11,791 research outputs found

    Protest Adjustments in the Valuation of Watershed Restoration Using Payment Card Data

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    When using a willingness-to-pay (WTP) format in contingent valuation (CV) to value water-shed restoration, respondents may protest by questioning why they should pay to clean up a pollution problem that someone else created. Using a sample selection interval data model based on Bhat (1994) and Brox, Kumar, and Stollery (2003), we found that the decision to protest and WTP values were correlated. Protest sample selection bias resulted in a 300 percent overestimate of mean WTP per respondent. Using different ad hoc treatments of protesters, protest bias resulted in moderate effects (-10 percent to +14 percent) after controlling for sample selection bias.contingent valuation, protest bias, watershed restoration, sample selection, grouped Tobit, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Connection, Trust, and Commitment: Dimensions of Co-creation?

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    The purpose of this research is to identify a key driver of relationship closeness for service organizations. Based upon the co-creation concept from Service-Dominant Logic, connection is proposed as a new construct rooted in emotional attachment that bolsters the effect of trust and commitment on future intention among customers of a service-intense organization. Causal models are verified with a large empirical sample drawn from an organization in the process of dealing with the increasing sense of depersonalization that has afflicted growing organizations in a variety of industries. The paper distinguishes an important dimension of customer relationships that can be affected by service managers in order to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction

    Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance

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    The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 represented a loss for commercial property & casualty insurers that was both unprecedented and unanticipated. After sustaining this record capital loss, the availability of adequate private insurance coverage against future terrorist attacks came into question. Concern over the potential adverse consequences of the lack of availability of insurance against terrorist incidents led to calls for federal intervention in insurance markets. This paper discusses the economic rationale for and against federal intervention in the market, and concludes that the benefits from establishing a temporary transition program, during which the private sector can build capacity and adapt to a dramatically changed environment for terrorism risk, may provide benefits to the economy that exceed the direct and indirect costs.


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    The economic value of restoring Deckers Creek in Monongalia and Preston Counties of West Virginia was determined from mail, internet and personal interview surveys. Multi-attribute, choice experiments were conducted and nested logit models were estimated to derive the economic values of full restoration for three attributes of this creek: aquatic life, swimming, and scenic quality. The relative economic values of attributes were: aquatic life > scenic quality ~ swimming. These economic values imply that respondents had the highest value for aquatic life when fully restoring Deckers Creek to a sustainable fishery rather than "put and take" fishery that can not sustain a fish population (defined as moderate restoration for aquatic life). The consumer surplus estimates for full restoration of all three attributes ranged between 12and12 and 16 per month per household. Potential stream users (anglers) had the largest consumer surplus gain from restoration while non-angler respondents had the lowest. When the consumer surplus estimates were aggregated up to the entire watershed population, the benefit from restoration of Deckers Creek was estimated to be about $1.9 million annually. This benefit does not account for any economic values from partial stream restoration. Based upon log likelihood tests of the nested logit models, two sub-samples of the survey population (the general population and stream users) were found to be from the same population. Thus, restoration choices by stream users may be representative of the watershed population, although the sample size of stream users was small in this study.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Guidelines for Economic Evaluation of Public Sector Water Resource Projects

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    Water development plays an important role in the economy of states and regions. However, procedures for estimating the expected net worth of proposed projects have never been simple, and results have rarely been without controversy. This report presents some guidelines for the application of economic evaluation procedures in project analysis of public sector water development in North Dakota. A brief history of North Dakota water development and two case studies of North Dakota water projects are included in this report.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Spectrum of TeV Particles in Warped Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    In warped supersymmetric grand unification, XY gauge particles appear near the TeV scale along with Kaluza-Klein towers of the standard model gauge fields. In spite of this exotic low-energy physics, MSSM gauge coupling unification is preserved and proton decay is naturally suppressed. In this paper we study in detail the low-lying mass spectrum of superparticles and GUT particles in this theory, taking supersymmetry breaking to be localized to the TeV brane. The masses of the MSSM particles, Kaluza-Klein modes, and XY states are all determined by two parameters, one which fixes the strength of the supersymmetry breaking and the other which sets the scale of the infrared brane. A particularly interesting result is that for relatively strong supersymmetry breaking, the XY gauginos and the lowest Kaluza-Klein excitations of the MSSM gauginos may both lie within reach of the LHC, providing the possibility that the underlying unified gauge symmetry and the enhanced N=2 supersymmetry of the theory will both be revealed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Unification and the Hierarchy from AdS5

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    In AdS5, the coupling for bulk gauge bosons runs logarithmically, not as a power law. For this reason, one can preserve perturbative unification of couplings. Depending on the cutoff, this can occur at a high scale. We discuss subtleties in the calculation and present a regularization scheme motivated by the holographic correspondence. We find that generically, as in the standard model, the couplings almost unify. For specific choices of the cutoff and number of scalar multiplets, there is good agreement between the measured couplings and the assumption of high scale unification.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Moose models with vanishing SS parameter

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    In the linear moose framework, which naturally emerges in deconstruction models, we show that there is a unique solution for the vanishing of the SS parameter at the lowest order in the weak interactions. We consider an effective gauge theory based on KK SU(2) gauge groups, K+1K+1 chiral fields and electroweak groups SU(2)LSU(2)_L and U(1)YU(1)_Y at the ends of the chain of the moose. SS vanishes when a link in the moose chain is cut. As a consequence one has to introduce a dynamical non local field connecting the two ends of the moose. Then the model acquires an additional custodial symmetry which protects this result. We examine also the possibility of a strong suppression of SS through an exponential behavior of the link couplings as suggested by Randall Sundrum metric.Comment: LaTex file, 27 pages, 8 figure