77 research outputs found

    Future lighting and the appearance of cities at night: A case study

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    Future lighting solutions based on solid state lighting will transform the appearance of cities at night. They can be positioned and used in an urban environment in numerous ways. This article studies whether their future use in general outdoor lighting will positively affect people’s acceptance of urban space illuminated in this way. Two different lighting concepts were formed based on the innovative use of solid state lighting solutions. The first concept is based on plane lighting, and the second is based on a detailed depiction of architectural and urban elements. Lighting proposals were designed for five different city locations. They consider not only functional needs, but also urban planning and the architectural aspects of illumination. I present my study of the underlying core effects on the respondents through their assessment of the affective quality of graphic representations. My findings indicate that the respondents strongly agree with the assessment of the “pleasantness” and “arousal” variables of most proposals. However, the statistics show characteristic differences between the answers of both variables for both concepts. Direct comparison of the two concepts shows that the respondents’ attitudes towards a certain lighting concept also depend on their location in the city. This article emphasises the importance of the appearance of a city at night in developing future lighting strategies based on solid state light sources

    Modern multilevel urban road intersections

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    The work is describing and comparing different modern urban intersections. Urban intersections can be a problem since urban space is limiting traffic control to be satisfying. This is the reason for using multi-level intersections which divide traffic flows to few parts where operations of turning and sorting between the lanes are easily made. With bigger intersection volume we decrease its ground plan area. One-level signalized intersection and one-level roundabout are analyzed for the comparison with other intersections. First properties of traffic flows and properties of traffic control which represent some basics for further intersection analyses are described. The two-level intersections used in this work are: roundabout with one direction in its own level, two-level roundabout, two-level signalized intersection and two-level non-signalized intersection. Forms of intersections, their advantages and disadvantages, pedestrian movement paths, and their influence on traffic flows are described. These options are used on Zmajski podvoz intersection. Traffic volumes used are the ones that are supposed to appear regarding to the study »Traffic regulation of the Ljubljana passenger station« (FGG, 2004) on the discussed area at the end of the planned period. Regarding to the study the Zmajski podvoz intersection will be very burdened; over 8500 units of personal vehicles per hour which is much more than the usual intersections can handle. The intersections are analysed with analytic program tool SIDRA 3.1 and micro- simulation tool TSIS 5.1. Finally the diploma deals with the comparison of the intersections. All the multi-level solutions offer satisfying solutions of the great traffic volume problem and the one-level solutions do not suit the flows.

