3,857 research outputs found

    Relevance of the observation of UHE gammas to hard X-ray astronomy

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    A number of consequences of the presence of sources of ultra high energy (UHE) gamma rays, exemplified by Cygnus X-3, are examined. It is shown that there should be a flux of hard X-rays at all Galactic latitudes; a significant flux of extragalactic hard X-rays may also result. Relevance to theories of cosmic ray particle origin and propagation is discussed

    Fluctuation relations for heat engines in time-periodic steady states

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    A fluctuation relation for heat engines (FRHE) has been derived recently. In the beginning, the system is in contact with the cooler bath. The system is then coupled to the hotter bath and external parameters are changed cyclically, eventually bringing the system back to its initial state, once the coupling with the hot bath is switched off. In this work, we lift the condition of initial thermal equilibrium and derive a new fluctuation relation for the central system (heat engine) being in a time-periodic steady state (TPSS). Carnot's inequality for classical thermodynamics follows as a direct consequence of this fluctuation theorem even in TPSS. For the special cases of the absence of hot bath and no extraction of work, we obtain the integral fluctuation theorem for total entropy and the generalized exchange fluctuation theorem, respectively. Recently microsized heat engines have been realized experimentally in the TPSS. We numerically simulate the same model and verify our proposed theorems.Comment: 9 page

    Cosmic Needles versus Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

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    It has been suggested by a number of authors that the 2.7K cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation might have arisen from the radiation from Population III objects thermalized by conducting cosmic graphite/iron needle-shaped dust. Due to lack of an accurate solution to the absorption properties of exceedingly elongated grains, in existing literature which studies the CMB thermalizing process they are generally modelled as (1) needle-like spheroids in terms of the Rayleigh approximation; (2) infinite cylinders; and (3) the antenna theory. We show here that the Rayleigh approximation is not valid since the Rayleigh criterion is not satisfied for highly conducting needles. We also show that the available intergalactic iron dust, if modelled as infinite cylinders, is not sufficient to supply the required opacity at long wavelengths to obtain the observed isotropy and Planckian nature of the CMB. If appealing to the antenna theory, conducting iron needles with exceedingly large elongations (10^4) appear able to provide sufficient opacity to thermalize the CMB within the iron density limit. But the applicability of the antenna theory to exceedingly thin needles of nanometer/micrometer in thickness needs to be justified.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; submitted to ApJ

    The Heavy Quark Form Factors at Two Loops

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    We compute the two-loop QCD corrections to the heavy quark form factors in case of the vector, axial-vector, scalar and pseudo-scalar currents up to second order in the dimensional parameter ϵ=(4D)/2\epsilon = (4-D)/2. These terms are required in the renormalization of the higher order corrections to these form factors.Comment: 131 pages, 3 figure

    Heavy quark form factors at two loops in perturbative QCD

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    We present the results for heavy quark form factors at two-loop order in perturbative QCD for different currents, namely vector, axial-vector, scalar and pseudo-scalar currents, up to second order in the dimensional regularization parameter. We outline the necessary computational details, ultraviolet renormalization and corresponding universal infrared structure.Comment: 13 pages Latex, Proceedings of XLI International Conference of Theoretical Physics "Matter to the Deepest", Podlesice, Poland, September 3-8, 2017 and RADCOR 2017, St.~Gilgen Austria, Sept 24-29, 201

    Cosmological Constraints on Theories with Large Extra Dimensions

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    In theories with large extra dimensions, constraints from cosmology lead to non-trivial lower bounds on the fundamental scale M_F, corresponding to upper bounds on the radii of the compact extra dimensions. These constraints are especially relevant to the case of two extra dimensions, since only if M_F is 10 TeV or less do deviations from the standard gravitational force law become evident at distances accessible to planned sub-mm gravity experiments. By examining the graviton decay contribution to the cosmic diffuse gamma radiation, we derive, for the case of two extra dimensions, a conservative bound M_F > 110 TeV, corresponding to r_2 < 5.1 times 10^-5 mm, well beyond the reach of these experiments. We also consider the constraint coming from graviton overclosure of the universe and derive an independent bound M_F > 6.5 h^(-1/2) TeV, or r_2 < .015 h mm.Comment: 10 pages, references adde

    Heavy Quark Form Factors at Three Loops in the Planar Limit

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    We compute the color-planar and complete light quark non-singlet contributions to the heavy quark form factors in the case of the axialvector, scalar and pseudoscalar currents at three loops in perturbative QCD. We evaluate the master integrals applying a new method based on differential equations for general bases, which is applicable for all first order factorizing systems. The analytic results are expressed in terms of harmonic polylogarithms and real-valued cyclotomic harmonic polylogarithms.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    On the Similarity between Cluster and Galactic Stellar Initial Mass Functions

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    The stellar initial mass functions (IMFs) for the Galactic bulge, the Milky Way, other galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and the integrated stars in the Universe are composites from countless individual IMFs in star clusters and associations where stars form. These galaxy-scale IMFs, reviewed in detail here, are not steeper than the cluster IMFs except in rare cases. This is true even though low mass clusters generally outnumber high mass clusters and the average maximum stellar mass in a cluster scales with the cluster mass. The implication is that the mass distribution function for clusters and associations is a power law with a slope of -2 or shallower. Steeper slopes, even by a few tenths, upset the observed equality between large and small scale IMFs. Such a cluster function is expected from the hierarchical nature of star formation, which also provides independent evidence for the IMF equality when it is applied on sub-cluster scales. We explain these results with analytical expressions and Monte Carlo simulations. Star clusters appear to be the relaxed inner parts of a widespread hierarchy of star formation and cloud structure. They are defined by their own dynamics rather than pre-existing cloud boundaries.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, ApJ, 648, in press, September 1, 200