1 research outputs found

    Smart Shopping Trolley

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    Microcontroller and RFID based design, has acquired the status of most happening field in shopping market. This is highly specialized field that has the power of integrating large number of components on shopping trolley. Nowadays when we are going to the shopping mall, we have to first take the trolley and then proceed to products lines. Then we put items in the trolley which we intend to purchase. After all the shopping we moved toward the cash counters. And wait in the long queues for payment. After paying money we have to check out the shopping mall. In order to overcome the disadvantage such as waiting for payment as well as reduce wastage of time, we are developing fully automated “SMART SHOPPING TROLLEY” system. In this system, when you take the trolley for shopping and putting the products in the trolley which you wish to purchase, the sensors which are mounted on the trolley read the information of the product and directly send to the main server. And there is no need to waiting in the long queues. You can directly do your payment as your full information is already to the counter