI), reduction of body height, value of T score measured at the predilection sites, lactation period, smoking, using corticosteroids, early diseases and early fractures, family history of fractures and parity. Results show that age, early disease including using corticosteroids, T score and smoking are leading risk factors for fracfures at postmenopausal women. Two of examined risk factors can highly contribute to developing fractures in examined postmenopausal women's population. It this research it is showed that cut off T score from < -2,5 SD, which is used for diagnosing osteopeorosis is not adequate to estimate risk factor for fracture; we suggest testing T score value of < -2,8 SD in future. Mathematical processing of T score at tree sites at the same time (L1-4, femur neck and femur-total) in order to estimate fracture risk factor, we find new formula that we called NS index, which can predict new fracture in postmenopausal women's population with probability of 61,24 percents, which is more percent probability than measuring T score at one site


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    Sleep is essential for everyone and is important for the normal human functioning. Lack of sleep, called sleep deprivation, is a condition leading to poor sports training and achievements. Different factors contribute to sleep deprivation among athletes. Respiratory sleep disorders such as Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are factors that rebound most to sleep deprivation for certain groups of athletes such as wrestlers, judokas and sumo wrestlers. The present study investigates the UARS and OSA occurrence in the above mentioned groups of athletes using Pulse Transit Time (PTT) as an early noninvasive indicator of respiratory effort and sympathetic nervous system activity. Sixty-seven elite athletes, practicing wrestling, sumo wrestling and judo were screened by enquiry for sleep breathing disturbances. The study involved the most suspicious ten cases for sleep-disordered breathing symptoms. They underwent full standard polysomnographic (PSG) examination using Alice 5 System Philips - Respironics Inc. with the registration of PTT. Among all athletes, regardless of the presence of changes in hemoglobin saturation or apnea-hypopnea index changes (AHI), a significant drop in the PTT value with more than 8-15 ms for sleep stages N1 and N2 (p<0.005) was observed, as well as with more than 6-8 ms for sleep stage N3 (p<0.005). We found bigger dependence of PTT by Arousal Index (ArI) than AHI and Desaturation Index (DI). Therefore, PTT can be used as a good indicator of sleep fragmentation before the development of the clinical picture of UARS and OSA.As a good indicator for inspiratory effort and sympathetic changes in UARS and OSA, PTT gives an opportunity for early diagnosis of respiratory sleep disorders among athletes. Prevention, timely detection and appropriate treatment of sleep disorders before the development of their full clinical picture will improve the processes of recovery and performance in sports practice

    Policy of raising the capacity of local self-governments for management of emergencies

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    Local self-governments (LSGs) cannot effectively manage emergencies. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to find action policies that would facilitate the increase of capacities of LSGs in such situations. The starting point for defining the policy was collecting data on the current abilities and capacities of LSGs in AP Vojvodina. The research covered 40% of the total number of LSGs and more than 64% of the population in the AP of Vojvodina. A combined open-ended survey questionnaire was constructed for data collection. The data was collected in field conditions through online procedures, direct sending of written surveys, and direct discussion of project implementation leaders. The statistical analysis of data identified that the legal aspect of LSGs and emergencies was not harmonized with other institutional documents at the level of LSGs. Most LSGs had serious difficulties in managing emergencies, especially civil protection. The platform is envisaged to facilitate raising the prevention capacity of LSGs by integrating all relevant information to provide early warnings and indications for implementing corresponding organizational, technical, and economic measures to deal with emergencies

    Noncanonical DNA elements in the lamin B2 origin of DNA replication

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    DNA replication origins of eukaryotes lack linear replicator elements but contain short (dT)(n) (dA)(n) sequences that could build mutually equivalent unorthodox structures. Here we report that the lamin B2 origin of DNA replication adopts an alternative form characterized by unpaired regions CTTTTTTTTTTCC/GGAAAAAAAAAAG (3900-3912) and CCTTTTTTTTC/GAAAAAAAAGG (4141-4151). Both unpaired regions are resistant to DNase and except in central parts of their homopyrimidine strands are sensitive to single strand-specific chemicals. Interactions that protect central pyrimidines probably stabilize the bubble-like areas. Because DNA fragments containing either one or both bubbles migrate in TBM (89 mM Tris base, 89 mM boric acid, and 2 mM MgCl2) PAGE even faster than expected from their linear size, interacting regions are expected to belong to the same molecule. In an origin fragment containing a single bubble, free homopyrimidine strand can only interact with Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding surfaces from a complementary double stranded sequence. Indeed, this origin fragment reacts with triplex preferring antibody. In competition binding experiments control double stranded DNA or single stranded (dT) 40 do not affect origin-antibody interaction, whereas TAT and GGC triplexes exert competitive effect. Because the chosen fragment does not contain potential GGC forming sequences, these experiments confirm that the lamin B2 origin adopts a structure partly composed of intramolecular TAT triads

