9 research outputs found

    Reformasi Pertanian dengan Paradigma Baru

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    Sejak jaman kolonial hingga saat ini, keberadaan petani masihdianggap sebagai factor produksi (produsen), yang terus menjadi sapi perahan (ekosloitasi) bagi pelaku bisnis pertanian yang bergerak pada pengadaan saprodi (sarana produksi), pasca panen dan pemasaran hasil, sehingga petani tak berdaya untuk bergerak dari pola USAha tani tradisional yang bersifat subsisten menuju USAha tani moderen yang bersifat komersial. Petani berada dalam posisi "pasrah" menerima dan mengikuti perilaku dan mekanisme pasar yang belum memihak kepada petani, yang menyebabkan tingkat kehidupan petani relatif statis berada pada lapisan bawah sehingga semakin sulit untuk mampu keluar darikondisi kerniskinan dan keterbelakangan

    Internet Ussage and Agricultural Information Utilization by Agricultural Extension Staff in Bogor District

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    The vast development of communication technology produces so many communication media that can be used to disseminate information. One of the communication media that can be used is cyberspace communication or internet media. Agricultural extension workers as those who act as diseminator supposedly able to utilize agricultural information communication technology development in carrying out their duties and functions. This study aims to description of internet USAge by agricultural extension, analyze the factors affecting the level of internet USAge, as well as analysis of the utilization of information and its relevance to the level of use by agricultural extension. The level of internet USAge by respondents measured the frequency and duration of use is still low. Respondents use the internet less than three times a week and duration of less than three hours a day. Factors significantly correlated with the use of the Internet by agricultural extension is extension characteristics (age and availability of technology) and information needs of extension (information processing technology, marketing and climate). Utilization by agricultural extension information is stored for consumption in the form of private, shared with a fellow instructor for discussion, and distributed to farmers as extension material. More than half of the respondents utilize the information to be discussed to fellow instructor, the next disseminated to farmers and stored for personal

    Uji Performansi Mesin Penepung Tipe Disc (Disc Mill) untuk Penepungan Juwawut (Setaria Italica (L.) P. Beauvois)

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    Juwawut merupakan bahan pangan dari biji-bijian termasuk dalam spesies Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois. Juwawutdalam bentuk tepung telah lama menjadi bahan pangan di berbagai negara seperti di Eropa bagian tenggara, Afrika Utara, Cina bagian utara, dan India. Uji performansi mesin penepung tipe disc meliputi karakteristik mesin yakni kapasitas, rendemen, susut tercecer, kebutuhan tenaga dan efisiensi serta kualitas tepung yakni ukuran partikel, derajat kehalusan dan kadar air tepung. Uji performansi dilakukan dengan menggunakan biji juwawut seberat satu kg tiap perlakuan dengan empat kecepatan putar atau rotasi per menit (rpm) yakni 1.425, 2.850, 4.750 dan 5.700 rpm serta menggunakan saringan 80 dan 100 mesh. Hasil pengujian performansi mesin penepung menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas optimum diperoleh pada 5.700 rpm dengan menggunakan saringan 80 mesh yakni kapasitas mesin 20,43 kg/jam, rendemen mesin 91,6 6 %, dan susut tepung tercecer 1,77 %. Mesin penepung pada 5.700 rpm dengan saringan 80 mesh dan menggunakan motor listrik 3 fasa membutuhkan daya sebesar 519 watt dengan efisiensi motor listrik 0,20 %. Ditinjau dari segi kualitas tepung menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan ukuran partikel tepung yang dihasilkan berukuran berkisar 0,016 inchi, derajat kehalusan tepung 96,25 % dengan kadar air tepung rata-rata 6,80 % dengan kadar air awal biji juwawut 12,03 %. Berdasarkan analisa sidik ragam dan uji lanjut Duncan, perlakuan rpm berbeda nyata terhadap kapasitas penepungan dan rendemen penepungan. Untuk analisa susut tepung tercecer menunjukan bahwa perlakuan pada 2.840 rpm tidak berbeda nyata terhadap perlakuan pada 4.750 rpm, namun berbeda nyata terhadap perlakuan pada5.700 rpm