    Perfil audiológico de funcionários de uma imprensa universitária

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Fonoaudiologia.Introdução: É comum encontrar em ambientes ocupacionais indivíduos expostos diariamente a agentes físicos e a agentes químicos. Em muitos casos, a exposição combinada entre esses agentes tornam o local de trabalho um meio de risco para a saúde dos trabalhadores. Pesquisas revelam que o risco de alterações auditivas é maior quando indivíduos trabalham expostos simultaneamente ao ruído e a produtos químicos. Objetivos: Caracterizar o perfil audiológico dos funcionários que trabalham expostos a ruído e produtos químicos na imprensa da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Metodologia: Foi realizada uma avaliação audiológica básica contendo anamnese, meatoscopia, imitanciometria e audiometria tonal liminar, com 12 funcionários. Os dados foram analisados principalmente com base no parecer audiológico sugerido pelo manual do Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia (2009), com base no item quatro da portaria de nº 19 de 09 de abril de 1998 (BRASIL, 1998) e com base nas alterações nas frequências altas (sem recuperação na frequência de 8KHZ). As análises foram realizadas separadamente para cada uma das orelhas. Resultados: Em relação ao parecer audiológico que predominou foi: limiares auditivos dentro dos padrões da normalidade, ou seja, cinco na orelha direita (41,6%) e quatro na orelha esquerda (33,3%). Em segundo lugar, o parecer audiológico que mais prevaleceu foi o de perda auditiva do tipo neurossensorial e configuração audiométrica descendente, isto é, quatro na orelha direita (33,3%) e três na orelha esquerda (25%). De acordo com o item 4 da portaria nº 19 de 9 de abril de 1998, um funcionário apresentou limiares auditivos sugestivos de PAIR na orelha direita (8,33%) e dois na orelha esquerda (16,6%). Considerando-se os limiares auditivos alterados nas frequências altas (sem recuperação na frequência de 8 KHz), foram encontrados seis funcionários (50%) com alteração na orelha direita e cinco (41,6%) na orelha esquerda. Os achados da logoaudiometria de todos os funcionários foram dentro dos padrões normalidade bilateralmente. Foram encontradas curvas timpanométricas do tipo A em 100% das orelhas esquerdas e em 75% das orelhas direitas. A ausência dos reflexos acústicos foi predominante na frequência de 4 KHz bilateralmente. Conclusão: apesar do pequeno tamanho da amostra, os resultados obtidos neste estudo chamam a atenção para o grande número de alterações auditivas nas frequências altas, o que pode estar relacionado com a exposição simultânea ao ruído e a produtos químicos, bem como com a idade dos funcionários avaliados.Introduction: It is common to find occupational workers exposed daily to physical and chemical agents. In many cases, the combined exposure of these agents make the workplace,a risk to the healthy of workers. Research shows that the risk of hearing loss are greater when individuals work simultaneously exposed to noise and chemicals. Objectives: To characterize the audiological profile of employees that work, exposed to noise and chemicals, in the press at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Methods: We performed a basic hearing evaluation containing,anamnesis,meatoscopy,tympanometry and pure tone audiometry, with 12 employees. Data were analyzed based on the manual of the Federal Council of Speech (2009), based on item four of Ordinance No. 19, April 9, 1998, among other analyzes and based on changes in high frequencies (no recovery in frequency 8KHZ). Analyses were performed separately for each ear. Results: Regarding the audiologic result, most employees had hearing thresholds within normal limits, ie, five in the right ear (41.6%) and four in the left ear (33.3%). Second, the audiologic result more obtained,was that of sensorineural hearing loss and sloping audiometric configuration, that is, four in the right ear (33.3%) and three in the left ear (25%).According to item 4 of Ordinance No. 19 of 9 April 1998, a functionary showed a result suggestive of NIHL hearing in the right ear (8.33%) and two in the left ear (16.6%). Considering the altered auditory thresholds at high frequencies (no recovery in the frequency of 8 kHz), were found six employees (50% in the right ear) and five (41.6% in the left ear). The findings of logoaudiometry of all employees were within the normal standards bilaterally. Timpannométricas curves of type A were found in the left ears 100% and 75% in the right ear. The absence of the acoustic reflex was predominant at frequency of 4 kHz bilaterally. Conclusion: Despite the small size of the sample, the results of this study reveal that most of the patients were diagnosed with high-frequency hearing loss, wich may be related to simultaneous exposure to noise and chemicals, as well as the age of the evaluated employees

    Avaliação in vitro de métodos físico-químicos na descontaminação de superfície de titânio