    Prenatal androgenization of female rats with testosterone undecanoate: cognitive, electroencephalographic i metabolic changes

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    Razvoj ljudskog mozga podrazumeva visoko orkestriranu sekvencu događaja, koja je strogo kontrolisana kompleksnim odnosom različitih ćelijskih tipova kako u vremenu, tako i u prostoru. Započinje tokom embrionalnog perioda i do detinjstva prolazi kroz više kritičnih faza. Efekti uticaja gonadalnih hormona tokom moždanog razvoja oslikavaju se permanentnim strukturnim razlikama među polovima, a poremećaj fine homeostaze može uzrokovati pojavu psihijatrijskih i neuroloških poremećaja u odraslom dobu. Visok nivo androgena tokom gestacije (porekla majke ili fetusa), predstavlja prenatalni milje koji indukuje kardiovaskularne, metaboličke i druge bolesti u odraslom dobu. Prenatalno „programiranje“ ili modulacija prenatalnih uslova tokom „kritičnog perioda“ razvoja je preduslov za različite morfo-funkcionalne promene organskih sistema, posebno CNSa. Žene sa sindromom policističnih jajnika (PCOS) pokazuju visok nivo cirkulatornih androgena i tokom trudnoće. Egzogenom androgenizacijom ženki pacova u različitim periodima gestacije razvijeni su modeli policističnih jajnika kod potomaka. Mala težina na rođenju, povećanje telesne težine u adolescentnom periodu, povećanje visceralnog i subkutanog masnog tkiva, poremećen lipidni profil, insulinska rezistencija, poremećaj estrusnog ciklusa, predstavljaju najprominentnije morfološke i metaboličke karakteristike PCOS poremećaja. Razumevanje efekata prenatalne hiperandrogenemije veoma je važno jer predstavlja jednu od najpriminentnijih karakteristika PCOSa, čija je prevalenca kod žena reproduktivnog doba oko ∼15%. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj kasne prenatalne androgenizacije testosteron undekanoatom na: antropometrijske karakteristike, karakteristike reproduktivnog fenotipa, metabličke karakteristike, i parametre oksidativnog stresa; ponašanje i bolnu osetljivost; bihejvioralne i EEG karakteristike epilepsija izazvanih DL homocistein tiolaktonom i zastupljenost pojedinih ćelija i moždanog neurotrofnog faktora u korteksu i hipokampusu kod adultnih ženskih potomaka. U eksperimentu su korišćene ženke Wistar albino pacova. U cilju ispitivanja efekata prenatalne androgenizacije 20. dana gestacije eksperimentalnoj grupi gravidnih ženki je subkutno administriran komercijalni depo preparat testosteron undekanoata (100mg/kg, s.c.), dok je kontrolnoj grupi majki s.c. administrirano ricinusovo ulje. Drugog postnatalnog dana prebrojan je broj potomaka oba legla, a 21. postnatalnog dana izdvojeni su samo ženski potomci eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe koji su ušli u dalji tok eksperimenta. U daljem toku eksperimenta, merena je telesna masa i unos hrane a u cilju određivanja karakteristika reproduktivnog fenotipa utvrđeno je: vreme vaginalnog otvaranja, anogenitalna distanca, i karakteristike estrusnog ciklusa. Histomorfološka analiza jajnika izvršena je na preparatima obojenim hematoksilin-eozinom. U cilju određivanja metaboličkih parametara u periodu od 60.-70. dana starosti izmerene su koncentracije glikoze i triglicerida, izveden je intraperitonealni test tolerancije na glikozu i izmerene su koncentracije testosterona, estradiola, progesterona i kortikosterona u serumima pomoću komercijalnih ELISA eseja. Parametri oksidativnog stresa određeni su u korteksu i hipokampusu metodom spektrofotometrije. Za procenu anksioznog ponašanja korišćeni su test uzdignutog krstastog lavirinta i otvoreno polje, dok je bolna osetljivosti ispitivana pomoću električnog von Frey esteziometra. U cilju analize konvulzivnog ponašanja životinjama je 75-85. dana starosti, administriran D,L-homocistein tiolakton (5,5 mmol/kg, i.p.) i posmatrani su incidneca, latenca, broj i intenzitet konvulzivnih napada...Human