2,695 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Equity Return during Corporate Declaration

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    In an efficient market, stock prices would be determined primarily by some fundamental factors. This study aims at finding the impact of some factors on the equity prices. The main target of this study is to explain the price return of shares listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Bangladesh. We ran regression analysis with the help of panel data and find out the relationship between dependent and all the independent variables used in the study. We examined the regressions over the four years and identified the relative changes in the impact of independent variables. Keywords: DSE, Equity return, Earnings Surprise, Market Momentum DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-16-05 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Exploring rural secondary studentsā€™ English language learning anxiety: A study on secondary students of Bauphal, Patuakhali, Bangladesh

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    For more than a decade second language researchers, psychologists and language practitioners have found out multifarious impact of anxiety on language learning process. Realizing itsā€™ significance in the EFL context of Bangladesh, this study has explored the anxieties of rural secondary school students in learning English and offered some specific suggestions to reduce it. This mixed approach research collected quantitative data by administering Foreign Language Anxiety scale and gathered qualitative data from in-depth interviews with 20 students of 10 secondary schools of Bauphal upzilla, Pautakhali. Quantitative data was put in SPSS version 22 for statistical analysis and presented graphically and qualitative data was interpreted thematically. Results revealed that secondary students in this rural context experienced English language learning anxiety as about 68.44% of students were anxious about negative evaluation; 51.27% about classroom anxiety; 61.2% about test anxiety and 60.88% about communicating in English. Findings of this study have implications for the English language teachers of secondary and higher secondary levels particularly in the rural areas by drawing their attention to learnersā€™ foreign language anxiety (FLA) as a major barrier to learning English and by suggesting them some possible ways to lessen it and for the academicians who aspire to come up with effective teaching methodologies considering the contextual variations to maximize foreign language learning output

    Impact of stocking density on growth and survival rate of mud crab (Scylla serrata Froskal)

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    A 10-weeks culture trial of mud crab, Scylla serrata in brackish water earthen pond was conducted in different stocking densities. The aim of the experiment was to identify a suitable stocking density for optimum production. There were three treatment as 5000 crab lings/ha, 10000 crab lings/ha and 15000 crab lings/ha of each with three replications. The initial mean weight of crab lings were same (5.5 Ā± 0.13 g). The experimental month was June '95 to August '95. The size of each pond was 500 mĀ². To maintain good water quality water was exchanged in every spring tide. The salinity during the experiment were 2-18ppt. Prepared feed of about 32% protein consisting fish meal, MOC rice bran and wheat flour was used at 5% of their body weight. In terms of production, survival rate, growth and carapace width, the stocking density having 10000/ha showed the best (P<O.O5) performance followed by 5000/ha and 15000/ha

    Waste To Wonder: Production Of Bio-Diesel From Agri-Waste- A Comprehensive Review

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    In the contemporary era, the world is grappling with the challenges posed by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels and the degradation of the environment. The quest for an alternative fuel source that aligns harmoniously with sustainable development, energy preservation, efficiency, and environmental protection has gained paramount importance. This issue is particularly salient in our modern lives. The physical and chemical attributes of vegetable oil closely resemble those of mineral diesel. Consequently, vegetable oil has emerged as a viable substitute for diesel. However, it's worth noting that unrestricted utilization of vegetable oils can lead to a range of engine-related complications. To address this, the process of trans-esterification has demonstrated its efficacy as a productive method to refine vegetable oil for use as fuel. This study focuses on conducting a comprehensive review of existing literature to assess the viability of pumpkin seed oil and its biodiesel as a feasible alternative to traditional diesel

    Application of principles of testing: A study in the context of third year engineering graduates

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    Language testing has been an elemental part of the teaching- learning the process, though views on language testing have always been changing. This paper presents the various components required to construct and use a language test. It primarily aims at highlighting the importance of validity, reliability, and washback and focuses if a test paper is valid, reliable and has a washback effect. A test should measure what it intends to measure and for this validity, of a test is an essential component. Reliability of a test refers to how a test should be measured and is also concerned with the consistency of scoring and the accuracy of the organization of the test, hence reliability also is an important factor for a test. Further, any item should ideally have a positive washback effect i.e., the test must have a beneficial effect. Any test setter has to consider these three qualities of a test discussed above. The paper aims at highlighting about these important aspects of test i.e. validity, reliability and washback and elucidates how these three aspects could be integrated into testing writing skills

    Unusual Metastases to Diaphragm and Spleen from Adenocarcinoma of Lung Detected by 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging: A Case Report

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    Globally, carcinoma of lung is the predominant cause of cancer deathamong both men and women. While hematogenous spread from primarylung cancer to multiple other organs is frequently reported, metastases ofmalignant tumors to diaphragm and spleen are rare. Nowadays, Positronemission tomography (PET) with 18 F- fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) hasemerged in such a way that it has become an effective imaging technology for the evaluation of different carcinomas, particularly for cancerstaging and follow up after therapy. PET scan is able to provide metabolicinformation. In this case, we present an attractive unified PET/CT scanimage in a patient with lung carcinoma having unusual diaphragm andsplenic metastases. So, PET/CT imaging could strongly identified rareand unusual metastatic sites of cancer and added more appropriate stagingin patient with carcinoma of lung

    Our stories: Women speak out against HIV and AIDSā€”An interactive communication package for rural low-literate women

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    The National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) estimates that there are over 5.1 million people living with HIV and AIDS in India. Among new infections reported in 2006, 88 percent were reported in the reproductive age group (15ā€“49 years). The virus is spreading rapidly among women, including married and monogamous women, and adolescent girls. Existing literature shows that women\u27s vulnerability is compounded due to their gendered disadvantage in information access, literacy, and decision-making. This disadvantage is particularly acute in the case of married women in rural India. NACO has indicated the need to develop audience-appropriate strategies for communicating HIV-related information. To ensure that rural low- and neo-literate women are equipped with correct information about HIV and AIDS it is necessary to design communication strategies that are evidence-based, participatory, and take women\u27s visual perceptions into account. As detailed in this brief, the Population Council and partners undertook a participatory communications project to develop visually appropriate communication materials on HIV and AIDS for married rural women

    Testing the concept of green infrastructure at the Baltic Sea scale to support an ecosystem-based approach to management of marine areas

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    The concept of Green Infrastructure (GI) can facilitate integration of ecological considerations and ecosystem service mapping into spatial planning. GI has been introduced in EU policy as a key tool for implementing the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 on halting the loss of biodiversity as well as addressing other global environmental problems. Unlike terrestrial ecosystems, mapping of marine GI is still in infancy. Here, application of GI concept in mapping was developed and tested for a large marine region, the Baltic Sea, using existing regional spatial data sets on the distribution of different ecosystem components. Using a qualitative valuation approach, experts assessed 36 marine ecosystem components with respect to their relevance for six ecological value criteria and ten ecosystem services. Then, maps representing the ecological value of Baltic Sea ecosystems and their potential supply of ecosystem services were developed based on a hierarchical aggregation structure, designed to avoid double-counting of features that appeared in many data layers. Finally, results of the ecological value and ecosystem service supply mapping were integrated into the marine GI map. These pioneering results are used to discuss how marine GI mapping can support the ecosystem-based approach in MSP, by improving the knowledge base on the roles and connectedness of ecosystem components. Applied at the transboundary regional scale, as here, the GI concept can support cross-border coherence in spatial planning and provide practical management solutions to improve connectivity and functioning of MPA networks, or develop sustainable planning solutions of marine space
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