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Humberto Osvaldo Schwartz FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia. Defesa : Curitiba, 10/08/2023Inclui referências: p. 39-46Resumo: A peri-implantite é uma das principais causas de complicações em implantes osseointegrados, caracterizada pela inflamação ao redor do implante levando a uma perda de osso marginal e quando não tratada pode causar falha do implante. Pode ser influenciada por diferentes fatores como tabagismo e diabetes associados a um biofilme oral. Mesmo existindo diversas formas de tratamento, ainda é muito discutido entre autores qual seria a melhor abordagem para a doença. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a descontaminação de superfícies de titânio utilizando um método químico e métodos físicos e também analisar possíveis alterações causadas nas superfícies após tratamentos. Foi realizado um estudo in vitro com 25 discos de titânio, submetidos à cultura de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans e divididos posteriormente conforme o método de descontaminação, sendo descontaminados com solução tampão-fosfato, ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (EDTA) gel 24%, EDTA gel 24%+Cureta e EDTA gel 24%+ Ultrassom. Para análise morfológica foi realizada avaliação em Microscopia eletrônica de varredura, gerando micrografias obtidas por elétrons retroespalhados e elétrons secundários. A constituição química das amostras foi avaliada pela técnica de Energia dispersiva de raios X. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, o grupo onde utilizou-se a associação EDTA+Ultrassom demonstrou ser o método de descontaminação mais eficaz, porém entre o grupo EDTA+Ultrassom e EDTA+Cureta não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Morfologicamente, o grupo EDTA+Ultrassom apresentou maiores alterações na superfície. Quimicamente, não houve diferenças significantes dos elementos entre os grupos, porém notou-se a deposição de ferro e cloro no grupo utilizado cureta e maior presença de carbono em amostras com pior descontaminação. Esse estudo mostrou que o uso de EDTA+Ultrassom pode ser considerado um descontaminante eficaz, porém gera alterações nas superfícies dos implantes. Palavras-chave: peri-implantite; osseointegração; descontaminaçãoAbstract: Peri-implantitis is one of the main causes of complications in osseointegrated implants, characterized by inflammation around the implant leading to marginal bone loss and, when left untreated, can cause implant failure.??It can be influenced by different factors such as smoking and diabetes associated with an oral biofilm. Even though there are several forms of treatment, it is still much discussed among authors what would be the best approach to the disease.??Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the decontamination of titanium surfaces using a chemical method and physical methods and also to analyze possible changes caused to surfaces after treatments.?? An in vitro study was carried out with 25 titanium disks, submitted to the culture of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and later divided according to the decontamination method, being decontaminated with phosphate buffer solution, 24% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) gel, and 24% EDTA gel+Curette and EDTA gel 24%+ Ultrasound.?? For morphological analysis, an evaluation was carried out in Scanning Electron Microscopy, generating micrographs obtained by backscattered electrons and secondary electrons.?? The chemical constitution of the samples was evaluated using the energy dispersive X-ray technique.??The results obtained showed that the group where the EDTA+Ultrasound association was used proved to be the most effective decontamination method, however between the EDTA+Ultrasound and EDTA+Curet groups there were no statistically significant differences.?? Morphologically, the EDTA+Ultrasound group showed greater alterations on the surface. Chemically, there were no significant differences in the elements between the groups, however iron and chlorine deposition was noted in the curette group and a greater presence of carbon in samples with worse decontamination.??This study showed that the use of EDTA+Ultrasound can be considered an effective decontaminant, however, it generates changes in the surfaces of the implants

    A construção de uma memória para a nação : a participação do Museu Paranaense na exposição antropológica brasileira de 1882

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Renato Lopes LeiteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Defesa: Curitiba, 03/08/2007Inclui referênciasResumo: A Exposição Antropológica Brasileira de 1882, ocorrida no Museu Nacional no Rio de Janeiro, foi o maior evento científico do século XIX no Brasil. A presente dissertação analisa, além do evento em si, a participação do Museu Paranaense na Exposição Antropológica, principalmente através do envio de objetos que compunham a cultura material dos povos indígenas que habitavam a província paranaense. Este processo teve implicações históricas e culturais relativas à construção de uma memória específica para a nação que estava em formação no Brasil, a partir de teorias de cunho racialista vigentes à época.Abstract: The Brazilian Anthropological Exposition of 1882, occurred in National Museum in the Rio de Janeiro, was the greatest scientific event of the 19th century in Brazil. This term paper analyzes, beyond the event itself, the participation of the Paranaense Museum in it through the dispatching of the objects that made part of the Indians material culture that lived in the paranaense province. This process had historical and cultural implications that are connected to the construction of a specific memory for the nation which was in formation in Brazil, from the racialist theories current this time