brain development involves a highly orchestrated sequence of events, which is strictly controlled by complex interference between different cell types, which is time and region specific. It begins during the embryonic period and goes through several critical stages until childhood. The effects of gonadal hormones during brain development are reflected by permanent structural differences between the sexes, and disruption of fine homeostasis can cause the genesis of psychiatric and neurological disorders in adulthood. High levels of androgens during gestation (maternal or fetal origin), forms prenatal condition which can induce cardiovascular, metabolic and other diseases in adulthood. Prenatal "programming" or modulation of prenatal conditions during the "critical periods" of development is a prerequisite for various morpho-functional changes in organ systems. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have high levels of circulatory androgens during pregnancy. By exogenous androgenization of female rats in different gestational periods model of polycystic ovaries have been developed in the offspring. Low birth weight, weight gain in adolescence, increase in visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue, impaired lipid profile, insulin resistance, estrous cycle disorder, represent the most prominent morphological and metabolic characteristics of the PCOS disorder. Understanding the effects of prenatal hyperandrogenemia is very important as it represents one of the most prominent features of PCOS, with a prevalence of about ∼15% in women of reproductive age. The aims of this dissertation were to examine the effects of late prenatal androgenization with testosterone undecanoate on: anthropometric characteristics, reproductive phenotype characteristics, ovarian structure, metabolic characteristics, serum steroid hormone concentration, oxidative stress parameters; anxiety-like behavior, pain sensitivity, behavioral and EEG characteristics of epilepsies induced by DL homocysteine thiolactone; expression of markers of neuro, gliagenesis and inhibitory interneurons, in adult female offspring Female Wistar albino rats were used in the experiment. In order to examine the effects of prenatal androgenization on the 20th day of gestation, depot preparation of testosterone undecanoate (100mg / kg) was administered subcutaneously to the experimental group of pregnant females, while control group of mothers was administered castor oil (s.c.). On the second postnatal day, the number of offspring of both litters was counted, and on the 21st postnatal day only female offspring of the experimental and control group entered the further course of the experiment. Through the time of the experiment, body weight and food intake were measured and in order to determine the characteristics of the reproductive phenotype, the time of vaginal opening, anogenital distance, and the characteristics of the estrous cycle were determined. Ovarian histomorphological analysis was performed on haematoxylin-eosin stained preparations. In order to determine metabolic parameters, glucose and triglyceride concentrations were measured, an intraperitoneal glycose tolerance test was performed in the period from 60-70. days of age. Testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and corticosterone concentrations in sera were measured using commercial ELISA assays. Oxidative stress parameters were determined in the cortex and hippocampus by spectrophotometry. An elevated plus maze test and open field were used to evaluate anxiety-like behavior, while pain sensitivity was examined using an electric von Frey estesiometer. In order to analyze convulsive behavior of animalsD, L-homocysteine thiolactone (5.5 mmol / kg, i.p.) was administered in 75-85. days old female offspring and incidence, latency, number and intensity of seizures were observed..

