10,541 research outputs found

    Discretizing Gravity in Warped Spacetime

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    We investigate the discretized version of the compact Randall-Sundrum model. By studying the mass eigenstates of the lattice theory, we demonstrate that for warped space, unlike for flat space, the strong coupling scale does not depend on the IR scale and lattice size. However, strong coupling does prevent us from taking the continuum limit of the lattice theory. Nonetheless, the lattice theory works in the manifestly holographic regime and successfully reproduces the most significant features of the warped theory. It is even in some respects better than the KK theory, which must be carefully regulated to obtain the correct physical results. Because it is easier to construct lattice theories than to find exact solutions to GR, we expect lattice gravity to be a useful tool for exploring field theory in curved space.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; references adde

    Western agriculture and the trade balance

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    Agriculture - West ; Federal Reserve District, 12th ; International trade

    Tissue-specific Expression of Distinct Spectrin and Ankyrin Transcripts in Erythroid and Nonerythroid Cells

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    cDNA probes for three components of the erythroid membrane skeleton, α spectrin, β spectrin, and ankyrin, were obtained by using monospecific antibodies to screen a λgt11 expression vector library containing cDNA prepared from chicken erythroid poly(A)^+ RNA. Each cDNA appears to hybridize to one gene type in the chicken genome. Qualitatively distinct RNA species in myogenic and erythroid cells are detected for β spectrin and ankyrin, while α spectrin exists as a single species of transcript in all tissues examined. This tissue-specific expression of RNAs is regulated quantitatively during myogenesis in vitro, since all three accumulate only upon myoblast fusion. Furthermore, RNAs for two of the three genes do not accumulate to detectable levels in chicken embryo fibroblasts, demonstrating that their accumulation can be noncoordinate. These observations suggest that independent gene regulation and tissue-specific production of heterogeneous transcripts from the β spectrin and ankyrin genes underlie the formation of distinct membrane skeletons in erythroid and muscle cells

    The embedding of the spacetime in five-dimensional spaces with arbitrary non-degenerate Ricci tensor

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    We discuss and prove a theorem which asserts that any n-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold can be locally embedded in a (n+1)-dimensional space with a non-degenerate Ricci tensor which is equal, up to a local analytic diffeomorphism, to the Ricci tensor of an arbitrary specified space. This may be regarded as a further extension of the Campbell-Magaard theorem. We highlight the significance of embedding theorems of increasing degrees of generality in the context of higher dimensional spacetimes theories and illustrate the new theorem by establishing the embedding of a general class of Ricci-flat spacetimes

    Genomic islands of divergence in the Yellow Tang and the Brushtail Tang Surgeonfishes.

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    The current ease of obtaining thousands of molecular markers challenges the notion that full phylogenetic concordance, as proposed by phylogenetic species concepts, is a requirement for defining species delimitations. Indeed, the presence of genomic islands of divergence, which may be the cause, or in some cases the consequence, of speciation, precludes concordance. Here, we explore this issue using thousands of RAD markers on two sister species of surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae), Zebrasoma flavescens and Z. scopas, and several populations within each species. Species are readily distinguished based on their colors (solid yellow and solid brown, respectively), yet populations and species are neither distinguishable using mitochondrial markers (cytochrome c oxidase 1), nor using 5193 SNPs (pairwise Φst = 0.034). In contrast, when using outlier loci, some of them presumably under selection, species delimitations, and strong population structure follow recognized taxonomic positions (pairwise Φst = 0.326). Species and population delimitation differences based on neutral and selected markers are likely due to local adaptation, thus being consistent with the idea that these genomic islands of divergence arose as a consequence of isolation. These findings, which are not unique, raise the question of a potentially important pathway of divergence based on local adaptation that is only evident when looking at thousands of loci

    Shadows of the Planck Scale: The Changing Face of Compactification Geometry

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    By studying the effects of the shape moduli associated with toroidal compactifications, we demonstrate that Planck-sized extra dimensions can cast significant ``shadows'' over low-energy physics. These shadows can greatly distort our perceptions of the compactification geometry associated with large extra dimensions, and place a fundamental limit on our ability to probe the geometry of compactification simply by measuring Kaluza-Klein states. We also discuss the interpretation of compactification radii and hierarchies in the context of geometries with non-trivial shape moduli. One of the main results of this paper is that compactification geometry is effectively renormalized as a function of energy scale, with ``renormalization group equations'' describing the ``flow'' of geometric parameters such as compactification radii and shape angles as functions of energy.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Braneworld Cosmological Perturbation Theory at Low Energy

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    Homogeneous cosmology in the braneworld can be studied without solving bulk equations of motion explicitly. The reason is simply because the symmetry of the spacetime restricts possible corrections in the 4-dimensional effective equations of motion. It would be great if we could analyze cosmological perturbations without solving the bulk. For this purpose, we combine the geometrical approach and the low energy gradient expansion method to derive the 4-dimensional effective action. Given our effective action, the standard procedure to obtain the cosmological perturbation theory can be utilized and the temperature anisotropy of the cosmic background radiation can be computed without solving the bulk equations of motion explicitly.Comment: 10 pages, Based on a talk presented at ACRGR4, the 4th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Monash University, Melbourne, January 2004. To appear in the proceedings, in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Scalar-Tensor Gravity in Two 3-brane System

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    We derive the low-energy effective action of four-dimensional gravity in the Randall-Sundrum scenario in which two 3-branes of opposite tension reside in a five-dimensional spacetime. The dimensional reduction with the Ansatz for the radion field by Charmousis et al., which solves five-dimensional linearized field equations, results in a class of scalar-tensor gravity theories. In the limit of vanishing radion fluctuations, the effective action reduces to the Brans-Dicke gravity in accord with the results of Garriga and Tanaka: Brans-Dicke gravity with the corresponding Brans-Dicke parameter 0<ω<0< \omega < \infty (for positive tension brane) and 3/2<ω<0-3/2< \omega <0 (for negative tension brane). In general the gravity induced a brane belongs to a class of scalar-tensor gravity with the Brans-Dicke parameter which is a function of the interval and the radion. In particular, gravity on a positive tension brane contains an attractor mechanism toward the Einstein gravity.Comment: 8 pages, discussion expanded, references adde

    Current and future graphics requirements for LaRC and proposed future graphics system

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    The findings of an investigation to assess the current and future graphics requirements of the LaRC researchers with respect to both hardware and software are presented. A graphics system designed to meet these requirements is proposed