9 research outputs found

    Decaying Neutrinos in Galaxy Clusters

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    Davidsen et al. (1991) have argued that the failure to detect uv photons from the dark matter DM) in cluster A665 excludes the decaying neutrino hypothesis. Sciama et al. (1993) argued that because of high central concentration the DM in that cluster must be baryonic. We study the DM profile in clusters of galaxies simulated using the Harrison--Zel'dovich spectrum of density fluctuations, and an amplitude previously derived from numerical simulations (Melott 1984b; Anninos et al. 1991) and in agreement with microwave background fluctuations (Smoot et al. 1992). We find that with this amplitude normalization cluster neutrino DM densities are comparable to observed cluster DM values. We conclude that given this normalization, the cluster DM should be at least largely composed of neutrinos. The constraint of Davidsen et al. can be somewhat weakened by the presence of baryonic DM; but it cannot be eliminated given our assumptions.Comment: 14 pages, requires aaspp.sty. All latex, style files, and postscript files included in a uuencoded compressed-tar file. [email protected]

    Demonstrating Discreteness and Collision Error in Cosmological N-body Simulations of Dark Matter Gravitational Clustering

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    Two-body scattering and other discreteness effects are unimportant in cosmological gravitational clustering in most scenarios, since the dark matter has a small particle mass. The collective field should determine evolution: Two-body scattering in simulations violates the Poisson-Vlasov equations. We test this in PM, P3^3M, Tree, and NGPM codes, noting that a collisionless code will preserve the one-dimensional character of plane wave collapse. We find collisionality vanishing as the softening parameter approaches the mean interparticle separation. Solutions for the problem are suggested, involving greater computer power, PM-based nested grid codes, and a more conservative approach to resolution claims.Comment: Final version accepted for ApJ Letters. Minor revisions, including due to bug fix in tree code. Uses aasms4.sty. 15 pages. Higher resolution figures available at ftp://kusmos.phsx.ukans.edu/preprints/discret

    The Ellipticity and Orientation of Clusters of Galaxies from N-Body Experiments

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    In this study we use simulations of 1283^3 particles to study the ellipticity and orientation of clusters of galaxies in N-body simulations of differing power-law initial spectra (P(k) \propto k^n ,n = +1, 0, -1, -2),anddensityparameters(), and density parameters (\Omega_0 = 0.2to1.0).Furthermore,unlikemosttheoreticalstudieswemimicmostobserversbyremovingallparticleswhichlieatdistancesgreaterthan21/hMpcfromtheclustercenterofmass.Wecomputedtheaxialratioandtheprincipalaxesusingtheinertiatensorofeachcluster.Themeanellipticityofclustersincreasesstronglywithincreasing to 1.0). Furthermore, unlike most theoretical studies we mimic most observers by removing all particles which lie at distances greater than 2 1/h Mpc from the cluster center of mass. We computed the axial ratio and the principal axes using the inertia tensor of each cluster. The mean ellipticity of clusters increases strongly with increasing n.Wealsofindthatclusterstendtobecomemoresphericalatsmallerradii.Wecomparedtheorientationofaclustertotheorientationofneighboringclustersasafunctionofdistance(correlation).Inaddition,weconsideredwhetheraclusterâ€Čsmajoraxistendstoliealongthelineconnectingittoaneighboringcluster,asafunctionofdistance(alignment).Bothalignmentsandcorrelationswerecomputedinthreedimensionsandinprojectiontomimicobservationalsurveys.Ourresultsshowthatsignificantalignmentsexistforallspectraatsmallseparations(. We also find that clusters tend to become more spherical at smaller radii. We compared the orientation of a cluster to the orientation of neighboring clusters as a function of distance (correlation). In addition, we considered whether a cluster's major axis tends to lie along the line connecting it to a neighboring cluster, as a function of distance (alignment). Both alignments and correlations were computed in three dimensions and in projection to mimic observational surveys. Our results show that significant alignments exist for all spectra at small separations (D < 15 h^{-1}Mpc)butdropsoffatlargerdistanceinastrongly Mpc) but drops off at larger distance in a strongly n-$dependent way.Comment: 22 pages, requires aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty, and epsf.sty Revised manuscript, accepted for publication in Ap

    Decaying neutrinos in galaxy clusters

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    Urolithiasis in Children

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