59 research outputs found
Reliability and validity of the international physical activity questionnaire in the Nord-Trøndelag health study (HUNT) population of men
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is no standardized method for the assessment of physical activity (PA). Therefore it is important to investigate the validity and comparability of different measures. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) has been developed as an instrument for cross-national assessment of PA and has been validated in 12 countries. These instruments have acceptable measurement properties for monitoring population levels of PA among 18–65 year-old adults in diverse settings. However, there are some concerns that IPAQ may over-report PA.</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of IPAQ, short version, last 7-days in the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) population of men.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The questionnaire was administered twice to a random sample of 108 men aged 20–39 and validity by comparing results with VO<sub>2max </sub>and ActiReg, an instrument that measures PA and energy expenditure (EE). ActiReg discriminates between the body positions: stand, sit, bend forward and lie and also registers if there is motion or not in each of them or both.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results for reliability of the IPAQ short version were good for vigorous and fair for moderate activities. Intraclass correlations ranged from a low of 0.30 for moderate activity hours, to a high of 0.80 for sitting hours. Concerning validity, our results suggest that total IPAQ vigorous PA was a moderately good measure of vigorous activity, having moderately strong, significant correlations with VO<sub>2max</sub>, r = 0.41 (p ≤ 0.01), but correlated not with metabolic equivalent (METs) values of 6 or more measured with ActiReg. Only total IPAQ walking was fair correlated with METs 1–3 and METs 3–6, respectively r = -0.27 and 0.26 (p ≤ 0.05). The index for IPAQ sitting hours per week was moderate correlated with METs values of 1–3 and negatively correlated with METs values of 3–6. Classification of PA in three levels (low, moderate and high) correlated also most strongly with VO<sub>2max </sub>(0.31 p ≤ 0.01) and METs 3–6 and METs 1–3 from ActiReg (r = 0.32 and -0.31, p ≤ 0.01). Classification of BMI in three levels (normal, overweight and obese) correlated most strongly negative with VO<sub>2max </sub>(-0.42 p ≤ 0.01) and MJ from ActiReg (r = 0.31 p ≤ 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that IPAQ short version for men has acceptable reliability and criterion validity for vigorous activity and sitting. Walking has moderate reliability. Only the IPAQ for walking had a fair correlation with METs 6+. The questions about moderate activity had fair reproducibility and correlated poorly with most comparison measures.</p
Physical Activity and Depression/Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescents - the Young-HUNT Study
Children and adolescents who report mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, has increased steadily in recent years. At the same time there is also a reduction in physical activity level among children and adolescents. The present study aimed to explore the association of physical activity and participation in sport activity with depression and anxiety symptoms stratified by sex and age group. Cohort data was obtained from the Trøndelag Health Study (Young-HUNT4). The analyses were based on cross-sectional data on 7,347 participants. Multinominal logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between physical activity and participation in sport activity with depressive/anxiety symptoms. The analyses showed that depression and anxiety symptoms increased with age and that girls were at an increased risk of developing depressive/anxiety symptoms than boys. For physical activity, the analyses suggested that inactive adolescents had a higher possibility of experiencing anxiety and depression symptoms than active adolescents. This applied for both girls (OR = 1.51, p < 0.001) and boys (OR = 1.29, p = 0.037). For sport activity, adolescents with a low activity level had a higher probability of experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression than adolescents with high activity level. This also applied to both girls (OR = 1.75, p < 0.001) and boys (OR) = 1,55, p = 0.007). The study indicates that adolescents who are regularly physically active in sport activities have a lower possibility of experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety than those who are physically less active.publishedVersio
The validity of functional threshold power and maximal oxygen uptake for cycling performance in moderately trained cyclists
Cultural participation and all-cause mortality, with possible gender differences: an 8-year follow-up in the HUNT Study, Norway
publishedVersionPaid Open Acces
Physical activity, obesity and mortality: does pattern of physical activity have stronger epidemiological associations?
