354 research outputs found

    Gardner-Webb Review, Volume 2, 2000

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    Annual publication associated with the Life of the Scholar Multidisciplinary Conference. This publication presents selected essays written by undergraduate students at Gardner-Webb University

    Influência da modelação de núcleos de betão armado no cálculo automático de estruturas de edifícios

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    O presente trabalho aborda a questão do comportamento e influência estrutural da modelação de um núcleo de secção aberta de parede fina no modelo tridimensional de elementos finitos de um edifício de betão armado, composto por 5 pisos sujeito à acção sísmica regulamentar. Para o efeito, foram considerados os Eurocódigos estruturais, nomeadamente o Eurocódigo 0, Eurocódigo 1 e Eurocódigo 8. A fim de avaliar a importância do tipo de modelação destes elementos estruturais, elemento fundamental para a caracterização da resposta dinâmica, foi desenvolvido um estudo paramétrico, fazendo-se a análise de quatro formas distintas de modelação do mesmo núcleo. Para os mesmos casos de carregamento, é feita uma análise comparativa entre os resultados obtidos a nível de períodos, percentagem de armadura nos pilares e no próprio núcleo bem como os deslocamentos para os modelos em estudo, com recurso a um programa de cálculo automático. O edifício considerado neste trabalho foi modelado com base no programa comercial de cálculo automático SAP 2000 versão 14.4. Posteriormente apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados obtidos nos vários modelos em causa e para as várias situações propostas ao longo do trabalho.This work presents the question of structural influence on the modeling a core thin-walled open section of concrete in a building consisting of 5 floors, subject to seismic regulations. To this effect, we considered the structural Eurocodes, in particular Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1 and Eurocode 8. In order to assess the importance of the type of modeling these structural elements, a key factorto characterize the dynamic response, a parametric study was developed, making the analysis of four distinct forms of the same core model. For the same loading cases, a comparative analysis are made between the results obtained in levels of periods, reinforcement percentage in the columns and core and displacements for the model under study, using an automatic calculation program. The building considered in this work was modeled on the basis commercial program for automatic calculation, SAP2000 V14.4 Subsequently, we present and discuss the results obtained for the various models involved and proposals for the various situations along the work

    Gardner-Webb Review, Volume 3, 2001

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    Annual publication associated with the Life of the Scholar Multidisciplinary Conference. This publication presents selected essays written by undergraduate students at Gardner-Webb University

    Technical Aspects of Oral Interpretation

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    Florensky and the personalisation of the word

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    What came first, the word or the deed? What are the origins of religion? What is its relationship to mass psychology? Is religion a form of magical thinking? These quintessential nineteenth-century questions waned around the middle of the twentieth but have returned with force today. They were initially raised in the light of the then new theories of socio-cultural and biological evolution; they faded because the initial speculative answers, based on little ethnographic data, were found to be naive once religions around the world were studied using fieldwork methods; but today, the richer ethnographic record together with advances in the neurological and information sciences, enable the questions to be approached with greater sophistication. For a social anthropologsist to read Pavel Florensky with this background can be a disconcerting experience. One reason, no doubt, has to do with this particular social anthropologist’s very limited knowledge of Florensky’s intellectual milieu. But the main reason is another. Florensky is clearly concerned with those same nineteenth-century questions, as well as others relating, say, to telepathy, kinetic energy and spiritualism. They are the same questions tackled, in a different milieu and in a completely different style by G.K. Chesterton in his polemics against public intellectuals that he considered either excessively materialist or excessively spiritualist. Unlike Chesterton, Florensky shows some familiarity with certain ethnographic theories, some of which he explicitly mentions, while the implied presence of others is impossible to miss. Throughout, what is arresting is the way that Florensky manages to be both a figure of his age and an uncanny precursor of several later intellectual developments. In the process he flies against the characteristic assumptions of both contemporaries and successors.peer-reviewe

    Gardner-Webb Review, Volume 4, 2002

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    Annual publication associated with the Life of the Scholar Multidisciplinary Conference. This publication presents selected essays written by undergraduate students at Gardner-Webb University

