2 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema informático basado en un modelo heurístico que optimice la operación de un centro de distribución utilizando códigos de barras y RFID

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    La administración de productos en las bodegas actualmente requiere tecnologías que permitan reducir los tiempos en el manejo de los artículos y la optimización del talento humano, por esta razón se hace indispensable la implementación de herramientas informáticas que integren los equipos necesarios para la toma de información de calidad, que lleve a realizar buenas prácticas logísticas y toma de decisiones asertivas, para competir en el creciente mercado global que exige cada vez mayor velocidad y calidad en la entrega de productos a los CEDIs; los almacenes deben incursionar con elementos innovadores que proporcionen un manejo integral de los recursos utilizados para las operaciones, por esta razón existen herramientas tecnológicas como códigos de barras que son las más usadas debido a que proporcionan buenos resultados y costos bajos, pero genera un gran número de tareas repetitivas cuando se administran grandes volúmenes de mercancías, para dar solución a este inconveniente surge la tecnología de radio frecuencia que tiene costos elevados y garantiza la reducción de tiempos de procesamiento que se relejan en la minimización de costos asociados en el corto mediano y largo plazo. Para el mejoramiento de la administración de inventarios se utiliza el modelo de cantidad económica del pedido para múltiples productos simulando el funcionamiento de un CEDI, con base a este modelo se estructura y codifica un modelo metaheurístico para el caso puntual de un algoritmo genético que proporciona soluciones factibles para combinaciones de pedidos, que propone alternativas para tomar la decisión de cuantas unidades se deben pedir, al realizar la compra de los productos seleccionados se inician los procesos integrados por el software IDC LOGISTICSLAB, que tiene la capacidad de administrar los movimientos de los productos mediante códigos de barras y radio frecuencia, se debe tener en cuenta que esta herramienta administra los procesos relacionados con el movimiento de mercancías por lo tanto no incluye el manejo contable y financiero de los grandes centros de distribución. El proyecto posee características y métodos que garantizan el correcto funcionamiento en contextos académicos y condiciones reales que experimentan los grandes almacenes, debido a la estandarización de métodos de lectura, procesamiento, codificación y transformación de la información con tiempos de respuesta cortos que demuestran la importancia de su utilización, estableciendo un punto de partida para investigaciones futuras en áreas del conocimiento empleadas en este trabajo de grado como investigación de operaciones, administración de inventarios, administración de procesos y procedimientos, logística, programación y bases de datos, en las que pueden incursionar los ingenieros industriales de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.Product´s management in holds currently requires technologies that reduce article´s time management and optimization of human talent, for this reason is essential to implement tools that integrate the necessary equipment for making information quality, leading to good logistics practices allowing to take assertive decision, to compete in the growing global market that requires every time more agility and quality in the delivery of products to the CEDIS, stores must make inroads with innovative elements that provide a comprehensive management of the resources used for operations, for this reason there are technological tools such as bar codes which are most used because they provide good results and low costs, but it generates a large number of repetitive tasks when large volumes of goods are administered, to solve this problem is the technology of radio frequency which has high costs but ensures the reduction of processing times that are reflected in the minimization of costs associated in the short medium and long term. For the improvement of the inventory management is used model of economic order quantity for multiple products, simulating the operation of a CEDI, basis of this model structure and encodes a model Metaheuristic for the specific case of a genetic algorithm that provides solutions feasible for combinations of orders, which proposes alternatives to make the decision of how many units must be ordered, to make the purchase of the selected products are initiated processes integrated by IDC LOGISTICSLAB software, which has the ability to manage the movements of products using bar codes and radio frequency, keep in mind that this tool manages processes related to the movement of goods therefore does not include big distribution center´s accounting and financial management . The project has features and methods that guarantee the correct operation in academic contexts and actual conditions experienced by the stores, due to the standardization of methods of reading, processing, coding and processing of information with response times short that demonstrate the importance of its use, establishing a starting point for future research in areas of knowledge used in this work of degree such as operations research, inventory management, management processes and procedures, logistics, programming and databases, which can enter industrial engineers of the Faculty of Industrial engineering of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

    XVII International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "Advanced Science, Technology and Innovation to move towards a new socio-technical system: Sustainable Social Transformation"

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    Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of batsContent: Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of bat