Most studies of physical activity (PA) epidemiology use behaviour measured at a single time-point. We examined whether ‘PA patterns’ (consistently low, consistently high or inconsistent PA levels over time) showed different epidemiological relationships for anthropometric and mortality outcomes, compared to single time-point measure of PA.
Data were the Danish MONICA (MONItoring Trends and Determinants in CArdiovascular Disease) study over three waves 1982–3 (time 1), 1987–8 (time 2) and 1993–4 (time 3). Associations between leisure time single time-point PA levels at time 1 and time 3, and sport and active travel at times 1 and 2 with BMI, waist, hip circumference and mortality (death from coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)) were compared to ‘PA patterns’ spanning multiple time points. PA pattern classified participants’ PA as either 1) inactive or low PA at both time points; 2) moderate level PA at time 1 and high activity at time 3; or 3) a ‘mixed PA pattern’ indicating a varying levels of activity over time. Similarly, sport and active travel were also classified as indicating stable low, stable high and mixed patterns.
The moderately and highly active groups for PA at times 1 and 3 had up to 1.7 cm lower increase in waist circumference compared with the inactive/low active group. Across ‘PA patterns’, ‘active maintainers’ had a 2.0 cm lower waist circumference than ‘inactive/low maintainers’. Waist circumference was inversely related to sport but not active travel. CHD risk did not vary by activity levels at time 1, but was reduced significantly by 43% for high PA at time 3 (vs ‘inactive’ group) and among ‘active maintainers’ (vs ‘inactive/low maintainers’) by 62%. ‘Sport pattern’ showed stronger reductions in mortality for cardiovascular disease and CHD deaths among sport maintainers, than the single time point measures.
PA patterns demonstrated a stronger association with a number of anthropometric and mortality outcomes than the single time-point measures. Operationalising PA as a sustained behavioural pattern may address some of the known under-estimation of risk for poor health in PA self-report measurements and better reflect exposure for epidemiological analysis of risk of health outcomes
Kulturtilbud for inkludering av eldre med innvandrerbakgrunn. Forprosjekt.
Norge blir et stadig mer flerkulturelt samfunn, og antallet eldre med innvandrerbakgrunn vil øke i årene framover. Overordnet mål for prosjektet har vært å utvikle ny kunnskap og nye forslag til hvordan skape gode kulturelle møteplasser mellom eldre med innvandrerbakgrunn og etnisk norske eldre der felles kulturaktiviteter skal bidra til økt inkludering i lokalsamfunnet. I prosjektet er det brukt flere metodiske tilnærminger og analyser: Helseundersøkelsen i Nord-Trøndelag (HUNT3 og 4), Levekårsundersøkelsen for innvandrere 2016 og intervju med innvandrere og andre med kunnskap om temaet. Resultatene viser at terskelen for å delta i etablerte kulturaktiviteter oppleves som høy. For at eldre med innvandrerbakgrunn skal delta på nye arenaer, er det viktig å etablere lavterskeltilbud. Typen aktivitet er ikke av så stor betydning i første omgang, så lenge aktiviteten inneholder samhandling og interaksjon. Det er viktig å etablere tillit, og i tillegg ha fokus på informasjon, sted aktivitetene gjennomføres (lokalsamfunnet) og kostnader. Dersom kultur-aktivitetene skal bidra til økt inkludering forutsetter det også at nordmenn deltar på felles aktiviteter og arrangement. Å kunne det norske språket går igjen som en av de viktigste barrierene for inkludering og deltakelse. For de som ikke kan språket vil det derfor være viktig at kulturtilbudene formidles på ulike språk og gjennom flere ulike kanaler som inkluderer både sosiale medier og personlig kontakt. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom Trondheim kommune, SINTEF, Nord Universitet og HUNT Forskningssenter, og er finansiert av Regionalt Forskningsfond Midt.publishedVersio
Postpartum Lifestyle Behaviors among Women with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy : Data from the HUNT Study
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