    Зебрица (Danio rerio) као модел за изучавање болести плућа

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    Zebrica (Danio rerio) je kao laboratorijski model organizam, isprva korišćena za izučavanje razvića, a danas je prisutna u gotovo svim naučnim granama, od toksikologije do istraživanja bolesti čoveka. U poslednje vreme zadobija sve veći značaj i u istraživanjima bolesti pluća. Riblji mehur, pored toga što ima isto embrionalno poreklo kao pluća, ima i odgovarajuće strukturne i molekularne karakteristike što omogućava relevantna ispitivanja nastanka, progresije i terapije različitih bolesti pluća. Na zebricama je moguće ispitivati delovanje sredinskih faktora koji utiču na nastanak bolesti pluća, kao što su duvanski dim i različiti zagađivači. Relativno kratko vreme generacije i razviće van tela majke omogućavaju inter- i trans-generacijska ispitivanja delovanja faktora sredine. Transgene reporter linije sa fluorescentno obeleženim neutrofilima umnogome olakšavaju istraživanja inflamatornih aspekata bolesti pluća, kao što su astma i hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća. Postoji nekoliko transgenih modela zebrica za ispitivanja određenih bolesti pluća (cistična fibroza, deficijencija alfa-1 antitripsina). Ne mali značaj zebrica ima i u ispitivanjima infektivnih bolesti pluća, od tuberkuloze do kovida. Ksenograft model, koji podrazumeva ubrizgavanje ćelija različitih tipova humanih karcinoma pluća u embrione zebrica, omogućava ispitivanja procesa metastaziranja, odgovora na terapiju i efikasnosti novih lekova. Zbog svega navedenog, zebrica predstavlja značajan model za istraživanja bolesti pluća.Зебрица (Danio rerio) је као лабораторијски модел организам, испрва коришћена за изучавање развића, а данас је присутна у готово свим научним гранама, од токсикологије до истраживања болести човека. У последње време задобија све већи значај и у истраживањима болести плућа. Рибљи мехур, поред тога што има исто ембрионално порекло као плућа, има и одговарајуће структурне и молекуларне карактеристике што омогућава релевантна испитивања настанка, прогресије и терапије различитих болести плућа. На зебрицама је могуће испитивати деловање срединских фактора који утичу на настанак болести плућа, као што су дувански дим и различити загађивачи. Релативно кратко време генерације и развиће ван тела мајке омогућавају интер- и транс-генерацијска испитивања деловања фактора средине. Трансгене репортер линије са флуоресцентно обележеним неутрофилима умногоме олакшавају истраживања инфламаторних аспеката болести плућа, као што су астма и хронична опструктивна болест плућа. Постоји неколико трансгених модела зебрица за испитивања одређених болести плућа (цистична фиброза, дефицијенција алфа-1 антитрипсина). Не мали значај зебрица има и у испитивањима инфективних болести плућа, од туберкулозе до ковида. Ксенографт модел, који подразумева убризгавање ћелија различитих типова хуманих карцинома плућа у ембрионе зебрица, омогућава испитивања процеса метастазирања, одговора на терапију и ефикасности нових лекова. Због свега наведеног, зебрица представља значајан модел за истраживања болести плућа.Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije, Zlatibor, Srbija 21 - 25. 9. 2022

    Functional analysis of novel alpha-1 antitrypsin variants G320R and V321F

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    Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) gene is highly polymorphic, with a large number of rare variants whose phenotypic consequences often remain inconclusive. Studies addressing functional characteristics of AAT variants are of significant biomedical importance since deficiency and dysfunctionality of AAT are associated with liver and lung diseases. We report the results of the functional analysis of two naturally occurring AAT variants, G320R and V321F, previously identified in patients with lung disease. Neither of variants has been fully functionally characterized. In order to perform their functional analysis both variants were expressed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems and their intracellular localization, activity, stability, and polymerization were determined. The results of this study demonstrated that variants G320R and V321F have neither impaired activity against porcine pancreatic elastase nor propensity to form polymers. However, both variants had altered electrophoretic mobility and reduced thermostability when compared to M variant of the protein, indicating a slightly impaired secondary or tertiary structure

    Classification Performance Using Principal Component Analysis and Different Value of the Ratio R

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    A comparison between several classification algorithms with feature extraction on real dataset is presented. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been used for feature extraction with different values of the ratio R, evaluated and compared using four different types of classifiers on two real benchmark data sets. Accuracy of the classifiers is influenced by the choice of different values of the ratio R. There is no best value of the ratio R, for different datasets and different classifiers accuracy curves as a function of the number of features used may significantly differ. In our cases feature extraction is especially effective for classification algorithms that do not have any inherent feature selections or feature extraction build in, such as the nearest neighbour methods or some types of neural networks