    The Analysis and Modeling of the Deployment of NASA's X-38 Parafoil

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    NASA is currently working on developing the X-38 Crew Return Vehicle for the Internati6nal Space Station (ISS). The aerodynamics of the X-38 and its enormous 7500 square ft parafoil are extremeJy complicated and must be understood and modeled accurately before the vehicle is actually used for human space flight. A large amount of analysis has been performed on the steady state regions of the flight profile when the parafoil is already open. However, the deployment region of the flight profile has not been analyzed in much depth and is a particularly complicated dynamic flight period. During deployment, the X-38 system has its parafoil open up to its full area in five stages over a period of 20-30 seconds. The vehicle transitions from angles of attack around 90 deg to 0 deg in about two seconds and is extremely dynamic. This paper will detail the analysis work done to generate accurate flight profile characteristics of the deployment from flight data from vehicle test drops. Additionally, a computer simulation tool for steady state flight was modified to analyze and model the parafoil deployment. Eventually, a computer model was produced that generated accurate representations of the parafoil deployment dynamics for the vehicle test drops to date

    The Neighbor translated by Franz Wright

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    A comparison of gas exchange models in the estimation of CO2 fluxes in the South Atlantic South of Africa for the summer season of 2008/2009

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    Includes bibliographical references.There is a problem in the determination of air-sea CO2 fluxes because of the number of different relationships used in calculating gas transfer velocities. There is also a problem with the CO2 sink in the Southern Ocean being greatly underestimated. Data were collected underway using an autonomous pCO2 system during three separate relief cruises over the course of austral spring 2008 to austral autumn 2009 onboard the RV SA Agulhas in the South Atlantic Ocean. The wind speed product was extracted from QuikSCAT. Using the data we investigated the sensitivity of the five gas transfer velocity parameterisations to the uncertainty in the wind speed product of 2m.s-1. We found that the Stagnant Film Model was unresponsive. Liss and Merlivat’s (1986) linear model for three wind regimes showed a gradual increase in sensitivity with wind speed. The quadratic relationship developed by Nightingale et al., (2000) also showed a steady increase in sensitivity with an increase in wind speed. Wanninkhof’s (1992) quadratic relationship showed the greatest response at low wind speeds and then a continuing increase in response through medium to high wind regimes. The cubic relationship from Wanninkhof and McGillis (1999) showed the smallest response at low wind speeds but had the greatest response to the uncertainty in the wind speed product in medium and high wind regimes. We also calculated regional and seasonal averages of the CO2 flux with the five gas transfer velocities based on the different relationships between gas transfer velocity and wind speed. We found that there was a CO2 flux into the ocean ranging from 4mmol.m-2.day-1 to 12mmol.m-2.day-1 between 33.5 and 68°S, except during autumn between 45-50°S where there is a flux out of the ocean of 2mmol.m- 2.day-1. Between 68-70°S the flux into the ocean strengthens to between 28mmol.m- 2.day-1 and 52mmol.m-2.day-1. Gas transfer velocity is not dependant on wind speed alone, but currently it is the only variable that it measureable on a global scale. Further investigations are in place to measure gas transfer velocity in situ

    Confucian Moral Education in the Ta Shueh and Analects

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    Confucian philosophy has always considered education as a mechanism to improve the quality of life in society. The Confucian classic, Ta Hsueh and the Analects emphasize this pivotal role of education. The ethics of education and life in the family also has a deep impact on government and business enterprises. Each one plays assigned roles and lives by the rules that govern his or her station in social life. The ninth chapter of the Ta Shueh teaches that correct deportment can rectify a whole country. Projecting the ethics of the family to the social order and extending the ethos of particular cultural practices to the global community, however, poses certain problems. The scope of the latter is much more extensive than the family and broader than the cultural practices of particular nation-states. When family relations are preferred over that of others, authoritarian political power will not be too far behind. This paper is an investigation of the nature and limits of Confucian educational philosophy and its influence on society against the backdrop of globalization
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