    Communication of Critical Consciousness in Peasant Movement

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    Development discourse at grassroots level gave birth to farmers’movement as a counterhegemonic response to the dominant state development. Critical awareness of communication processes plays a major role in sensitizing the farmers on forms of oppression and transforming them into a practical movement. The use of the concept of consciousness raising in the form of channels of communication, forms of communication, and various techniques of awareness can affect awareness, motivation and identity transformation of the participants. This article aims to understand the communication processes generating awareness of the peasant movement in addressing growing issues and their relationships with participation in a collective action. Method of research used is qualitative approach with the case subjects involving 4 groups of farmers SPPQT basis (Serikat Paguyuban Petani Qaryah Thayyibah). The results show that participation in collective action is influenced by the communication process of critical awareness generated by SPPQT through the use of various communication channels both at base level and at the level of public. Critical awareness of communication carried out by SPPQT spawned a variety of critical awareness of participants because participants make different meanings of reality, and instrumental motivation is always inherent in any collective action

    Participatory Communication Patterns on the Rural Agribusiness Development Program in Regency Bogor

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    PUAP is a program of business funding provision in the form of a revolving fund for farmers by paying directly into the account of a Farmers Group Unity (Gapoktan) which is assisted by the extension agent and the supervisor of Mitra Tani. This study resulted in the description of participatory communication pattern, analysis of the relation of members\u27 individual characteristics, extension agent credibility and Mitra Tani Supervisor to participatory communication pattern in PUAP as well as the analysis of the PUAP success and its relation to participatory communication pattern. The research was carried in the District of Ciampea using correlational descriptive survey method. The total of respondents was 71. Data were analyzed by Spearman\u27s rank test. The results showed that the participatory communication pattern of the extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor in PUAP was vertical. It is identified from the one way direction communication, misunderstanding content, and low frequency of communication found in the study. Credibility of extension agent in PUAP was high in the honesty aspect, moderate in expertise (quite expert), but low in attractiveness and familiarity. Credibility of Mitra Tani Supervisor was relatively low. The results of the study suggest that the improvement of communication skills of extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor was needed. Besides, the increasing of communication frequency with Gapoktan as well as recepients farmers of PUAP was needed to succeed the program

    Internet Ussage and Agricultural Information Utilization by Agricultural Extension Staff in Bogor District

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    Abstract The vast development of communication technology produces so many communication media that can be used to disseminate information. One of the communication media that can be used is cyberspace communication or internet media. Agricultural extension workers as those who act as diseminator supposedly able to utilize agricultural information communication technology development in carrying out their duties and functions. This study aims to description of internet usage by agricultural extension, analyze the factors affecting the level of internet usage, as well as analysis of the utilization of information and its relevance to the level of use by agricultural extension. The level of internet usage by respondents measured the frequency and duration of use is still low. Respondents use the internet less than three times a week and duration of less than three hours a day. Factors significantly correlated with the use of the Internet by agricultural extension is extension characteristics (age and availability of technology) and information needs of extension (information processing technology, marketing and climate). Utilization by agricultural extension information is stored for consumption in the form of private, shared with a fellow instructor for discussion, and distributed to farmers as extension material. More than half of the respondents utilize the information to be discussed to fellow instructor, the next disseminated to farmers and stored for personal. Keywords: Internet Ussage, Utilization of Agricultural Information, Agricultural Extension

    Participatory Communication Patterns on the Rural Agribusiness Development Program In Regency Bogor

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    Abstract PUAP is a program of business funding provision in the form of a revolving fund for farmers by paying directly into the account of  a Farmers Group Unity (Gapoktan) which is assisted by the extension agent and the supervisor of Mitra Tani. This study resulted in the description of participatory communication pattern, analysis of the relation of members’ individual characteristics, extension agent credibility and Mitra Tani Supervisor to participatory communication pattern in PUAP as well as the analysis of the PUAP success and its relation to participatory communication pattern. The research was carried in the District of Ciampea using correlational descriptive survey method. The total of respondents was 71. Data were analyzed by Spearman's rank test. The results showed that the participatory communication pattern of the extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor in PUAP was vertical. It is identified from the one way direction communication, misunderstanding content, and low frequency of communication found in the study. Credibility of extension agent in PUAP was high in the honesty aspect, moderate in expertise (quite expert), but low in attractiveness and familiarity. Credibility of Mitra Tani Supervisor was relatively low. The results of the study suggest that the improvement of communication skills of extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor was needed. Besides, the increasing of communication frequency with Gapoktan as well as recepients farmers of PUAP was needed to succeed the program. Keywords:             PUAP, Participatory Communication pattern, Credibility of Extension Agent, Mitra Tani Supervisor