    Led and oled lighting in urban design and their influence on the urban elements of the environment

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    Future lighting solutions based on solid-state lighting will transform the appearance of cities at night. They can be positioned and used in an urban environment in numerous ways. Our research studies whether their future use in general outdoor lighting will positively affect people’s acceptance of urban space illuminated in this way. Two different lighting concepts were formed based on the innovative use of LED and OLED lighting. The first concept is based on plane lighting, and the second is based on a detailed depiction of architectural and urban elements. Lighting proposals were designed for different locations of Ljubljana city. They consider not only functional needs, but also urban planning and the architectural aspects of illumination. The study of the underlying core effects on the respondents through their assessment of the affective quality of graphic representations is presented. Our findings indicate that the respondents strongly agree with the assessment of the “pleasantness” and “arousal” variables of most proposals. However, the statistics show characteristic differences between the answers of both variables for both concepts. Direct comparison of the two concepts shows that the respondents’ attitudes towards a certain lighting concept also depend on their location in the city. Significant effect of the respondents' age dependency on the assesment for more then half lighting\ud proposals is observed. Only detailed concept could contribute to lowering the electrical energy consumption. Dissertation emphasises the importance of the appearance of a city at night in developing future lighting strategies based on solid-state light sources

    Talking Tools to Assist Students Who are Blind in Laboratory Courses

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    A number of tools and techniques have been developed to assist students with blindness and visual impairment who are studying in secondary and post-secondary science laboratories. Commercial electronic probes and their associated software packages allow real-time viewing and collection of data using a personal computer; however, until now, these data have been inaccessible to students with blindness or visual impairment because of the incompatibility of the data acquisition software with screen-reading software. Recent programming modifications now allow a new level of compatibility, which promotes a greater degree of independence and accessibility to laboratory science for people with visual impairments

    Uso irracional dos anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais no município de Tijucas do Sul

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    Os anti-inflamatórios não-esteroidais (AINEs), são amplamente utilizados para tratar a dor aguda e crônica pois possuem além das propriedades anti-inflamatória, as propriedades analgésica e antipirética, devido a inibição da síntese das prostaglandinas, através da inibição das enzimas Ciclo-oxigenase. A maioria desses medicamentos são de venda livre, facilitando seu acesso à população que os utilizam muitas vezes de maneira irracional, podendo trazer consequências à médio e longo prazo. Os AINEs causam reações adversas devido a sua toxicidade sobre vários sistemas, entre os efeitos mais importantes estão os danos gastrointestinais, que podem ir do desconforto abdominal até a erosão da mucosa, podendo levar ao sangramento e perfuração. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento sobre a utilização de anti-inflamatórios entre habitantes do município de Tijucas do Sul, região metropolitana de Curitiba. A população estudada foi composta por indivíduos, com idade acima de 18 anos, que aceitaram participar voluntariamente da pesquisa. Estes responderam um questionário sobre o tema estudado. Analisando os dados foi possível identificar que 75% usam raramente o anti-inflamatório sendo e que 14% usam diariamente. A maior utilização de anti-inflamatórios está nas dores musculares com 29% e dor de cabeça 27%. Em relação as reações adversas 59% relataram sentir dores de estômago e 49% dos entrevistados usam por conta própria. Podemos concluir que estes medicamentos são utilizados de forma irracional e são responsáveis por desconforto gástrico na maioria dos usuários

    Deterministic and stochastic models to embryo transfer programs in bovine

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate deterministic and stochastic models to get decision support to embryo transfer programs in bovine. The number of recipient that minimize cost per pregnancy was carried out through sensibility analysis in a mathematical model. The number of embryos collected was accounted for by a Monte-Carlo simulation. The embryos variability and economic costs related to recipient maintenance at the system were evaluated. It was compared results from stochastical models to deterministic equations. Results showed that simulation in embryo transfer is particular important when exists high variability in number of embryos collected, few number of donors and low recipient maintenance costs